Home Again

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Prompt: Can I request a Dick (YJ verse) imagine where his s/o sacrifices themselves for the team's safety by traveling to another universe back when he was still Robin. They reunite after he becomes Nightwing by suddenly showing up at Mt. Justice ☺️Hopefully I'm not too late with sending this in. Thank you 💕💕💕

A/N: This wasn't beta'd so don't @ me

Dick honestly tried not to think about it, but even now, five years later, it still haunted him.

It was supposed to be a simple mission.

Some teenagers were going missing so the team was sent to investigate and, hopefully, resolve the situation. What they had stumbled across was a multidimensional trafficking ring. Teens would be taken from their world and their kidnappers were getting rich beyond their wildest dreams. The team arrived just in time to find the portal, but, in the fighting, Y/N had traveled to the other side. When the connection closed and the dust settled, it became obvious that she had not returned.

Everyone had been devastated. Kaldur blamed himself. M'gann was inconsolable and even Conner was visibly upset. But Dick?

Dick was heartbroken. She had been his best friend. The person he went to when he needed to rant about Bruce or talk about his doubts for the future, whether he would ever be a fit leader for the team. Hell, he had told her some things that even Wally didn't know. To make matters that much more painful, they were supposed to go on their first date that Friday.

Over the years, the pain had dulled, but he still felt the loss. There were still times when he would turn to crack a joke before realizing she wasn't there.

The hardest day had been when Jason died and his hologram was placed beside hers in the grotto. It was almost like Dick was cursed to lose everyone around him.

He got over that mindset, albeit not fully, but enough to keep moving forward.

He was pulled out of his contemplation by the sound of Conner slamming Tim into ground.

"I think that's enough for now, Robin." He called out. Tim looked like he wanted to argue against it, but remained silent.

At that moment, an alarm went off in the cave. Nightwing rushed to the computer and began to look for the source of the disturbance.

"What's going on?" Conner asked.

"A portal just opened." Nightwing said, his face going pale. He pulled up a map and triangulated the location.

"Isn't that where..." Conner's voice trailed off, not wanting to name it the place they lost Y/N.

"Exactly." Nightwing said, his tone grim. "I'm going to go check it out. I'll radio if I need help."

His mind raced as he traveled to the place. He hadn't been there since what happened. Part of him had wanted to analyze every dust particle to find a way to get her back, but he knew it would be futile. The portal had been opened from the other side. So when it closed, there was no trace that anything had even been there.

He carefully approached where the computer said the portal opened. There appeared to be nothing there, but appearances can be tricky.

Dick heard a noise behind him just in time to turn. He grabbed the fist that swung at him, twisting it around his attacker's back. Suddenly, he found himself face to face with an older version of the girl he had lost all those years ago.

"Y/N?" He asked tentatively, releasing her wrist and stepping back.

Y/N laughed, that smile he had missed so much lighting her face. "Well, if it isn't Boy Wonder."

Dick Grayson x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now