Sick and Tired of Your Shit

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Prompt: Can I pretty please with a cherry on top get one where Dick has a man cold and he's being all whiny and extra and shit. Like he's so freaking dramatic and his s/o has to take care of him. Bonus round: She has to take care of him because she lost nose-goes against the other boys (they've all had to take care of this giant man-baby before and no one wants to live through that again) by @blight-incarnate

"I think I am dying." Dick said as he flopped onto the couch.

"What makes you think that?" Y/N said as she turned the page in the book she was reading.

Dick rested his head in Y/N's lap before beginning to list his symptoms. "My throat hurts, my head is heavy, and my nose is full of-"

"Okay, I get the picture." Y/N said as she set her book down. She laid her wrist against his forehead. "You feel pretty warm."

"Well, that is a symptom of being hot." Dick teased. He laughed when Y/N lightly smacked his arm. His laughter soon turned into a coughing fit that left him doubled over and panting.

"We should probably take you to see a doctor." Y/N said as she rubbed his back. Dick started to protest, but began coughing again before he could talk. When this round of coughing subsided, he turned to her and nodded slowly.

Four hours later, after sitting in a waiting room filled with other sick people and seeing a doctor, they finally had a diagnosis and a prescription.

"Well, at least it isn't the flu." Y/N said as they waited for the prescription to be filled.

"It is fucking strep, Y/N." Dick whined as he nuzzled her shoulder. He was quickly becoming a needy mess.

"At least it isn't the flu." Y/N reasserted. They managed to get Dick's medicine and some other things they would need to keep him comfortable and on the road to recovery. Y/N called Alfred on their way home.

"Dick is taking some time off from parol. He has strep and I am not letting him out until he is better." Y/N said after greeting the older man.

"You may change your mind about that, Miss Y/N. Master Richard is not an easy patient." Alfred said. "I will bring over some soup."

"Thank you, Alfred." Y/N sighed as she unlocked the front door. Dick had his arms around her waist and his head buried in her shoulder. He had been leaning on her for support for three blocks now and Y/N had never been more happy to see her apartment. "I had bought some cans of soup, but I think homemade is a much better option."

"Indeed. I'll bring it over tonight, if that is okay with you." Y/N could hear Alfred already gathering the ingredients.

"That is perfect. We'll see you then." Y/N said as she hung up the phone. "Okay, you giant baby, let's get you to bed."

Y/N walked Dick to the bed and pushed him down on it. He flopped onto his back and whined. "Y/N.... My shoes are still on."

"What do you want me to do about it?" Y/N said as she took off her own shoes.

"Take em off me... Please?" He whined in a higher voice. Y/N groaned and pulled them off. She turned to go and put the supplies they had bought away when she heard Dick whine again. "Y/N.... My pants are still on."

Y/N grumbled before walking over and helping him slide his jeans off. She stepped away again when she head Dick whine yet again. "Y/N..."

"What?" She snapped.

"I just wanted to say thank you. Why did you yell at me?" Dick whimpered.

Y/N sighed and rubbed her eyes. "I'm sorry. Now I have to go put the stuff away and get your medicine."

She went into the kitchen a pulled out her phone. She shot a quick text to Jason. "Come help me. Your brother is driving me insane."

She was pouring a cup of Sprite for Dick to take his medicine with when her phone vibrated. "When you are dating him, he is not my brother: he is your boyfriend. Besides, I already played that role and I don't cherish the thought of assuming it again."

Y/N groaned and shot back a reply. "Fuck you, edgelord." She could practically hear Jason's laughter from where she stood.

When she walked back into the room, Dick was shirtless and under the covers. "You need to take your medicine." She said as she set the cup down on the bedside table. Dick grumbled and disappeared under the covers.

Y/N pulled the covers back. "Get up and take these pills. Now. I am not above pouring water on your head." Dick whined again before sitting up. She handed the pills and the cup to him and watched him carefully as he popped them in his mouth and swallowed them with the drink. Y/N sighed as she brushed the hair off his flushed forehead. "There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Dick nodded slowly before he buried his face in her shoulder again.

"I'm sorry I am such a handful." He mumbled.

"You are a man-baby is what you are," Y/N laughed. "But I love you anyways."

Dick hummed and snuggled closer. Y/N stroked his hair and tried not to think about how she would probably be just as sick the next day.

Dick Grayson x Reader - OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora