One Day, Maybe (Wesley Johns...

By babywolf251

66.9K 1.5K 1.1K

You found it hard to find work after you graduated college. It seemed like no one in your hometown wanted to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note

Chapter 14

2.3K 57 21
By babywolf251

"(Y/n), we're home." You turned around to see Joven carrying a ton of bags in the door and Wes following behind him with about 4-5 bags. You quickly got up, hopping over to Joven and taking a few of the bags. You hopped quickly to the kitchen, being careful not to hit or bang your foot off of anything.

"You can really move." Joven said, setting the remaining bags on the kitchen counter.

"Well yeah. I don't want to be completely useless forever." You said, hopping over to the fridge. You started putting the groceries that needed refrigerated in their respective spots, followed by everything that needed to go in the freezer. Once you were done, you turned around to face Wes, who handed you a bag and a Starbucks cup with your name on it. You read the name, groaning about how it was spelled.

"You two are literally almost the same person." Joven said, looking at the both of you. You gave him a confused glare.

"What makes you say that?" You raised an eyebrow.

"That is literally the same thing Wes did when he got it." He said, pointing his thumb to Wes.

"It wouldn't be Starbucks if they didn't fuck something up." You said, earning a laugh from Joven and a small blush from Wes. "Don't tell me he said that too." You said, looking at Wes. He turned to face away from the both of you.

"And the ship sails," Joven said, walking back the hallway to his room. You looked over to Wes, whose face was even redder. He was still facing away from you. You grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at you.

"You're cute when you blush." You teased him, causing him to smile with his blush. You stood on your tip-toe, kissing him on the cheek before making your way to the couch carefully, pressing the play button. He followed behind you, sitting down beside you.

"What you watchin'?" Wes asked, placing his arm around your shoulders. His other hand was on your thigh.

"Its an anime I found called the 'Seven Deadly Sins'." You replied, placing your hand in his, intertwining your figures together, as you often did.

"Now that's a good one." He said, pointing to the screen, "especially at the end when Elizabeth-"

"Spoilers!" You yelled, hitting him in the arm. He just put his arms up in surrender and laughed. You settled back into him and he put his arms back where they were.


After watching a few more episodes it was already 1 o'clock. You looked up at Wes.

"Don't you think we should go to bed?" You asked, but he seemed too entranced in the television. You waved your hand in front of his face, switching his attention to you.

"Hmm?" He said, sounding tired. You just laughed and repeated yourself.

"Don't you think you should go to bed, Wes?" You smiled up at him. He nodded.

"After this episode." He said, turning his attention back to the screen. You did as well.


When the episode finished, you took the remote from Wes before he could start the next episode.

"Hey!" He said, "I want to watch the next episode." He reached for the remote, but you held it just out of his reach.

"We need to go to bed." You said, yawning. He yawned too. Wes wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled himself into your neck.

"I don't want to leave you yet..." He mumbled, yawning again. You playfully tried to shove him away but it didn't work, he just held on tighter.

"Okay, fine you big baby." You said, getting up after finally wrestling out of his grip. You hobbled down the hallway without your crutches, a tired Wes following you. You opened his door and pointed at his bed.

"Now that you're up, will you go to bed?" You said, sounding like the mother of a four-year-old child who kept saying they 'weren't tired' even though it was an hour past bedtime. He shook his head, crossing his arms and pouting his lip. You balanced on your good foot, resting your weight on the door handle.

"What will make you go to bed?" You said rolling your eyes. Wes walked up to you, picking you up by your waist, carrying you in his room and laying you on the bed, him right beside you, cuddling into your neck again. You laid there, defeated.

"Goodnight, Wes." You said. Even though you were acting casual about the situation, you felt the heat in your face and the butterflies in your stomach. You felt his grip loosen as he quickly fell asleep. You sighed to yourself, trying to decide if you were going to go to the living room or just stay in bed with Wes. You decided to stay. You turned so you were facing him, taking in his heat even though you already felt that you had started sweating. You smiled to yourself, realizing how lucky you were. You felt comforted whenever Wes was around so you had no trouble getting to sleep that night.


*beep beep*

*beep beep*

*beep bee-*

You slammed your hand on the alarm clock, making it shut off. You groaned as you rolled back over, not wanting to go to work, but knowing you had to anyway. You were too tired from staying up to watch that damn anime with Wes. You sniffled a little and the alarm clock started going off again.

"Weeess..." You groaned, "Make it shut up..." You felt as something heavy rolled onto you and laid there as the alarm clock shut off. You wrapped your arms around Wes, making it to where he couldn't move.

"(Y/n), we have to get up for work." He said, trying to get out of your grip.

"No..." You said, rolling you and Wes over to where you were laying on his chest, "Five more minutes..." You groaned. He chuckled to himself. He rolled around and got free from your grasp. You opened your eyes to look for him, after finding him, you stood on your good ankle and climbed onto his back, taking him by surprise.

"We have to get ready for work." He laughed as you hung onto his back, your legs wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck. You sniffled again.

"But you're so warm..." You said, refusing to move.

"Come on, (Y/n)." He said in a low, but still sweet voice, pulling you to the front of him. You still held on like your life depended on it. He wrapped his arms around your waist and sat on the bed. You rested your head on his neck and loosened the grip you had around his neck. He rubbed your back.

"We have to go." He said, kissing the top of your head. You lifted your head to look at him. You smiled.

"I could wake up to the face every day..." You said, half asleep. You kissed him on the cheek before hopping to the bathroom to get dressed. You grabbed a hoodie and some sweatpants, wanting to be warm. You made sure not to forget anything as you made your way out of the bathroom to the living room. You laid on the couch and waited for Joven and Wes to finish getting ready. You sniffled a little and groaned to yourself.

'I'm probably getting a cold.' You thought to yourself.

You heard a soft laugh and felt as someone picked you up. You didn't even resist. You curled up to their body heat.

"Warm...~" Was all you said as you heard the front door open and shut. Wes carried you and your crutches to his car, putting you in the front seat and your crutches in the back. He climbed in the driver's seat. You snuggled up to his arm, soaking up his body heat as you made your way to Starbucks, just like you do every morning.


You decided to get hot chocolate this morning. You cuddled both yours and Wes' cups, still laying your head on Wes' arm.

"Are you feeling okay, (Y/n)?" Wes asked, placing his hand on your forehead. You didn't have a fever.

"I'm just really cold." You lied, snuggling closer to his body heat. He laughed.

"Can I at least have my drink?" He said. You handed it to him, letting go of his arm. You took a sip of your hot chocolate, almost absorbing the warmth. You let out a little sneeze, catching yourself by surprise.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He said, placing his hand on your thigh and caressing it with his thumb. You nodded your head as you set your cup in the cup holder. Your eyes drifted shut as the car calmly purred down the road.

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