Seeking Sabina (Completed)

By WowieWrites

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Timothy Troy Loreto Sebastian is a young man blessed with wealth and physical grace. He grew up with his affe... More

Chapter I: Wonderful Disaster
Chapter II: Broken Spirit
Chapter III: Anticipated Chaos
Chapter IV: Soft but Unyielding
Chapter V: Saved by a Stalker
Chapter VI: Working Late
Chapter VII: Drained Patience
Chapter VIII: Sabina's Cradle
Chapter IX: When Waves Crashed
Chapter X: Grim Sunshine
Chapter XI: Enticing Sigh
Chapter XII-Hidden in Plain Sight
Chapter XIII: Silent Collision
Chapter XIV: Warrior's Soul
Chapter XV: Mad Serious
Chapter XVI: Thicker than Water
Chapter XVII: Staggering Tower
Chapter XVIII: Emotional Tangles
Chapter XIX: Crystal Clear
Chapter XX: Innocence Surrendered
Chapter XXI: The Big Leap
Chapter XXII: A Step Closer
Chapter XXIII: Blissful No More
Chapter XXIV: The Matriarch's Dilemma
Chapter XXV: Open Secret
Chapter XXVI: Timothy's Woe
Chapter XXVII: With Regrets
Chapter XXVIII: Desperate Move
Chapter XXIX: Bond Mended
Chapter XXX: On Hold
Chapter XXXI: Torn
Chapter XXXII: Falling Out
Chapter XXXIII: Separate Lives
Chapter XXXIV: Secrets Revealed
Chapter XXXV: Three Moons
Chapter XXXVI: Up Side Down
Chapter XXXVII: I do
Chapter XXXVIII: Someone New
Chapter XXXIX: New Horizon
Chapter XL: Four's a Crowd
Chapter XLI: Another Shot
Chapter XLII: A Sign
Chapter XLIII: Mixed Signals
Chapter XLIV: Hopeless
Chapter XLV: Nicholas' Intended
Chapter XLVI: Betrothed
Chapter XLVII: Left Hanging
Chapter XLIII: Chasing Destiny
Chapter XLIX: Promise
Chapter L: Burnt Letter
Chapter LII: The struggle
Chapter LIII: Redemption
Chapter LIV: Sacrifices
Chapter LV: A piece of you
Chapter LVI: More than Enough
Chapter LVII: In Need
Chapter LVIII: Misfortunes
Chapter XLIX: Shadow
Chapter LX: Union
Epilogue: Isabella and Nicholas

Chapter LI: Conspiracy

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By WowieWrites

It was a rainy late afternoon when Timothy met the twins at the cradle. He will officially lay all his plans in front of them so that they could help him win back their sister.

The Dela Vega twins knew that what they are doing was a bit over board but they really wanted to help the young architect so he could have the second chance he had been praying for. Both also knew that their youngest sibling was still head over heels in love with the Sebastian lad.

"So what's your plan, Tim?" The eldest of the twins asked the young architect forwardly.

With a solemn face, Timothy Sebastian looked at the twins seated across him at the Cradle's immaculate living room. "I'm planning to tell her everything because just like you guys I want a fresh start, as in clean slate, no secrets, no holding back and no doubts." He replied in a determined tone.

"We're with you on that. It will strengthen your relationship more and at the same time it will decrease the stress and the anxiety. And that's more appropriate and righteous." Jacob readily agreed.

The young architect weighed his next words, it's a bit too much but he knew that he need all the help he could get. "I know that it's a bit too much to ask, but I'm really desperate. Could you both spy on your little sister for me? You knew too well how Sabina is. She's stubborn as a mule and I'm worried that she might run away from me if I became too insistent, which by the way I will probably be. The situation is quite difficult so I have to exhaust all ways and exert more effort, so please help me." He explained, thinking that dealing with a determined Sabina was never easy.

The twin lawyers looked at each other first before responding and Timothy knew that they were communicating through their eyes. When he saw Jacob tilted his head slightly he knew that the twins have reached a decision.

"Alright! But only her whereabouts, okay? You know how Sabina hates stalking. We three will surely be doomed if she finds out." Anton stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The young architect chanted, truly grateful with the Dela Vega twins' help.

"And one thing more, could we keep this between the three of us?" He was a bit hesitant with the stalking matter.

Vigorously, Anton and Jacob nodded their heads. "Of course, abuela and papa might go berserk if they found out that we are conniving with you. Abuela, will surely have our heads." Jacob replied immediately, his tone worried and unsure.

Doña Esperanza is a petite fragile old woman but her fierceness and strength still reigns in the family and no one with their right mind would attempt to pissed her off. Look just what happened to the late Doña Antonia Dela Vega y Villalobos.

"We're good then?" Anton asked.

The two other men bobbed their heads in response while eagerly awaiting for the eldest Dela Vega's next words.

"Now, I want your advice at something. I'm about to venture in another business, still real estate and I want your opinions about it." He said, using a tone that were casual amongst brothers.

A small smile emerged from Jose Jacobo's lips. While Timothy's jaws dropped. "Me, included?" His articulateness disappeared due to astonishment.

Both the twins guffawed at his comical expression. "Of course!" The older twin simply replied.

Jacob readily patted Timothy's back. "Get used to it, Tim. Get used to it." He mumbled, genuinely regaled of the latter's dumbfounded reaction.

The three talked about the said business until dinner time. Around 8:00 o'clock in the evening their stomach began to growled so they decided to call for food delivery. "I miss Aria even more in times like this, I miss her version of Laing and Bicol express." Anton commented.

While waiting for their food to arrive that the only time that they noticed how stormy the weather outside was. They turned on the television in the den and found out that most of the streets were flooded.

"Tim, I think it safer if you spend the night here at the cradle. You used to live here so I'm sure you'll be comfortable here. It's quite risky to drive in a weather like this." Anton suggested.

Thankful, the young architect bobbed his head. "Sure and thank you."

The trio continued to discuss the business until their food arrived. As they were eating, Jacob asked about the Sea and Sky and with great gusto Timothy inform them about the updates and developments of the enormous leisure park.

It was not until 10:00 o'clock when the twins left Timothy. The twins decided to spent the night at Jacobs unit, 5 floors below the penthouse.

Luckily, Timothy always bring a change of clothing in his X5 so it was no problem for him.

The storm raged on through the evening so the young architect found himself unable to sleep so he started to feel uneasily. He stood up from their bed and paced at the room then he turned on the Television but couldn't find any channel of his liking until she saw Sabina's night stand.

Maybe her old MP3 player and earphones are still here. He thought, knowing that the music and earphones could easily drowned the sound of the howling winds and thunder claps outside.

The young architect began to ransacked Sabina's belongings but instead of finding what he was looking for, his attention was caught by an extremely thick bundle of letters, some were really old judging from their color and texture.

The thick bundle was held together by a satin sea green and aqua blue ribbon, the color of the ocean.

He knew that what he was doing was bad but he was helpless against the curiosity inside him.

Slowly, he untied the ribbon and plucked the most discolored and shriveled of all.

God! These are all the angry letters she had written through the years. He exclaimed mentally. His mind was screaming for him to stop by his hands moved on their own accord.

He opened the first letter and read on.


                                                                                     May 2004


Why you do you hate so much? Why do you always tell me that I'm plain and ugly? Why do you always tell me that I'm useless and a burden. Am I that worthless in your eyes?

Abuela use to tell me that you are just angry and upset that's why those mean words come out of you mouth but I noticed that you're never in a good mood whenever I'm around. Is it me that makes you angry? Is it my ugliness that ruins your day?

I know I shouldn't be writing about this but it hurts, you're hurting me deeply mama. You're always mean to me. Stupid, imbecile, dumb and weak are mean words mama. Didn't you know that?

You always make me cry  because you shout all the time but it scares me that these past few days, it bothers me a lot and that I'm beginning to get angry at you, too. I get so mad that I wanted to shout at you and I'm tempted to say mean words to you, too. Does that make me a terrible daughter? But you really are a terrible mother.

I'll be in high-school this school year but you're too ashamed to enroll me in a formal school. You said I'm too ugly and too dumb to be outside. You said I'm to weak to be friends with others and that I'm too stupid so going in a formal school will just bring shame to this family.

But I want to try mama. I want to experience normal schooling, to eat lunch with my soon to be friends, to study with them and do school stuff with them.

You always make me feel so small and incapable, you always make me feel inadequate and I hate you for that. Mother's should love, support and encourage their kids but you do the opposite, mama, that's why I hate you.

{There were discolored blots on the paper and Timothy knew that these were tears that fell from young Sabina's eyes while she was writing this letter.}

I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be saying that, mama. I'm so sorry.



                                                                                     December 2005


I'm really mad at you right now. I'm angry at you because you always agree with mama's wants. And that betrothal? Pa, in case you have forgotten, I' m your only daughter and I'm just 14 years old. How on earth would you let me marry a stranger in exchange for glamour and connection?

Pa, those things are irrelevant. We have everything we need here and so much more. Why do you clamor for prestige and status, isn't all these enough? We have money, you own half of the city, what do you want more? And mama, why is she doing this to me? I'm having doubts now, is she really my mother?

Because as far as a know no mother could do that to her own flesh and blood. I'm not a commodity that could be auctioned or could be sold. I'm Aria, your only daughter.

I don't understand, pa? Why am I being sacrificed? Why am I being sold? Sometimes I couldn't help but wish that I should have never been born.

Sometimes, I wish that I had different family just like yaya Loring's family. She loved her daughter Veronica, very much. They hug her often, they send her to normal school and most of all, they never forced her to marry someone in exchange of something.

Young girls should never know this sufferings, pa. But then, it's better that it's me than anybody else.

But despite all these, I still love you. I hope you will come to your senses before it's too late.

Te amo, papa.



                                                                                        March 2006


Why are you so mean, Anton? I know it's my fault but you don't have to rubbed it to my face every time you see me. The taunts were bad enough but the guilt was worst.

Did you know that I have been losing sleep every night and meant words were making it more difficult for me. I know you love mama and I love her, too despite everything that she had done to me so please have a heart, I'm your sister. Think about that please.

What you did today hurt me deeply. I never meant to be the cause of mama's death but it happened. But you know fully well that I have to fight back. I want my life back. I want my freedom. I want to be Aria, to be seen as a daughter and as a sister, and not some thing to be traded and disposed.

Just like you I have dreams and I want to pursue them to make abuela, papa and mama proud. You do understand, right? The why are you being so mean.

But don't worry, your disgraceful and dumb sister will disappeared as soon as mama is laid to her final resting place. I will disappear so all of you could heal and be happy.

Despite all these, I still love you Anton. I pray and I wish that someday you will learn to love me and to forgive me for mama's death. I didn't mean it, if only I could turn back time. I should have spoken more softly and more polite.

But it's done so please forgive me. Te amo, Anton.



August 2015

Mr. Infuriating,

You are a freaking bastard! You're rude and inconsiderate just like that witch. And for a 25-year-old man you have a very poor judgment. You're blind and insensitive.

You are so full of yourself. Yes you are gorgeous but your personality sucks! You're grumpy, moody and arrogant. Your looks will never compensate your lack of manners.

You are a bully and a tyrant. You walk and boss people around. I hate you. I hope one day, you'll get to feel what I feel right now.

You're so annoying. You're so infuriating but you're really gorgeous and I truly hate you for that!

Wishing that one of these days, you'll come groveling at my feet. I hate you! I hate you!

Maria Sabina Villalobos De la Vega.


Upon reading the last letter, the young architect winced. Even there was no name in the letter, he perfectly knew who the letter is for. Again, he reread it and smiled widely at the part that says he was gorgeous. Sabina wrote it not only once but twice and this made Timothy really, really happy.

"Gotcha Sab, I know you can't resist this face and body." He whispered as he clicked his tongue and put his right thumb and point finger below his chin forming a diagonal capital letter L.

He continued to browse the letters, most notable of them were from years ago. There were about 10 letters addressed to her own mother and 5 letters for Anton. There was also a letter for James, for setting Sabina up on a date with one of his friends.

The letters warmed Timothy's heart, he must admit that it was a little weird but all of them were heartfelt and some were even funny.

He then, plucked one letter on top that looked like a new addition to the bunch of letters and his eyes widened in shock since  the letter was for his own  mother.


                                                                                 November 2015

Mrs. Bianca Sebastian,

I couldn't believe that you could do that, ma'am. Inviting Darcy just to ruin the dinner prepared by your own daughter? That is low even for you.

And you really went too far just to make me feel that you're not in favor and very much against with your son's relationship to me. I thought mothers like you only exist in soap operas but I guess, I was wrong since you're here alive and very real.

Is it really that difficult to understand that I love your son and your son loves me back? Is it really difficult to admit that your son is happy with me and that Darcy is just a friend?

And the chair! My God! You really went out of your way just to make me feel unwelcomed. And to make Darcy feel that she's more important than your own son's girl friend. If you really like her then go ahead, marry her. By the way you two are perfect together.

Why can't you just be like your husband huh, Mrs. Sebastian? Why can't you just be understanding and warm? Mother in laws are monsters according to my married friends but I didn't believe them but I guess, I was wrong again.
Anyways, mother in law is still so far fetched but still I'm hoping.

From now on, I will include you in my prayers and let's hope that it will have an effect on you. May God grant you a broader mind and kinder heart, Mrs. Sebastian.

Maria Sabina Villalobos Dela Vega

P.S. I've been to Paris, THRICE!
P.P.S. And the whole of Europe, add Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland.


The young architect laughed loudly at this especially the lines where in Sabina was suggesting for Bianca to marry Darcy, then the monster mothers in law bits made him sniggered. But he couldn't help but to feel giddy with the thought that as early as November Sabina was already open to marriage, it may seemed far fetched but still it crossed her mind.

Instead of getting mad, Timothy fell in love harder to his ex fiancée. The candidness of the letters and how she wrote them showed how genuine and innocent she is. And this made the petite biologist more endearing and adorable.

Another letter caught Timothy's fancy because it was so crumpled and but it's color looked new and still vivid.


March 2016

To the witch that owns the female changing room,

Yes I'm petty. You earned that title from the first time we met and yes, I'm still using it because you really is a witch and bitch, a bitchy witch.

Bitchy witch is way milder that the names you always call me, whore and slut. But I refused to call you that, because unlike you I have class. I will never call any woman slut or whore because that will make men feel that it was okay to call women those names.

I get it, you hate me because you thought that I stole Tim from you but when will you wake up? When will you accept that you're his past and I'm the present and hopefully, the future. Mind you, I'm still keeping my fingers crossed on the one. Who knows, you and Mrs. Sebastian might succeed in ruining my relationship with Tim.

I really don't want to hate you since you are one of my fiancé's best friend but I couldn't help myself because you really are a bitchy witch. Just like what you did hours ago, you knocked all the files in my desk, what are you? 16?

But albeit all my efforts, you succeeded in annoying me, you know. Good thing I was able to hold back my mouth and my hands because if not, you'll be lying in a hospital bed right now. Your square face and thin lips, bruised and bleeding.

And what's with you and Mrs. Sebastian? Why won't you two just marry each other? You two is a match made in heaven so I bet your marriage will be for eternity, what do you think?

One thing more, Timothy is off limits. If only I could tell you that we are already engage. Yes, you heard me right. WE. Are. Already. Engaged. Got that bitchy witch?

Lastly, please quit with your delusions because Tim will never go back to you, in a year or so, we will get married and live happily so I'm really hoping that you will learn to accept the situation.

Despite all this I'm still willing to be your friend, Darcy. After all, Tim is still your best friend and friendship like yours are hard to find. I hope someday you will accept the fact that what I have with Tim is true and pure.

I hope someday you will learn to accept that there's someone out there for you. And that, time will come that we'll just laugh about all this.

Maria Sabina Villalobos Dela Vega


                                                                                                    March 2016


I thought you love me Tim. You always tell me that you love me, that it will always be me but what happened today and the other day? You abandoned me.

Did you know what happened today? I inspected Barasoain church alone, for our wedding. Who does that? Engaged couple should check out the church together, that's an unspoken rule. The fiancé should always be with the fiancée when it comes to wedding matters.

The kind church coordination looked at me with sympathetic eyes knowing that my fiancé couldn't make it. Did you know how that eyes made me feel? You have abandoned me in this important appointment, what would be my guarantee that you won't abandon me in front of the altar on our wedding day?

What if Darcy chose to have an "accident" on the day of our wedding? What will happen to me? Where will this take me?

You hurt me deeply today, Tim and as of this moment, I really don't know if I could forget this. Everything that happened today made me doubt you and your love and you can't blame me for that.

I tried my best to understand your situation. I tried my best to be supportive. I tried my best to hold on with your words. But it's confusing and contradicting. And instead of feeling secure, it made me feel lacking and inadequate. If you truly love me, you should have been with me at the church today even for just an hour.

Did you know that I cried while walking at the aisle of the historical church, that moment should be magical for me but you ruined it with your decision.

I wasn't able to feel the church atmosphere because my heart and mind were clouded with pain and uncertainty. To be honest, I'm now having second thoughts about this wedding.

I wasn't able to concentrate on what the church coordinator is saying because my mind kept on flying towards you an Darcy.

I wasn't able to looked for suitable venue for our wedding reception because my mind kept on telling me that a guy like you is not worth it but my heart is whispering the exact opposite. And this made me cry again.

You made me cry over and over again today. From the church to the drive back home up to this evening while I'm eating my dinner alone. It's kind of funny how you show your love these days, Tim.

How about you? Do you feel the same way? How's Darcy, by the way? Is her tantrum done now? Did her mood lifted when she saw you?

I wanted to hate you so everything will be easier for me but I couldn't and it hurt me badly that I'm entertaining this kind of thought now.

I'm giving you another chance, Tim albeit what you did and what happened so please I'm begging you, don't screw this up, okay? This might be the end so please show me what your soul is made of.

I love you Tim, I truly do.

                                                           Maria Sabina Villalobos Dela Vega


Unknown to Timothy, his face was now soaked in tears. He didn't notice that Sabina's letter made him cry. The pain and the uncertainty from reading the letter felt real and fresh and this was the reason why his eyes watered.

Before, he was unaware with his ex fiancée's sentiments, but now that he had seen the whole picture, he now realized how he hurt Sabina that day. Regrets and guilt suddenly flooded his system but he didn't let it weakened him instead it sealed his decision to win back his ex fiancée.

"I don't care about the past. What's important is the present and the future and this time I will prove that Sabina and I belong together." Timothy whispered to himself.

"I think it's time to go back, Timothy!" He added in a solemn tone.


That very same moment in the Island of Mindoro Oriental, Sabina was in bed writhing in pain. She just got her period this morning and all throughout the whole day, her menstrual cramps has crippled her.

The ibuprofen she took after dinner had no effects at all so the young woman had no choice but to resort to traditional method.

After several minutes, Nancy entered her private quarters. "Here love, put this hot compress bag on your lower belly." She helped the petite biologist to sit up and placed the compress bag on her belly area.

"I think it's wise to consult your gynecologist again, love." Nancy Rankin added while massaging her friend's lower back.

A nod was only Sabina's answer. "Do you want me to call your brothers so you could leave tomorrow?" The half Brit woman queried.

The petite biologist smiled thankfully at her friend. "No, Nan. Don't worry, I could do it myself. Anyways, thanks for this. You can go now, you also need to rest Nan." She tried to shoo her friend away.

"I'll stay for another hour, I'm not that tired and not sleepy at all." The half Brit responded, her hands still on Sabina's lower back.

Languidly, the petite biologist nodded her head and the two started talking.
The pair was chitchatting softly when they heard a knock from the door. "Come in." Sabina hollered.

The door opened, Tay Leo and Terrence came marching in. "We brought you chicken noodle soup. It's still hot so it's better to eat it now." Tay Leo suggested as Terrence put the breakfast tray on the bed.

She smiled at the duo and started eating. After half an hour the cramps subsided a little a her eyes began to droop.

"We'll go now love, your eyes are almost closed." Nancy Rankin commented while flipping the hot compress bag.

"I check on you later Sab, I'll just stay outside." Tay Leo stated as the old man lifted the empty tray.

"Tay no need for that but if you really wanted to stay you can take the day bed in the corner, it's more comfortable." Sabina argued as she motioned the comfy day bed in the corner of Sabina's private quarters.

Terrence readily grabbed the tray from Tatay Leo. "I will take care of this Tay. Just stay here with Sab. Feel better tomorrow ha. Good night." The kind engineer muttered.

But before the love birds could stepped out of the room, the petite biologist opened her mouth again. "Brad please don't tell Timothy about this, okay?"

Even his inside was refusing and screaming no, Terrence nodded his head in agreement. "Alright, Sab."

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