Bohemian Rhapsody

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Prompt: Can I request? Like, a Nightwing imagine where he comes home to his s/o and finds her bleeding and unconscious and dying (gunshot wounds) on the floor of their apartment. Maybe an enemy of Nightwing found out he cares about her and tries to kill her. And he just panics and tries to save her. But the s/o survives and recovers in the end and it ends fluffy. by anon

It had been a long day, but Dick wasn't tired just yet. He and Y/N had planned a night out. Well, he had. She was going to be so surprised when she saw-

The sound of a single gunshot interrupted his inner monologue. His instincts immediately took over and he ran towards the sound of the noise. He heard the culprit before he saw him. The young man was stumbling as fast he he could away from the scene, his face pale and tears running down his face. He didn't fight when Dick subdued him.

"I didn't mean to. Oh god oh god I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to." He chanted under his breath, more to himself than to Dick.

After the initial wave of adrenaline subsided, Dick became aware of his surroundings. He was in his own apartment building.


He ran as fast as he could to his door, only to be met with the one sight he had hoped he would never see. Y/N was lying on her back in the doorway of their kitchen. She had heard the door burst open and her presence had startled the young man. He hadn't meant to pull the trigger, but here she was, bleeding out on the tile floor.

"Shit. It's gonna be okay, baby, you are gonna be fine. Fuck." Dick rambled as he grabbed a nearby hand towel and compressed the growing red spot on her abdomen.

He didn't remember calling 911. He didn't remember them putting Y/N on a gurney, getting into the ambulance, or the ride to the hospital. But suddenly here he was standing outside an operating room being told to go to the waiting room.

"I'm sorry, sire, but you are going to have to wait out here." a nurse told him as she blocked his path and his view.

"You don't understand, that is my girlfriend! The love of my life! I can't just stand around and do nothing." Dick argued with tear running down his face.

"There is nothing you can do for her right now." and with those words the nurse closed the doors in his face.

The first thing that registered to Y/N wasn't the beep of the machines monitoring her vitals. Nor was it the distinct smell that can only be described as hospital. It was the sound of someone sniffling. Who was crying? And why were they crying? After a moment, she realized the sound was coming from her boyfriend. But why? Had she fallen asleep while they were watching The Lion King again?

She opened her eyes only to close them again. It was too bright. She tried again and saw a bed and machines and linoleum floors.

A hospital. I am in a hospital.

She wracked her brain, trying to remember what had happened and it all came back with a rush. Her face in the mirror getting ready, the sound of the door slamming open, the boy's startled face, the loud crack of the gunshot, hearing Dick's voice but from a distance. She closed her eyes and shut out the memories.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" Dick's voice cut through the fog swirling in her thoughts.

She opened her eyes and found his bright blue ones staring back at her. The were bloodshot and red rimmed. He had been crying.

"How are you feeling, baby? Do you need anything?" He asked, smoothing a hand over her hair.

"I'm fine, I think. How are you?" Y/N said groggily.

"How am I? You are the one lying in a hospital bed after that good-for-nothing punk shot you." Dick growled.

"Hey, he didn't mean to. I surprised him." Y/N tried to reason

"He shouldn't have been breaking into our home. He shouldn't have even had a gun, for fuck's sake." Dick said.

"Look, I am not trying to argue that the kid didn't make bad decisions. I am just saying he didn't set out to shoot me."

"Oh, well by all means let's elect him mayor." Dick said snidely.

"Dick, he was just a kid and a scared one at that." Y/N said. "What about Jason?"

"What about him? I don't see what he has to do with a kid breaking into our house and shooting you."

"Well, this could have just as easily been him." Y/N said firmly

"No, no it couldn't. Jason is a good kid with good intentions." Dick pointed out.

"Yes, he is. But he was also a street kid. He had to make some tough decisions and take some risks. One of those being to try and steal the tires off the batmobile. Think about what might have happened to him had Bruce not taken him in. He could have just as easily found a gun and decided to rob a home." Y/N's words made Dick go quiet. He honestly hadn't thought about the kid other than to blame him for injuring Y/N.

"I hadn't thought about that. What I want to know though is how you can forgive him so quickly, you literally just got shot in the stomach by this kid and yet you are so willing to protect him?" Dick asked, really confused.

"He started crying. After he shot me. He said he was so sorry and his face.. It was like he was suddenly realizing what had happened. I can't explain it really, I just- I can't hate him and I don't want you to either." Y/N pleaded

"For you, I could do anything. Even if it means forgiving him." Dick assured her

"Good. Now can you ask them if I am allowed to eat? I think I am hungry." Y/N commanded.

"Your wish is my command, Princess." Dick said with a mock bow as he exited the room.

Dick Grayson x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now