Don't Break Me

By deadlykidrauhl

64.4K 3.5K 1.9K

Justin is broken. At only 17, he is a shell of what he use to be. He gets abused, insulted, laughed at, stare... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 38

810 58 16
By deadlykidrauhl

Justin's POV:

"Q-quickly J-Jason w-we w-will be l-late!" I yelled out making sure that Jason was running on time. I have already missed far too much school and really don't want to miss anymore. I still had all of my school books and things in my backpack at Jason's from when he brought me home the other day. Jason had let me burrow a set of clothes for the day and we agreed that I would go back to my house tonight. I missed my mum and I felt so bad for not seeing her in over two days. I made sure to send her a message on my new iPhone that Jason bought me. I was honestly so taken aback from that. I was not expecting to see him do something like that, which is honestly making me wonder if he has actually changed himself.

I was excited to go back to school and see Sam though. I hadn't seen him a quite some time and I really hope that he has been okay while I haven't been there. I am worried that Ryan and Chaz are going to destroy me today and break me down to nothing. I am also worried that Jason's attitude towards me lately has been part of a big ploy just to hurt me and push me over the edge. But I also wonder what is going to happen when Jason and Sam see each other. I still have this weird feeling that Jason is the person that left those threatening notes for Sam, but he did promise me it wasn't him. I hope that they both like each other because Sam became such a good friend to me in my time of need and Jason has shown over the last two days that he actually is a human and not a monster.

"Alright let's get this over and done with," Jason groaned as he walked down the stairs tiredly. He was wearing light blue ripped jeans, a plain white shirt and bright white vans and his hair was messily styled to the side. He walked over to me and pecked his lips against my cheek before taking my hand and leading me out the front door and too his car. Jason pulled out of his driveway and began to make way for school tuning into the radio and bobbing his head along to the music in the background.

We pulled into the entrance to the school and Jason made way for his usual car spot. Instantly as his car drove up the smooth road, all eyes from the students became glued to the car as if he were some popular celebrity. I was thankful that he had tinted windows, but still felt uneasy having all those eyes looking in my way. I sank down into my seat as if that were going to stop everyone from looking at the car. Jason must have noticed this because I heard him let out a sigh in annoyance and mutter under his breath. I looked to him and furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what he said.

"J-Jason?" I asked nervously as I placed my hand over his muscular bicep. His head shot up and he made direct eye contact with me. I stared into his ice blue orbs and felt like I was under some type of trance with him. Jason sucked the corner of his bottom lip in and closed his eyes for a brief moment.

"Justin?" He said calmly as he let out a breath of air. His eyes opened slowly as once again we stared at each other in the eyes. "I know that you don't feel comfortable with all these people staring at you. I'm sorry they do that but just pretend they aren't here okay?" He said trying to convince me that it would be okay. I looked down to the floor of the car a let out a sigh and grabbed my backpack.

"Oh and Justin," Jason said as I moved my hand to unlock the door and leave the car. I hummed at him as I continued my movements. "I won't let anything bad happen okay?"

I rolled my eyes slightly at what Jason said because I knew what the people here are like. They won't stop until I am dead, it's what they all want. I can't really blame them though. If I were to die then I'd be one less problem for people to worry about. I opened the door and out of habit shot my head straight down to the ground. I instantly felt eyes burning into me with pure hatred and judgement and I knew that everyone was talking about how I am back and how I should just die. My stomach felt uneasy and tears built up in my eyes. I took a few steps forward before the usual routine started up.

"The fagboy is back."

"Damn I thought he died."

"Does he look fatter to anyone?"

"I am glad he always looks down, we don't have to see his ugliness."

I felt the tears begin to slip down my cheeks as I took another few steps, continuing to hear all the hate about me.

"If y'all don't want to shut the fuck up I will happily knock your teeth out!" Jason spat with venom in his tone. I raised my head slowly and saw Jason standing a few feet away from me with that smirk he gets on his face. He looked at me briefly and I shot my head straight back down to the ground. I became frozen in my place and I felt all the bad memories flow into my mind. I started to shake from the fear of Jason that has built up in me after everything he has ever done to me.

"Justin," I heard him say with a calmer voice. Fear was still instilled inside of me and I couldn't react to him. "Justin are you okay?" I heard Jason asked again with his tone sounding more soothing this time. I heard footsteps approach me which was followed by the gentle touch of his hand rubbing down my shoulder. I used his free hand to move my head up so that we were locked in each other's gaze. Jason's eyes had changed from their bright blue colour to a darker colour. His expression no longer radiated fear rather it showed sorrow and concern.

"Justin I didn't mean to scare you. I was talking to them and not to you. I am sorry." He said as he pulled my into his chest for a comforting hug. I felt myself starting to feeling less on edge. Jason broke the hug and intertwined our hands together before leading the way for him and I to walk through the front doors to the school. I had my gaze glued down to the floor and did not once look up. Even though Jason was next to me and though he did promise to protect me, it just fed the other students more topics about me to talk about. I couldn't imagine how difficult this must have been for Jason right now. He has spent the better part of his school time to make sure that daily I get beaten down and broken. And yet, here he stands with our hands held together and walking side by side.

Jason's POV:

I felt Justin's grip of my hand tighten a little and I knew that he was not at all feeling comfortable with what we were doing. But at the same time, I wasn't about to let any of these dumbass people harm him. Anyone wants Justin, well, they have to go through me. Walking through the hallway and past all of the students by their lockers, I heard multiple comments made about Justin and me.

"The fuck is Jason doing with that worthless shit?"

"Maybe he is taking him somewhere to kill him?"

"Yeah I would pay to see that hilarious shit."

"Fuck him up McCann."

I stopped my walking and felt my body become tense. A burst of rage was shooting through my veins and I had no control over it. I clenched my spare hand into a fist and slammed it into some kid's locker that was next to me. Everybody stopped talking and the hallway fell silent. I could tell that if we didn't have all the attention on us both before, well, we did not. Justin grabbed onto the arm that our hands were being held and pulled it in close to him. He then wrapped both of his arms around me tightly and I heard him let out a little whimper.

"If anyone has a problem with Justin and me walking down this hallway together, then please step forward and make yourself known." I said sternly but in a calming manner. I looked around the area to see if anyone was going to do something about all the shit they were talking. Instead they all just stood in their places like a bunch a sheep and said nothing.

"No one at all? That's a shame because I can hear you all talk about it." I questioned again furrowing my eyebrows. Again not one word was said and the movements in the hallway had ceased. The fear that has built around me was evident right now and I chuckled to myself loudly.

"Perfect. Well I am going to continue walking down the hallway with Justin and I expect to not hear a thing. Understand?" I mocked them in a sarcastic voice. I saw heads begin to nod in agreement all around and I smirked and continued to walk, patting on Justin's back to let him know everything was okay.

I walked with Justin to his locker to make sure that no funny business was going to happen. Thankfully our first two classes were together so I could be sure that absolutely nothing would happen. I even sat next to Justin which caused a few stares from the other students, but they knew about my previous outburst and not to question it. I ignored the majority of the classwork and spent the time just staring at Justin and taking in his beauty. One thing I found extremely cute about him was that whenever he concentrates he sticks his tongue out. I smiled every time that I saw him do this as it was adorable.

The bell rang signalling that it was first lunch break. I walk hand-in-hand with Justin out of the classroom and to the lockers to put our books into. We made way to the lunchroom but I stopped in a quiet hallway just outside of it. I raised both hands on Justin's shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

"Justin I know that eating isn't something you are great with at the moment. But do me a favour and just have something little to eat?" Justin scrunched up his nose cutely and looked to be debating with himself on whether or not he should eat. "If they see you not eating it is only going to give them more shit to say to you. Please just something small? I will be right with you?"

Justin looked into my eyes and nodded his head in agreement. He quickly took my and in his and dropped his head back down to the ground. I felt sad that it had become so normal to him the always look down. We walked into the lunchroom together and surprise, surprise, there everyone was staring up at us. I ignored it and walked over to get some food, feeling a little hungrier since I forgot to eat breakfast. I looked to see what Justin was grabbing and saw that he got a muffin and bottle of water. I sighed but knew that he was at least trying for me. I looked around for a table and saw that everyone was still looking at us as if we were on display. I rolled my eyes as I looked around the room at all the glaring eyes.

"Oh take a fucking picture it will last longer," I said with annoyance obvious. A few heads continued to look as the majority looked down. I shrugged my shoulders and carried on to find a table near the window. I sat right next to Justin and made sure that he would feel comfortable. I ate my two sandwiches, a muffin, fruit and drank my bottle of juice as I looked over to Justin who had taken maybe one or two bites of the muffin. He was looking at it just playing with the crumbs that his bites had made before he looked up to me. I could see him instantly looked embarrassed with himself as he looked at me but I sent him a smile.

"Thank you Justin," I said as I leant in closer to him and pecked his cheek lightly. We continued to sit with one another with our heads resting against each other. I was till tired from the late night drive that we had taken, but I do not regret it. I was enjoying the moment of having Justin next to me when suddenly I was taken out of it. I heard a voice speak to us and it was so familiar. I couldn't exactly pinpoint where I had heard it from so I looked up to see who it was. I became instantly tense in my place and my eyes went wide. I didn't know what to say or do in that moment as I was looking at the familiar face that was just staring back at me with the same expression of shock and fear. I knew exactly when, where and how I knew that voice from and looking at the person whom it belonged to bought back the memory. All he said was:

"Hey Justin and ..."


Heyoooo all how are you? I hope you are well.

Thank you to everyone who is reading, voting and commenting... it makes me want to continue to write :)

As always let me know what you think about the chapter. 

Who do you think it is at the end?

I will be updating again tomorrow hopefully <3

Until next time, farewell and love you all

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