Sibling Love (An Andy Biersac...

By _elayn_biersack_

9.9K 380 16

[Completed] Sibling love is the sweetest thing, but when one sibling feels a different kind of love for the o... More

"I will protect you."
"The Proposal"
"Our Secret"
"One Day"
"I'm Leaving"
"The Truth"
"The Perfect Couple"
"The Party"
"Little Rock Star"
"Rock Star Life"
"I'm Sorry"
"The Nightmare"
"The Rainy Day"
"Staying Alive"
"A Surprise"
"The Ring"
"Highschool Memories"
"The Past"
"American Satan"
"An Angel"
"The Argument"
"The Painting"
"The Call"
"The Album"
"The Tour"
"Rib Cage"
"The Plan"
'The Concert"
"Missed You"

"The Wedding (The End)"

166 3 3
By _elayn_biersack_

Andy and Elayn smiled at each other for a few minutes until Elayn playfully licked Andy's nose. Andy chuckled. "What as that for babe?" Andy asked as he looked at Elayn smiling. Elayn shrugged. "I don't know I just felt like it." Elayn said with a giggle. Andy smiled and kissed Elayn. "You're adorable." Andy said smiling as he placed his hand on Elayn's cheek. Elayn blushed and held Andy's hand. "I love you." Elayn said smiling as she looked at Andy. Andy smiled back as he stared at the women he loved more than life itself. "I love you too. More than anything." Andy said as he pulled Elayn close and kissed her. Elayn kissed Andy back holding him close as well. "Babe, its pretty late we should get some sleep then in the morning go get the things we need for tomorrow." Andy said as he looked at Elayn smiling at her. Elayn nodded her head as she got off Andy and laid down next to him. Andy laid down facing Elayn and wrapping a arm around her holding her close. Elayn smiled as she snuggled up to Andy closing her eyes to go to sleep. The next morning Andy and Elayn woke up only minutes apart and smiled at each other. "Morning, beautiful." Andy said with a smile as he kissed Elayn's forehead. Elayn smiled and looked at Andy. "Morning, my love." Elayn said as she kissed Andy's cheek. Andy smiled and looked at Elayn. "Come on let's get ready to go and get the things we need for today." Andy said as he sat up and stretched. Elayn nodded her head as she got up and walked over to her restroom to shower. Andy chuckled a bit and followed behind Elayn. Elayn took off the remainder of her clothes and got into the shower turning it on. Andy took off his boxers and got into the shower with Elayn. "What are you doing?" Elayn asked as she turned around and looked at Andy. Andy smiled and pulled Elayn close. "I'm showering. What does it look like, baby?" Andy said with a chuckle as he kissed Elayn. Elayn giggled a bit and kissed Andy back. "Okay but if you try anything I will hurt you." Elayn said giggling as she looked at Andy. Andy nodded his head as he let Elayn go so she could shower. Elayn began to wash her body and hair using the same lavender scented soap that Andy loved. Andy smiled a bit as he showered behind Elayn washing his hair. Elayn rinsed off her body and hair getting out of the shower and drying herself off. "Babe?" Elayn asked as she put on her bra and panties. "Yeah?" Andy asked as he stayed in the shower washing his body. "Are we telling the guys?" Elayn asked as she looked in the mirror at her reflection. "Well... Do you want to? Its up to you, baby." Andy said as he turned off the shower and got out. Elayn turned to Andy and shrugged. "Can we afterwards?" Elayn asked as she wrapped her arms around Andy's neck and looked at him. Andy nodded and kissed Elayn. "Yeah that's fine." Andy said with a smile. Elayn smiled back and let Andy go so he can get dressed as she walked out and put on black skinny jeans and a white tank top with her black converse. "Babe, I'm leaving to get the dress." Elayn said as she grabbed her car keys and walked up to Andy. "Okay, babe, be safe," Andy said as he kissed Elayn. "Call me if anything happens. I'm going to get the rings." Andy said as he smiled at Elayn. Elayn smiled and nodded. "Okay. See you in a little bit." Elayn said as she turned and walked out of her room and downstairs. "Morning." Cc said from the couch. Elayn smiled. "Morning." Elayn said as she grabbed her leather jacket and put it on. "Where you going?" Cc asked as he looked at Elayn. "I'm going to go for a drive. I will be back later." Elayn said with a smile as she leaned over and kissed Cc's cheek then left the house walking to her car. Elayn got into her car and drove to a bridal dress shop. "Hello, may I help you?" A woman with short brown hair and pretty light skin asked Elayn. Elayn slowly nodded a bit. "Yes. I was wondering if you have a dress like this?" Elayn asked as she showed the woman a picture of a black dress that has a corset style on it and is short on the front then gets a bit longer in the back with black lace on the bottom and silver swirls on the corset part and a black veil that goes with it, with black roses as a bouquet, and with black heels. The woman smiled. "So you're not the ordinary bride, huh?" She asked as she looked at Elayn. Elayn nodded. "No I'm not." Elayn said with a smile. "Well you're in luck we only have one dress that is exactly like that," Stacey, which was the woman's name, said as she handed her phone back. "Follow me." Stacey said as she began to walk towards the dresses. Elayn followed behind Stacey to the dresses. "Here it is." Stacey said with a smile as she pulled out the dress and showed it to Elayn. Elayn smiled. "Its perfect." Elayn said as she took the dress from Stacey and held it against herself. "I'm glad you like it but we have to try it on first." Stacey said with a smile as she walked towards the dressing room. Elayn nodded and followed behind. "If you need any help just call for me. I will be right out here." Stacey said as she closed the curtain to let Elayn change. Elayn took off her clothes and looked at the dress before putting it on and looked in the mirror. "Hey is everything oka-" Stacey said as she walked into the dressing room and saw Elayn. "Y-you look beautiful." Stacey said as she looked at Elayn. Elayn smiled. "Thank you. Well this is the dress." Elayn said with a smile as she looked at herself in the mirror. "Okay well first you need to change so you can pay for the dress and be on your way." Stacey said smiling as she closed the curtain to let Elayn change. Elayn sighed happily as she took off the dress and put on her regular clothes. Elayn walked out of the dressing room with the dress in hand. "Let's go to the register." Stacey said as she lead the way and Elayn followed behind her. "Okay how do you plan to pay for the dress?" Stacey asked as she set up everything. "Credit card." Elayn said as she pulled out her card from her pocket. Stacey nodded. "Okay go ahead and swipe it." Stacey said as she looked on her computer. Elayn swiped her card and waited for the clear. "Okay well there you go ma'am have a nice day." Stacey said with a smile. Elayn smiled and left walking back to her car. Elayn began to drive home when her phone rang. "Hello?" Elayn asked as she answered. "Hey, babe, I got the rings and I'm heading home now. Also I found a church not to far away to do it." Andy said as he drove home. "Okay, sounds great also I got my dress. Wait how about we meet at the church so the guys won't see me leave in my wedding dress?" Elayn said as she stopped at a red light. "Yeah good idea. I will send you the address and head home to get my suit. See you soon love you." Andy said as he drove home. "Love you too bye babe." Elayn said with a smile as she hung up and Andy sent her the address.

'Its finally going to happen I'm finally going to marry him. I love him so much and I can't wait to be his wife.' Elayn thought to herself as she drove to the church.

"Hey man." Cc said as Andy walked into the house. "Hey." Andy quickly responded as he ran upstairs to get his suit. "What are you doing?" Cc asked as Andy came back downstairs with his suit and shoes in hand. "Nothing see you later." Andy said as he left the house.

'What's with them? Elayn leaves this morning not telling me where she is going like she used to and Andy is leaving with his suit. What are they doing that we don't know about? Are they getting married? No you would need to prep for that. So what is it that they are doing?' Cc thought to himself trying to piece everything together.

Andy drove to the church and parked next to Elayn's car. Elayn was in the church in a different room getting dressed and doing her make-up and hair. Andy walked into the church and walked to a different room to change then walked to the altar. "Ma'am the groom is at the altar." A elderly woman said to Elayn as she entered the room. Elayn smiled. "Thank you." Elayn said as she kissed the woman's cheek then walked past her putting the veil over her face walking towards the altar with her bouquet in hand. Andy's heart raced when he saw how beautiful Elayn is. Elayn smiled as she made it to the altar and stood in front of Andy. Andy smiled and lifted Elayn's veil to uncover her face. The pastor smiled. "Because you two are a young couple and want to go on your honeymoon already I am willing to skip to the vows for you." The pastor said as he looked at Elayn and Andy. Elayn and Andy nodded and smiled as they looked at the pastor. "Do you have the rings?" The pastor asked as he looked at Andy. Andy nodded and pulled out the rings from his pocket. Elayn smiled and took Andy's ring from his hand. "Now for the vows. Would the bride like to start?" The pastor asked as he looked at Elayn. Elayn nodded. "Andy I've loved you from the very beginning. When I was around you my heart raced I always got butterflies. I still do because I fell so in love with you. Only if I listened to those feelings in the beginning we would have been here earlier but that doesn't matter because here we are now happier than ever and in even more love than before. I love you Andy and I always will." Elayn said with a smile as she looked at Andy. Andy smiled. "Elayn you are my light in the darkest of days. You are the only one that could make me happier than ever before. Ever since we were teenagers you always loved me and I loved you because you saw me for me you didn't love me for the looks or even when I got famous you loved and saw the true me like I did for you. Elayn just hearing your name makes my heart skip a beat. I love you. I love everything about you and being here with you today is the happiest day of my life and the start of our life together." Andy said smiling. Elayn began to tear up a bit with happiness. The pastor smiled. "Do you, Elayn, take this man to love and to hold, through sickness and health, to be your lawfully wedded husband till death do you part?" The pastor asked as he looked at Elayn. Elayn nodded. "I do." Elayn said smiling as she placed the ring on Andy's finger. "Do you, Andy, take this woman to love to hold, through sickness and health, to be your lawfully wedded wife till death do you part?" The pastor asked as he looked at Andy. Andy smiled. "I do." Andy said as he placed the ring on Elayn's finger. "By the power in vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." The pastor said smiling. Andy pulled Elayn close and kissed her hard but passionately. Elayn kissed Andy back cupping his face in her hands. "I love you." Andy said as he pulled back and smiled at Elayn. Elayn smiled. "I love you too." Elayn said as she looked at Andy. "Let's go home, my love." Andy said as he took Elayn's hand in his and walked down the aisle. Elayn and Andy walked out to Andy's car and got in. "Well seems like I'm yours now." Elayn said with a smile. "Yeah and I'm yours forever." Andy said as he started his car and drove home. Elayn smiled as they drove home because now she was truly happy married to the love of her life knowing that this was her sibling love and wouldn't want to change it for anything in the world.

[This is it guys the end of Sibling Love I hope you all enjoyed it and tell me if I should write a sequel. Thank you so much for all the support and reads love you all and until next time. See ya! 😊💜]

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