Me? Love? -Adopted by Hamilton

By 9pinkypie9

76.8K 1.5K 1.1K

'I don't need your pity!' She signed as she jumped up and ran from him. 'None of you want me well that's fine... More

What the...
Another one.
What's up?
Time Will Tell
Untitled Part 10
The guys
Night turning into Day
Hospital visit #2
Schuyler Sisters
Come On
Story time Part 2
Oh gosh
Untitled Part 29
Sorry guys A/N
Freak Out
Oh no
Stay Alive
More Time
Waking up
Getting there
No...why me?


1.7K 38 12
By 9pinkypie9

Lin's POV

Here fucking brother is here. Daveed is seriously going to kill him. But I need his help no matter what. We don't know anything about this kid though. He could be a murder or a drug dealer and from what I've heard he could be both. I look over at Liv and see her panicking she looked like she was about to have a panic attack. "Liv look at me." I say to her while I redirect her attention to me instead of the house. "You're going to be fine. I promise we won't let anything happen to you no matter what. Okay?" I say to her in an attempt to calm her down.

"Liv breath with me." I say this while I hug her. I wait and hug her for a few minutes until she has calmed down before we make our way to the hell house. Daveed stays behind Liv while I walk in front of her. We seriously look like her body guards right now. Pretty sure Daveed is fine with it to be honest. I can already tell he would do anything help her.

As we reach the front door and ring the door bell I notice Liv flinching with every not to sudden move. We hear a crash and footsteps then a kid who looks to be 15 open the door. "Who the fuck are you?" He says as he looks at us then smiles like Satan as he looks at Liv. "Well look who finally decided to show up? Where have you been this past week." He says this to her with the smuggest face I have ever seen. "We'll just pick up her things and go." I say as I make my way into the rundown house. "Make yourself at home." He smirks and leaves the room. God I think he is Satan himself.

We got in the house and Liv made her way to her room. Daveed and I followed her hoping to get out of this hell house soon. We walk into Liv's room and I'm horrified at what it is but I can't say I'm completely surprised. She has a dirty mattress on the floor with papers around it. The bed has a small blanket. She had a small bookshelf by her "bed" and a closet next to that. Daveed and I gathered all the books while she gathered her clothes and the papers on the floor.

Liv signed something and I look to Daveed for a translation. "She asked if we could take the stuff outside?" Daveed translated and I nod. Daveed and I gathered everything which wasn't much and took it out to the car.

Liv's POV

As Daveed and Lin make their way out of my room I let out a breath of relief. I'm so happy they are taking me in and away from this hell hole. As I gather the last of my thing I make my way to the door and I see Cade has his Satan smirk on. I give him a scared and confused look as he makes his way over to the door. 'CLICK' He locked the door. Oh hell no. OH FUCK NO! I'M DEAD! I think as he makes his way over to me. I can't run because of this stupid chair. All I can do is sit.

"Damn there goes my punching bag. You think mom is going to give you up without one last beat down from me. HA! Let's have a little fun shall we?" He says this and I sit in fear of what's going to happen next. I'm yanked from my chair then slammed on the ground. Hard. All the air is knocked out of me and I can't breathe. I feel kicks to my chest. I feel my lungs begging for air and my body feels like it's on fire. Then more to my sides to my ribs. The pain in my ribs keep me from moving anymore. Some hits land to my stomach and some to my spine. The amount of pain running through my back is excruciating.

I want to scream and fight back but I can't. All I can do is cry while I take every hit I deserve. I hear Lin and Daveed banging on the door but I can't help them or myself.After what felt like forever I see Daveed kick down the door but Cade is already gone. Lin and Daveed rush to my side when they see me on the floor. A few hits landed to my head and everything is starting to go black. I see Lin pick me up and we rush out of the house. Daveed is on the phone right behind Lin. Before we can get to the car everything goes black.

Lin's POV

"Oh shit!" I yell more to myself than anyone around me. "What's wrong?" Daveed asks as I try to open the door. "The fucking door is locked!" I yell and start banging on the door. Daveed soon joins in doing the same. Like that's going to help Liv get out of there. I heard a thud come from inside and we bang on the door louder. "Stand back." Daveed tells me and kicks the door in. As we walk in I see Liv's chair but no Liv in it. Daveed and I make our way over to the barely concious Liv on the ground and few feet from her car.

I run and pick her up. She has tears running down her face and I busted lip. I can see she is in so much pain. Daveed went but didn't find her brother in the house. Good. He better run because I know Daveed would definetely beat the shit out of him. "I'll call 911 saying we are on the way and text the cast." He says this as we start walking out the door. Me with Liv in my arms and Daveed right behind me dialing on his phone. We make it more than half way to the car before her body goes limp in my arms. I look to see her passed out in my arms as I get to the car. I sit the back with Liv. "JUST DRIVE!" I yell as we drove to the hospital.

UNEDITED I'll edit later it's late and I'm lazy af rn. I love you guys thank you for loving my cringy af story. Comments would be helpful feedback PLEASE. 1083 Words YAY Love Ya! ;)

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