Dick Grayson x Reader - Onesh...

By Remember-to-write

122K 2.7K 382

All fics originally posted on my tumblr. More

The Circle of Life (Feat. Damian Wayne)
Bohemian Rhapsody
Prima Ballerina
Family Movie Night (Feat. Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne)
Fight Club
In Sickness And In Health
Terrified of Whats Inside
Winglady (Feat. Barbara Gordon)
Sick and Tired of Your Shit
Had me at "Hello"
Trick or Treat
Home Again
Random Drabbles
Author's Note

Something Blue

6K 156 28
By Remember-to-write

Y/N woke up with a soft smile on her face. It had been such a nice dream. The same dream she had been having since junior high. Her, Dick, and a little girl with dark hair just like his. It was so perfect it almost made her heart hurt, but she didn't have time to think about that today.

She looked up to see her dress all laid out for the ceremony later. She sighed and got up. Wouldn't do to stay in bed all day thinking about dreams. She would miss the wedding if she did.

Mrs. Dick Grayson.

Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Y/N liked to think so. She was really quite partial to it.

It seemed as though time passed by in a blur. Hair, makeup, last minute arrangements, getting every last little birdie all in a row. She did pause for a moment to look at herself in her dress. She thought she looked like a princess and breathed a sigh of relief at how put together she was.

Finally, she stood at the door of the church ready to walk down the aisle. Her breath caught as she looked up to see Dick standing there, all handsome in his tuxedo, with his brothers lined up beside him. Y/N took in a shaky breath and started down the aisle. She didn't look at Dick as she walked. She was too scared that she would trip over her own feet if she didn't focus on making it to the front of the church.

She did sneak a glance at him as she reached the altar. He wasn't looking at her though.

He was too busy watching for his bride.

Y/N swallowed hard as she took her rightful place as maid of honor. Guess this is what you get for falling in love with your best friend's boyfriend, huh? Especially when you don't tell her about what you are feeling. Between the pain of not being honest with Barbara and seeing Dick happily in love with someone else, Y/N sometimes thought her heart was being ripped in two.

She hadn't told Babs "No" when she asked Y/N to be the maid of honor. Y/N just couldn't think of a legitimate enough reason to refuse without Babs getting suspicious. So here she stood watching the love of her life marry the love of his life.

Fate really has a way of being cruel now doesn't it? Y/N took Barbara's bouquet with an encouraging smile as the redhead joined hands with her soon-to-be-husband.

Y/N couldn't tell you one word that was said throughout the rest of the night. She really and truly just smiled and played her part.

Hand Babs the ring.

Look happy for the couple.

Hand Babs back her bouquet after the ceremony is over.

She somehow managed to make it through pictures with a smile on her face.

She looked for an out and as soon as she got one, she snuck away from the reception.

"You know, you were starting to look a little bit like Joker with that fake smile." She heard a soft voice say as she walked out the side door. She turned to find Jason standing there. She froze as he approached her. "Leaving so soon?"

"I am not feeling the best right now." She wasn't lying. She had been in emotional pain all night.

Jason's eyes searched hers and he nodded. "I hope you begin to feel better soon." He had known for a while how she truly felt, even if Babs and Dick were to blind to notice.

She gave him a wobbly smile as she turned and walked off into the night, humming the lullaby from her dream. Better couldn't come soon enough to ease her broken heart.

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