Prima Ballerina

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Prompt: Dick with a ballerina girlfriend by anon

A/N: I know exactly nothing about ballet. Keep that in mind lol

"Okay so you are going to point your toes like this." Y/N demonstrated.

Dick studied her for a moment before copying her stance.

"Good, okay now you are going to hold your arms like this." Y/N moved and held her position gracefully.

Dick once again studied her for a moment before copying her, this time with a little less success.

"You are too stiff. Loosen up a bit." Y/N commanded

"How about you come over and show me." Dick flirted

"I should have known when you asked me to teach you some moves you were just trying to flirt with me." Y/N laughed, letting her arms fall to her sides.

"Well, I kinda made it pretty obvious I just wanted to spend time with you." Dick said, moving to stand close to her. "I do really want to watch you dance though."

"Well, then I'll do one of the routines I have been practicing." Y/N said, walking over to the stereo. She turned on the music and started to dance. Once she started, she forgot Dick was watching. She almost forgot that there was a world outside of her and the music.

When she finished and the music stopped, she paused, frozen in the moment.

"That was amazing." Dick said in quiet awe. His words brought her back to reality.

"I'm glad you liked it." Y/N said slightly out of breathe.

"Liked it? I loved it! You have a gift." Dick said excitedly.

Y/N blushed and avoided his gaze for a minute. "Hey, do you wanna go get something to eat?"

"Anything for my prima ballerina." Dick said with a deep bow.

Y/N just smiled and let him lead her out the door.

Dick Grayson x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now