Blood Mountain (BWWM)

By Taylor324

137K 10.1K 1.3K

Halia never meant to lose control. She tried to warn him. She told him she was dangerous. He hadn't listened... More

Prologue - Monsters
How About Now?
Hell Yes
Bite Me
Update about Updates (Read me pls)

Little Wolf

3.1K 204 85
By Taylor324

Why do I always update in the middle of the night? Who knows. This was like twenty pages in word, I hope y'all are happy.  WARNING: there be explicit content


The town was dark by the time Hizen's boots crunched over the thin film of gathering snow. He moved in the shadows of quaint little houses, their awnings shielding him from any human eyes that might notice his silent advance. Hizen was here for one very specific reason, from one very specific person.

He didn't bother knocking on the wood-worn door, simply pushed his way inside and noted the squeal of hinges as he passed over the hearth. He'd gotten permission to enter years ago. The welcome was still there.

The home was small, yet packed with trinkets and other assorted knickknacks. He didn't care for the cluttered feel. It made him want to fiddle and touch each individual item, and, again, he was only here to—

"The polite thing to do is knock, Hizen." A pair of dark blue eyes narrowed on the vampire as he pushed the door shut behind him, dropping the latch. Fire was smoldering in the kept hearth and he shrugged his long coat from broad shoulders to toss it over an empty chair.

He moved to stand above the woman and pushed at the leg she had braced on a foot rest. Hizen stood between her parted thighs and grinned. "You know I'm not polite."

Julie let herself be prodded into position and stared through blonde lashes. "Could be, if you wanted to." She reached an arm behind her to snag a glass of wine off a small end table. Hizen beat her to it, shifting over and past where she sat to pluck the drink from her fingers. He brought it to his nose with a soft sniff and promptly gagged, bile rising in his throat. He quickly passed it back and waved off her sudden worry as she got to her feet, concern creasing her brow. This damn sickness...the smallest scent could set him off. It didn't take much these days.

Gentle hands pet across the large expanse of his back as he calmed himself, forcing the meager contents of his stomach back where they belonged. Hizen let his eyes close for a moment, gathering his wits and firmly distancing the image of soft brown irises from his mind. He turned to the short blonde and caught the hands still hovering over him, tugging her into his chest. His interest was plain; intentions blunt and to the point as always.

"I'm fine," he pressed his lips to warm fingers and smiled, knowing she was especially weak to dimples. "Can I ask you for a favor, Julie?"

He asked, now. He would never make the same mistake as he had in his past. Vela's memory and his own changed perception wouldn't allow it.

The human pursed her lips as a slow blush crawled over pale cheeks. "I hate that you call it a favor," She shrugged out of his grip to pluck at the buttons of her chemise, silk material sliding from freckled shoulders. "Just call it what it is."

"Sex?" His brow quirked with a curl of mirth. "Can I ask you for sex? That sounds so... crass."

Now bare, she turned to him with a fond but exasperated look. "Who was the one who said 'I'm not polite'? Was it the other Hizen?"

Sharp blue irises dragged across her naked form. Smooth curves, round hips, heavy breasts that swelled with each breath. Julie was pretty. More than pretty. So why was he still thinking about a girl with gentle brown eyes while a woman stood before him?

Hizen shook his head clear and stepped into Julie's space, waiting. "I need to hear you. Yes or no?"

She closed the distance between them with a huff, piling her hair into a loose bun as she hooked a finger into the front of his pants. "Yes, Hizen. Yes."


Hizen had hoped sating his urges would calm his misplaced desire. He was wrong. He left Julie's home feeling worse than when he first arrived, though it was no fault of hers. While he had performed and definitely appeased Julie, on the other hand...he couldn't finish. Nothing would bring him there. After a useless hour of trying and failing, he'd tucked himself away and slipped back into the night. He'd tried to assure her it was his own issues that caused his...inability. He hoped that was enough and she didn't think less of herself because of tonight.

Hizen scowled at the forest floor as he returned to the coven, ignoring Biron as he prowled into the mouth of the cave. Like before, he kept his mouth shut. Smart, as always. The blue flicker of ethereal fire danced across the hard angles of his face, illuminating what few would ever see in true light. He kept it that way for a reason. He didn't deserve to feel the sun...didn't deserve warmth. Not after what he'd done.

The path to his quarters was silent. His coven kept a wide berth from his private rooms, which was for the best. He had a temper most, if not all, feared. And rightfully so. He hadn't gotten to the top by playing nice and making friends. Alliances, sure. But true comradery was a foreign notion.

Hizen's stomach spasmed in hunger, clenching on nothing. He had to brace an arm against a stone wall to keep from doubling over. His face twisted in pain and he glared at nothing, feeling useless. There was no quick solution to this. Not until Caedus and Bellamy found a cure...

Something tickled the back of his throat and Hizen jerked upright. His nostrils flared as he scented the still air outside the heavy curtain of his room. The smell wasn't wholly unfamiliar, but...

He ripped the curtain aside and startled the wolf on the other side. The girl jumped a foot in the air and wide eyes widened even more, a hand flying to her chest.

If his shock was obvious, she didn't comment in favor of calming the rampant palpitating of her heart. He snapped out of his surprise in less time than it took to blink and let the heavy cloth settle into place behind him. Hizen stalked into the room and ignored the child. There would be a time for questions but currently, his stomach was rioting and demanded food. Or the next best thing.

The satchel of pills felt like a dead weight in his palm as he snatched them from a shelf bordering the wall adjacent to his desk. He tossed three back dry and swallowed with a grimace, feeling them catch as they sluggishly slid down his throat. Disgusting. It would take maybe an hour to settle, but it was something at least. It should help ease the clawing emptiness in his gut.

Hizen pinched a thumb and forefinger to the bridge of his nose as he turned to the waiting wolf. He arched a brow and slowly drawled. "...What can I do for you?"

Sahira fumbled over an answer now that his attention was on her. She hadn't expected him to be so...calm. Though he hadn't given her a reason to expect otherwise, either. It was just—she made a confused sound and shrugged. "Sorry?" It came out as a question. What she was apologizing for? She had no clue. It just slipped out.

Eyes like chips of ice dragged over her fresh appearance. She'd washed and gotten a clean change of clothes. The sickly smell when she had first arrived was completely gone and replaced by the scent of cherry blossoms. Her hair (before a tangled mass) was cropped close to her skull, a buzz of short curls just grazing the top of her brow. He didn't dare look any closer. Hizen narrowed his pointed gaze. "For what, exactly?" His languid prowl carried him to a massive armoire and he pulled on the doors to grab fresh clothes.

Hizen shrugged out of his coat and didn't hesitate to yank his shirt off, tossing it in a pile to the side. The burn of her eyes on his bare flesh didn't go unnoticed and he rolled the heavy bulk of his shoulders with sigh, swiveling.

"What...?" His throat closed in what he could only describe as a feeling of what the fuck.

Where only moments before the girl had stood yards away, she was now directly in front of him. He hadn't heard her move. Hadn't felt the air shift and stir to accommodate the sudden presence at his side. Hizen did not retreat from anything. Every instinct he had rebelled at the thought. But in that instant, he took a step back. His gaze darted down as she reached a hand toward his bare chest, to the deep scars that littered pale skin. That they were there at all was a testament to the severity of previous injuries. When a vampire scarred, it meant even their enhanced healing abilities couldn't fully erase the trauma that had occurred. Hizen tried to lean out of reach without giving more ground and failed miserably.

Sahira's touch was molten on his cold flesh. Like the sun warming frost long left untouched. Hizen snarled, torn between shock—she was audacious to say the least—and painful arousal. His much larger hand latched around her wrist, callouses catching on smooth skin as he yanked her away.

But what he thought was a forceful push away was actually a very eager tug closer. Sahira landed against his chest with a quiet exhale, fingers immediately splaying over the firm length of his stomach. Without thought, she traced the deep lines of his abs, following the natural dip and curve of muscle. She hadn't meant to get this close. There was just...too much space between them.

She couldn't help it.

The noise that broke from his lips was a combination whine and hiss. "Sahira. What are you doing?" He couldn't be held at fault if the girl herself was the one making advances. He'd given no explicit reason for her to—

Deep brown irises ringed with flecks of black around dilated pupils peered up at him. He was almost two heads taller, well over a hundred pounds heavier, yet he felt physically trapped. She stared through heavy lids, a pink tongue swiping across plush lips as she pushed closer.

"Did she satisfy you?" She murmured into the crook of his neck, having to stand on the tips of her toes to do so.

He was hopelessly distracted by the warm thread of breath on his skin and had to ball his hands into fists to keep from hauling her into his arms.

There was a soft scrape of teeth over his carotid and Hizen nearly lost it. "Your human woman...did she please you?"

It would have been easy to lie, to say of course and leave it at that. To fully rebuff the girl now and skirt the consequences of what were sure to follow if he indulged the apparent course she had planned. But he'd never been a good liar, and had even worse impulse control.

Sahira's nose told her all she needed to know and more. She could smell the musk of a woman on his skin, the sweat and fluids that still clung as evidence to his body. That won't do... a low growl rumbled in her chest and she bit his shoulder with a sharp nip of teeth. It didn't break skin, but it was enough to send Hizen reeling backward into the closet door. He grunted at the dig of wood into his spine and tried to move away, only to find Sahira had once again crowded into his space.

"Hey," He growled with a flare of...agitation? He wasn't so sure that was the feeling. Something plucked at his skin and coiled tight in his gut. It burrowed into his body and hauled most of his attention to the insistent thrum of arousal in his groin. "What. Are. You. Doing." This would be the final time he said it. If she didn't answer, he could send her back to her room without another thought.


He would think. Endlessly.

Sahira had her hands on him again, palms smoothing up and over and around, as if she couldn't get enough of the sensation of his skin beneath her fingers. "I...I don't know," she admitted with a shy murmur, even as her mouth moved to suckle the faint mark she'd bit into his shoulder. "There's just—um...y-you smell good...?" Another question/statement.

Her eyes suddenly narrowed and flicked to his as her lips pulled into a snarl. "You let her touch you." That was definitely a statement.

And why exactly was he allowing a child to question him? Why was he letting a child do absolutely wicked things to him with her mouth? Hizen brought a heavy palm down on her slim shoulder and gently pushed, nudging her out of his immediate space. He couldn't think with her so close. It was distracting.

"I asked her to touch me," he responded with a sneer and ignored the flash of hurt across her face. She had no reason to be upset... "and she pleased me just fine, child."

He wanted the dig to be just that. There needed to be a boundary—Hizen swore as Sahira wrenched her thin shirt off and flung it across the room. He blinked, once again stunned. He couldn't not look, so he looked. And looked. And looked some more. When he finally managed to drag his eyes away from her bared flesh, he knew he was a goner.

She had him wholly and completely at her mercy. The crook of her finger was all it took for him to obediently follow as she coaxed him toward his desk. He sank into the chair without protest and watched with building interest while she stripped out of her remaining clothes.

Long, tawny legs straddled his thighs as she lowered herself into his lap and ground against his thick length, still covered by his pants. It took more self-control than he thought he had to not buck into her teasing movements. Hizen clasped his palms around her narrow waist and stared hard from under his brow, mouth set in a firm line.

"Is this what you want?" His timbre was a low rasp, tumbled gravel and glass. His fingers dug deeper into her hips as she continued to roll against him. "Answer me, Sahira. Now."

The wolf bared her throat at the command and tunneled nimble fingers through the long strands of his dark hair. "Yesss," she crooned as damp heat seeped between her thighs. "Fuck me, Zen. I want you to—"

The nickname was endearingly cute, if not totally inaccurate. Hizen could not be further from 'zen' if he tried. But she had asked, and he would oblige. He motioned her out of his lap and when she resisted, simply picked her up and positioned her where he wanted.

Face down, ass up.

Sahira was draped over his desk, pretty as a picture with her rear swaying as slick dripped from between quivering thighs. She was muttering, please please please, under her breath and Hizen dragged a palm down her twitching spine as he worked his cock out of his pants and slid along her folds.

"How old are you?" It might've been a bit late as he was currently edging his cock inside her, but better late than never.

A hysterical laugh bubbled up her throat and she half-turned to glance over her shoulder. "Does it matter at this point? You're still going to fuck me, right?"

He stopped short and she wailed in protest, trying to spear herself on his length. Hizen held her tight in his grasp and clenched his teeth at the flutter of her walls along his skin. He was barely inside. Just an inch or two. But if she wanted to play games...

"19," she sobbed and dropped her brow to the desk, voice muffled. "P-please, I can't..."

So, not as young as he thought. Relief flooded his veins and he gave her rump a soothing pat. "Alright. Was that so hard?" His hips returned to their steady push, sliding deeper inside as Sahira sucked in hitched breaths.

"A-aah," she cried aloud as he split her on his cock, the heat and tight grip almost too much for even him. It felt like she was—

Hizen was stopped by the delicate press of her hymen and instantly froze. What? He didn't think she was... His brows furrowed in question and he finally noticed the tremble in her shoulders, the way she was hunched forward in fear. He didn't know. Hizen withdrew with a quiet hiss and Sahira tried to wheel around in protest, grasping hands attempting to pull him back.

He caught her wrists in a gentle hold and shushed her with a soft growl. "Stop...Sahira—stop, wait a minute. You didn't tell me you were a virgin."

Hizen was blunt by nature but had learned to curb his language with age. That flew out the window just now. Sahira flushed beneath dark skin and glanced away, weakly tugging at his hold.

"It doesn't matter," she eventually murmured and pressed a thigh between his, staring with continued want. "It's—"

Hizen interrupted with a short snarl and groped at the thigh rubbing his dick. "It does matter. It's important. Are you sure you want to give it to me?" He wasn't really trying to talk her out of anything. He only wanted her express consent that she was okay with all this. Especially now that he knew she was untouched.

They had just met, after all. He hadn't questioned her motives after the initial failure, but if her intentions were malicious he would've known from the start. This was something else.

"You don't want to save it for someone more important?" Hizen guessed by her words that she wasn't sentimental about sex, not in the way he (from his limited perspective) expected.

Sahira protested sharply and pinned him with a glare. "No. There's only y—" she cut herself off with a start then covered it with a cough. "Please. I really want you to fuck me." Her whine was dangerously sweet and felt like a tangible whisper against his skin. Her wide brown eyes begged for his touch and he wasn't unnecessarily cruel. But now that he knew...

Hizen scooped the girl into his arms and she grabbed a large bicep to keep steady, heart lurching to her throat. With his long stride, it only took a few steps to reach the bed where he eased her onto her back and stuffed a pillow beneath her hips. He settled between her thighs with a wicked gleam and licked a sharp fang, breath ghosting across her warm skin. "No one's ever touched you before?"

She'd already said it but something darkly primal stirred inside him at the thought. It made his stomach flop and limbs thrum with taut energy.

"No." Sahira was transfixed by the sight of him, impossibly big in every way yet somehow not intimidating in the least. "Er, n-no. No one's ever. Anywhere." She tacked on the last part with a delicate cough and Hizen's smile widened. Oh. That was interesting.

Without warning, he crawled up her body and pinned her beneath him with an oddly tender grin. "Nowhere?" His echo was muffled by the drag of his mouth along her cheek, trailing closer to her mouth.

Sahira stopped breathing and barely managed to squeak an affirmative before his mouth was on hers. She melted into the kiss with a soft groan and mimicked his lead, lips pulling and tugging at his own as he worked a palm between their bodies. He pressed a finger inside her slippery heat and Sahira arched with a gasp as a bolt of static whited her vision. Hizen swallowed her plaintive mewl and slipped his tongue between parted lips, tangling with the unsure touch of hers.

"Just like that," he drew an inch away to husk into her ear, nibbling the pointed tip. "You're doing fine." He did something with his wrist that shot stars up her spine and she bucked into his hand, small canines gnawing on her abused lips as she held back a moan.

She didn't feel like she was doing much of anything. It seemed like she was just along for the ride that was Hizen's dominating presence. But she wouldn't argue semantics now. "C-can you do that... ah a-again?"

"Of course," Pale blue irises crinkled in a debauched grin as he repeated the action, dragging wrecked moans from her pretty mouth. His lips skimmed her brow and she wriggled beneath him in silent demand. "Is that all?"

Sahira lunged for his throat, maw closing over his pulse as she bore into his flesh. Ah. She was full of surprises. Blood coated her teeth as she held tight and rolled onto the fingers that had gone still inside her.

"More." Her tone was demanding, an order.

Hizen answered with a dangerous snarl, the dig of her teeth closing around his windpipe. "Let g—" She released him before he could finish and soft lips fluttered over the wounds. They were a delicate press against oozing flesh, tender and apologetic as the girl cooed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hizen. Please don't stop..." Dewy brown irises rolled up to his, beseeching.

Hizen grunted, gaze trapped by the blood marring her chin and throat. His. She tried to wipe it off with the back of her palm but only succeeded in smearing it higher up her cheek. Sheepish, her tongue flicked to the corner of her mouth and lapped at the stain.

His attention narrowed on the motion, a guttural noise welling in his chest as he sat on his haunches and hauled her into his lap. He didn't give her a chance to protest before he was plunging inside her tight heat. Hizen tore through her hymen like it wasn't there at all and Sahira went absolutely still, limbs locked at the sudden intrusion. A weak sound vibrated in her throat and he rumbled in answer, grinding deeper until his hips were flush to her twitching skin.

The scent of her blood was what hit him next, slamming into his chest as it gripped his ribs and squeezed. Hizen hissed between his teeth and pushed her from his lap, the girl too stunned to fight as he fell between her thighs and licked a stripe up her slit. Sahira yelped at the slick glide of his tongue as he tried to slurp the taste of her into his mouth. His lips were greedy as he shoved her legs wide, palms holding her splayed open. The sweet tang of her blood mixed with arousal was addictive. Rich and euphoric as he swallowed it down.

So preoccupied with getting the taste of her on his tongue, he only realized the position his body was in when bile swiftly rose to his throat. Hizen gagged and recoiled, falling out of bed as he scrambled for an empty pail. Back arching as he wretched, he barely noticed the fingers in his hair. They held the long strands out of his face while his stomach seized and emptied itself, sweat beading on his brow as acid burned his mouth.

Sahira tried to soothe him with a soft croon and he managed to gasp through the heaving. "Ugh—I-I'm," Blood splattered the bottom of the pail, too much to be the small amount he'd ingested from her. "I'm fine, Sahira." More blood dribbled past his lips as he dragged his gaze to hers, eyes hooded under exhausted weight. He tried to get to his feet and stumbled onto all fours, lungs crying for air that simply wasn't there.

The girl fretted nervously, hands grazing his shoulders and back as she scrambled to think. Had she done this to him? He was fine until...

"S'not your fault," His voice hitched in another weak gag and he turned onto his side, laying against hard stone. Gods, he was tired. A bone-deep weariness sliced through his veins and he sighed raggedly. "It's me. I'm...sick." The word left an even fouler taste in his mouth than the vomit had. He patted the space beside him and Sahira warily slid into his arms, curling a hand around his nape.

"Is there anything I can do to help? W-what...what happened?" Her eyes were searching for a tangible answer he probably shouldn't give. Not to an outsider, certainly not one he'd only met hours before.

Hizen relented with another quiet sigh. He owed her this much. "It was your blood—any blood," He amended at the stricken expression on her face. "I can't feed. There's not much more I can tell you. I'm sorry." He was sorry for how this had happened. It was her first time and he'd... his irises flicked to her thighs, where the slightest tinge of red streaked over her skin.

He was an absolute asshole. This was supposed to be good for her, yet he couldn't even summon the strength to get to his feet.

"Sahira, can you grab that satchel for me? The one on the shelf across from my desk. Yes—that's it."

She returned to his side with the bag in hand and shook out two pills, pressing them to his lips as her brow furrowed in concern. "What are these?"

Hizen swallowed them down and blinked up at the ceiling, taking a steady breath as he staggered to his feet. Sahira braced his side with a murmur of worry and helped him back to the bed. He sank into the mattress with a puff of exertion and his eyes raked over her form as she sat next to him, small hand massaging his hip.

"Supplements." He eventually responded and left it at that, gaze still firmly locked on the wolf and the palm stroking his skin. She was...sweet. Unerringly so. But there was no reason for her to show him any compassion or concern. He didn't exactly scream friendly. So, what was it that drew her to him? He wasn't naïve enough to believe it was simple attraction. If that's all it was, she wouldn't have whimpered in his ear as he vomited his guts out, sounding like she was physically pained by his suffering.


There was more to this.

"Come here, little wolf." His palm opened, coaxing.

She went without question and sank into his waiting arms, the gentle brown of her irises warm and glossy with obvious concern.

Without warning, heat spread up his chest and flushed shoulders. He crooked a finger beneath her chin and held her stare with his. If he hadn't just puked, he'd kiss her. He opted for conveying his meaning with words instead.

"I'm going to make this up to you, little wolf." It might take an hour or two to regain his strength, but when he did, he'd make good on his promise. He would not leave her aching—unsatisfied—if he had any say.

She'd come to him for a reason.

And he wouldn't turn her away.

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