In Sickness And In Health

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Prompt: Dick & the reader are dating for a while & he takes her to a family dinner at the manor but Batmom doesn't like the reader or their relationship (maybe she thinks Dick would be better with Barbara & thinks the reader is a gold digger) & doesn't approve of their relationship until one day when Dick gets sick & she goes over to check up on him & sees the reader taking care of him (+ them being generally fluffy) & Batmom takes the reader aside & apologizes & approves of their relationship with Dick by anon

Y/N looked up at the manor and tried to steady her shaking hands. Today was the day she was meeting Dick's parents. Well, his mother. She had already met Bruce and the boys.

"Hey, are you okay?" Dick asked as he leaned over and took her hand.

Y/N let out an unsteady breath. "Yeah, I am just a little nervous. I really want her to like me."

Dick smiled and kissed the back of her hand. "She will. Jason and Tim already like you and Damian is starting to warm up. Plus there is the fact that I am hopelessly in love with you." Dick teased slightly.

Y/N laughed. "You're right. Let's head in before we are late."

"So, Y/N. How did you and Dick meet?" Mrs. Wayne asked. They were all sitting around the dinner table.

"We met through work. The cafe I work at was robbed and he was one of the officers who was taking stories. We sort of just hit it off and here we are now." Y/N said with a smile.

Though the older woman didn't outright say anything, Y/N could tell that wasn't quite the story she wanted to here. The rest of the meal passed with no obvious bumps or mishaps.

"Thank you so much for having us for dinner." Y/N said as she and Dick were getting ready to leave.

"Of course. This will always be Dick's home." Mrs. Wayne said warmly. Y/N couldn't help but feel the small bite in those words. Dick's home. Meaning she wasn't welcome and she wouldn't be enough. She shook off those thoughts. That couldn't possibly be what the woman meant.

"I cannot believe you." Y/N muttered as she pushed Dick back down onto the bed. "You fell into the river at night in November in Gotham City and decided to continue with patrol?"

"In my defense, it didn't feel that cold. I thought the thermal lining of my suit would be enough." Dick finished with a sneeze.

"Well, it wasn't." Y/N huffed. She stood there looking down at her boyfriend. His face was a feverish pink color and his eyes were dull. The irritation deflated from her.

"You stay there. I am going to make some soup." she said as she moved towards the door.

She paused in the doorway and turned around. "If you so much as think about leaving that bed, I will kick your ass." She heard Dick curse softly under his breath as she moved to the kitchen.

She quickly put on some soup and let it cook. She pulled out her phone and took a deep breath before calling Dick's mom. "Hey, Mrs. Wayne. This is Y/N. I was wondering if you could please tell Bruce that Dick isn't going to be coming over anytime soon as he is sick right now."

"Oh. Well, would you mind if I came over and brought some things for him?" Mrs. Wayne asked "He is usually very difficult when he is sick."

"Sure. Come over whenever you want. I'm going to go give him some soup and make sure he hasn't jumped out the window yet." Y/N said as she ended the call.

She served up some soup and came back to find Dick still in bed, but on his phone.

"What are you doing?" Y/N said as she set the soup on the bedside table and crawled into bed next to him.

"I was calling in sick to work." Dick answered as he set his phone down and reached for the mug of soup.

"Great. I called your mom to tell her to tell Bruce you aren't going on patrol until you are better. She is coming over soon." She said as she picked up her own mug of soup.

Dick paused for a minute. "Are you okay with that? I noticed how she made you feel last time we were at the manor."

"Dick, she is your mother. I wanted her to like me, but that is just not what happened, but she loves you and wants to make sure you are okay."

At that moment, the doorbell rang.

"Well, that was quick." Y/N said as she got up and went to answer the door.

"I was already in Bludhaven on business when I got your call. Is he okay?" Mrs. Wayne said as she entered the apartment. She quickly scrutinized the room and then turned to look at Y/N.

"Yes, ma'am. He is in bed right now, but you can come see him." Y/N said as she led the way.

"Hey, Mom! How are you?" Dick asked from the bed. "Y/N's been taking really good care of me. She made me soup and everything."

Y/N walked over to him and put a hand to his forehead. "You need more tylenol." She turned to the other woman. "You come keep him company while I go get some. We ran out this morning." She grabbed her purse and put on some shoes and was out the door before Mrs. Wayne could form a response.

"Come sit with me, Mom." Dick said. He scooted over to make room on his side of the bed. His mother came over and sat next to him. "So. You want to tell me why you don't like my girlfriend?"

Mrs. Wayne sighed. "I just. I don't want to see you end up with someone you have to support for the rest of your life. Barista's don't get very big paychecks and you are Bruce Wayne's son."

"She isn't a gold digger if that is what you are worried about. I actually had to work for weeks just to get her to agree to go out with me. Plus, I tend to be pretty hard to take care of if you couldn't tell." Dick chuckled as he took a bite of soup. "If she was in this for the money, she would have left the first time I crawled through the window all bruised and bloody."

"She knows about Nightwing?" Mrs. Wayne asked, very surprised.

"She lives with me, Mom. I trust her and I love her more than I love anyone else in the world." Dick said.

"Okay, so I got some tylenol and a couple other things that should also help." Y/N said as she came into the room. "Am I interrupting something? I can go back out if you need me to."

"That won't be necessary, sweetheart." Mrs. Wayne said as she got up. "I was just on my way out." She paused in the doorway and looked Y/N in the eyes. "You take very good care of him okay?" and then she left.

"What was that about?" Y/N asked, turning to face Dick.

Dick just shrugged and continued eating his soup, trying very hard not to let Y/N see the huge smile on his face.

Dick Grayson x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now