A dragons Pain

By Erza_Dragneel_

47.8K 742 360

» In every story there are infinite possibilities, something as little as the will of one man can change the... More

A different Start
Midnight Perspectives
A Long Time
Come Back
Cracking Like Old Ice
Acts of War
The Roar of a Dragon
The pain of the Dragon
Placebo Effect
Her Gift
I Love You
I love you part 2
Good bye..

Now it Begins

2.1K 37 24
By Erza_Dragneel_

Knock. Knock.

"Arghhh..." she complained not wanting to get up from her comfortable and soft bed she had just buy the day before.

Knock. Knock. Knock!

She look up from her pillow to her nightstand and saw the little clock in the form of a star.

7:00 am

(It's too early, who would come visit me at this hour and how did they know I now live here?)

She stood there wondering not wanting to leave the safety of her blanket, so she lay back in her pillow deciding to ignore the person that was knocking on her door.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock!

And so the knocking continue and she kept ignoring it.

(Maybe they would stop after a while and go)

And the knocking did stop.

A sigh of relief left her mouth, she could finally go back to resting.

Yesterday had been an exhausting day, with joining Fairy Tail and being introduced to every one of her new guild mates, plus she hadn't had anywhere to sleep so she went looking through Magnolia for a place to live and finally she have found a nice apartment that only cost 70,000 jewels a months which was reasonable price in her opinion. All in all it was a nice day extremely tiring but really nice.


Suddenly her bed wasn't soft and comfortable anymore, now it was rigid and cold.

Her hold body was shaking by the extreme cold her bed was emanating, so she did the logical thing to do.

Jump out of her bed.

"You know it's not nice to ignore one of your guild mates" said a man that now she noticed was sitting in the window next to her bed – that now was completely covered in ice – only dressed in his boxers.

She stared at him with wide eyes not believing it. And he just wave his hand at her and said "Hi blondie"



It seem almost impossible for Lucy to get up from the floor and get to Gray - that was almost five meters from where she was sitting - and punch him in the face in less than three seconds.

But she did it, and Gray is an experienced mage while Lucy is a rookie and still he couldn't even defend himself by the sheer speed she display in that moment.

"Aaaaaaa" screamed Gray while falling down from a two floor building before heavily crashing in to the hard ground.

He groaned rubbing his back slowly getting up.

Lucy look at him from the window, her face sporting a deep blush "You pervert, how you dare climb through my bedroom window?"

"I'm not a pervert, and I knocked several times and you didn't answer" he said back to her equally annoyed.

"Maybe if you learn to be a normal person you would understand that nobody wakes up at SEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE FREAKING MORNING!" she screamed at him.

Gray sigh deciding to give up with this.

"I'm sorry Blondie" said Gray bowing down "I won't do it again, now can I come in? I got something important to tell you"

Lucy look at him her face full of doubt, she was suspicious about his intentions.

"Ok come in" she said "And my name is Lucy not blondie" Lucy step down from her window into her bedroom and sit on the table next to it, she was facing the door waiting for Gray to come in.

But he came in by jumping through the window, making Lucy sweat-drooped at his antics.

"You will do that every time you come here won't you?" she asked

"Do what?" he asked back.

"Forget about it, but could you at least put some clothes on?" Lucy look away but at the same time try to take a peek at his defined chest and abs that seemed to beg for her attention.

(Six pack)

She shook her head while Gray look down at himself "Argh I have them while I was knocking on your door"

"Maybe you should go look for your clothes before saying what you need to tell me" suggested Lucy trying to get him and his six pack out of her house so she could at least take a bath and put on some fresh clothes.

"No, I look for them later, what I have to tell you is more important" said Gray shaking his head and putting on a serious expression which told Lucy to be serious as well.

Lucy look at him while waiting for him to tell about this serious matter.

"Do you know about the first mission tradition?" asked Gray, making Lucy frown in confusion.

"No I haven't, what is that?" Lucy inclined her head to the right and hold her chin with her left hand making an 'I am thinking' expression.


"Well it's a tradition that basically consists that when a rookie enters the guild he or she must be accompanied by an experience mage of the guild on his or her first mission" explained Gray internally smirking when he saw realization dawn on Lucy.

"Oh, that's a really thoughtful tradition for us rookies" said Lucy smiling happily.

"Yes and as a very experience and caring mage myself, I thought that I would do you the favor and go with you my-"

"I think I'll asked Erza-san to go with me since she's been so nice to me so far" said Lucy not really paying attention to what Gray had been saying.

(Shit, I forgot the first mage she meet was Erza, I need to fix this)

Cough. Cough.

"That's a good idea Lucy, but Erza doesn't like to go on missions after she just finished one because she has to spent so time with her daughter, so I doubt she would go with you" said Gray making Lucy expression go pensive again "So like I was saying before I would be willing to g-"

"Then I'll asked Mirajane-san, she seems nice" said Lucy not paying the ice mage attention again.

(Fuck, I need to hurry up before people start arriving at the guild)

"Yes she's a very nice person, but unfortunately she doesn't go on much missions and when she does, she only goes with her brother" said Gray mentally patting himself in the back for his brilliant idea "Like I was trying to say I would be willing t-"

"Maybe Cana would g-"

"NOOOOO, I'LL GO WITH YOU" screamed Gray pushing himself up from Lucy's bed where he have been sitting.

"Why you?" asked Lucy skeptical.

"Because, emmm, because I've already picked a mission for us and it won't be polite if you reject to go with me after I already went through all the trouble of selecting the perfect mission that would fit your abilities" said Gray.

(Phew, I almost screwed up)

"But I never told you what type of magic I use"

(Double fuck)

"Erza told me"

"You didn't talk to Erza yesterday while I was there and Erza left before me" said the blonde her frown deepening with more suspicion.

"I, ah, I, emmm, I went to her house last night, yeah that's right, I visited her yesterday in the middle of the night and asked about your magic so I could pick a mission for us and that it's the end of that story" said Gray quickly while sweating furiously.

Lucy stare at him for a long time making him thought she wasn't going to buy it.

"You didn't need to go through all that trouble you could have just asked me silly" said Lucy smiling at him "But thank you for being so thoughtful it really show that you're a very nice person"

"Y-Yeah" stuttered Gray

"So what is the mission about?" asked Lucy excited.

Internal sigh.

Gray took out the mission paper out of his boxers which made Lucy shiver and put it in the table so it was facing Lucy.

Not wanting to touch the paper she just kneeled in front of the table a start reading the parts that interested her.

"Please help us. Break a demon curse. Galuna Island. Reward: two million jewels. Wow that's a lot of money, but I don't think my skills will be useful in removing a curse, maybe we should get an-" she stopped when her eyes fell on something else on the paper "Extra reward: one of the twelve zodiac golden keys... We're going, definitely going, I'll break that curse like a pencil" she got up, fire metaphorically flaming in her eyes.

Gray laughed at her quick changed of decision, he got up as well and said to her "I'll meet you in an hour at the train station, Okay?"

He walked towards the door and when he was about to open it Lucy voice stop him.

"In the station, shouldn't we go to the guild first and also why are we going so early?" asked Lucy.

"Eh? Well it's important to, emmm, to be as soon as possible so the client sees that we are responsible mages and the guild doesn't open till 9:00 am" said Gray opening the door quickly.

"But Mirajane-san said that she opens the guild at eight in the mor-"

"Oh my God, just look at the hour it's so late, if we don't hurry up we're going to lose the first train and we don't want that, no definitely not, see you at the station Lucy" said Gray bolting out of Lucy's house.

Pant. Pant. Pant.

"Why does she asks so much?"


"Where are we going Onii-sama?" asked Yukino to Natsu while they walked down an empty street.

"To Hargeon" said simply the pink haired man with a hood hiding his face.

"Again, didn't we were there like two days ago?" questioned Yukino her hood hiding her face like Natsu.

"Yes, but yesterday I heard some rumors about a curse affecting the villagers of Galuna Island that is near Hargeon, so I decided that we should check it out just in case it's another Etherious Demon" explained Natsu to Yukino who nodded in agreement.

"His demons had gotten more active lately" said Yukino feeling uneasy.

Natsu put his hand on her head and ruffle her hair making her blush "Don't worry about it I'll protect you in case we run into another one" teased Natsu smirking at her.

Yukino pout "I can take care of myself, I did well with Lullaby" said Yukino

"That's because it was a flute and you just burned it" said Natsu his left eyebrow raised "But I don't think you can handle the powerful ones"

"Oh yeah, well let's make a bet, if we run into one Etherious Demon in Galuna and I beat it you'll have to do whatever I want for a week" said Yukino pointing at him.

"And if you don't?" asked Natsu bowing down to her height so he can be face to face with her.

"Then I'll do whatever you want for a week" exclaimed Yukino.

"But you already do whatever I want" declared the pink haired man.

"That's not true" screamed Yukino.

"Really? Then how come I got you to clean my clothes this morning just by leaving you a note in your nightstand" said Natsu making her blush.

"I was just being a good sister" Yukino try to defend herself but couldn't because of how deep she was blushing.

"Sure, why don't you admit it, I got you wrap around my finger Yuki-chan" mocked her Natsu.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT, you know I hate that nickname" screamed Yukino making Natsu laughed.

"I love it when you get embarrassed it's so cute" mocked Natsu kissing her in the cheek making her blush harder.

"Stop being mean Onii-baka" whined Yukino looking at the ground trying and failing miserably to hide her embarrassment.

"Okay, Okay I'll stop" said Natsu "I agree"

"To what?" asked the white haired girl.

"To your bet, if I win you'll do whatever I want for a week and if you win I'll do whatever you want for a week, but I'm going to add a little something to motivate you more" said Natsu leaning towards Yukino and whispering something in her ear.

Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open.


"Yes" answered Natsu.

"YOSHHHHHHHHH, LET'S GO TO GALUNA INMEDIATELY, I'M ALL FIRED UP" screamed Yukino while sprinting down the street leaving an amused Natsu watching the cloud of dust she left behind her.


8:30 am

Hinami walked happily towards the guild holding her mother right hand with her much little one, her trusty wooden sword strapped to her back while she just smile and listen to the story her mother was telling her.

"And suddenly he just came rushing through the door with this huge egg screaming for everybody to look at it and saying that it was a dragon egg" told Erza to Hinami who laughed.

"And what did daddy do with the egg?"

"Well he tried to hatched it but he almost end up burn it, lucky for him Mira's little sister stop him before he turn it into ashes" said Erza making Hinami frowned cutely.

"I didn't know Aunt Mira have a little sister" said Hinami looking up at her mother in confusion.

"She has never told you about Lisanna?" asked Erza

"No" answer the little girl.

"That's weird" Erza look in the distance towards where the guild is, wondering why her friend never talked about her sister to Hinami since she mentioned her sometimes in the guild.

"Where does Aunt's sister lives? I've never seen her in Aunt Mira's house"

Erza look at her daughter not really knowing how to explain to her that Lisanna was dead. How could she explained even the concept of death to a two year old girl?

"Well... she's gone to a... place that is far away from here" Erza looked nervously at Hinami hoping that she would accept her explanation.

"Like daddy? Is she with him then? Can we go there?" asked Hinami looking hopefully at her mother that stooped walking when she heard her daughter question.

"No... your daddy it's not with her, she's in a place when she can't comeback unlike your daddy that it's definitely going to comeback" said Erza her hair covering her eyes.

They continued walking towards the guild neither saying a word both lost in their own minds.

(I won't allow Hinami nor Natsu to go there, never, I'll protect them both, I'll make sure Natsu meets his daughter and Hinami her father and then when can be the family Hinami needs)

And so her thoughts continue.

"Mommy we're here" Erza was brought out of her mind by Hinami that was pointing towards the guild door.

"Oh, then let's get in, I'm dying to eat some strawberry cheesecake" said Erza putting her hand on the door.

"Me too" said Hinami also putting her smaller hand on the door.

They push the door open and were greeted by the same cheery guild as the day before, everyone sitting in the tables chatting and drinking beer this early.

"Mira two strawberry cheesecakes please" said Erza sitting in one of the bar stools, her daughter next to her.

"Mira?" called Erza again not seeing the white haired woman but figuring she was in the kitchen.

"Aunt Mira?" Hinami also called.

"She hasn't arrived yet" said Makarov from the bar counter where he was sitting and drinking.

"She hasn't, but she's always the first to arrive, did something happened to her?" asked Erza, a little worried by her friend absence.

"I don't know, but I'm sure it's nothing, maybe she just stay up too late last night and she's sleeping" said the Master drinking more beer, his cheeks showing a little blush, Hinami giggled at the old man antics "She'll come around, I mean when had you seen something slow Mirajane down"

"Jii-san is right mommy" said Hinami smiling at her mother.

Erza nodded her head in agreement and smile back.

"IT'S AWFUL!" someone came crashing through the doors shouting.

The entire guild turn around towards the doors only to see Happy floating in front of them panting a little.

"Happy?" said Erza.

The feline took a deep breath and pointed at Erza and Hinami.

"YOU TWO LEFT ME BEHIND IN THE HOUSE ALL ALONE!" said the cat crying a little, making the whole guild sigh and turn back to what they have been doing before.

Erza approached the cat and pat him in the head "I'm sorry we left you behind, can you forgive us?" said Erza while Hinami was holding a fish for him.


They all sat and talked about things until they all started to fell sleepy.

Soon everyone was sleeping peacefully.

"Mystogan, could you please not do that anymore?" asked Makarov yawning.

"I'll be taking this mission" said the mysterious man after taking a paper from the request board, completely ignoring Makarov petition.

Makarov just nodded.

Mystogan was about to exit when he saw the sleeping figure of Hinami, he approached her and ruffled her hair while smiling underneath his mask.

He leave then, lifting the sleep charm after crossing the doors.

"What happened?" asked Cana getting up from the floor.

"Mystogan came" said Makarov.

"That bastard, why does he have to put us to sleep every time he comes?" asked Wakaba while shaking his head trying to get rid of the sleepiness.

"You shouldn't bother him too much, Mystogan is really shy"

"Laxus..." said Makarov quickly recognizing the voice of his grandson.

"What are you doing here Laxus? You rarely come to the guild" asked Erza staring at the blonde intently.

"I thought I would come to see if the geezer have died already so I could take what it's rightfully mine.

"You bastard" growled Erza ex-quipping a sword out.

"The only bastard here it's that little freak over there you and that flame idiot made" insulted Laxus making Erza's eyes flashed with rage "At least my father was married to my mother, unlike you that only got used by Natsu like a cheap whore to wipe his sorrows"

Erza jumped towards the second floor where Laxus was, she was about to stab the sword through his head only for the Master to grab her with his giant hand.

"Erza don't" reprimanded Makarov.

Erza turned her glare on him, and then Makarov noticed the tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Laxus you went too far this time" said Makarov to his grandson.

"It's not like I'm the only one to thought that" said the blonde "I'm the only one with enough balls to say it, that dumb bi-"

"ENOUGH LAXUS" screamed the Master, his eyes glowing with rage directed towards his blonde grandson.

"Tch" Laxus clicked his tongue and turn around to leave before stopping.

"Oh by the way last night I saw that fool Gray take a request from the second floor board" said the blonde man smirking at the entire guild before leaving in a crack of lighting.

Everyone stay silent for a few moments.

"WHAAAAAAATTTTTTT?" screamed Makarov, letting go of Erza that finally calmed herself a little.

"That idiot what the hell it's he think he's doing, he's going to get himself killed, has the ice finally frozen his brain" ranted the Fairy Tail Master looking more pale by every second that passed.

Erza that had run towards the second floor to check the request board screamed at the Master "Master he took the Galuna Island mission"

"The Galuna mission, that idiot uses ice magic, why the hell would he choose a curse breaking mission, that stupid ice brat, I'll punished him like no one has ever been punish in Fairy Tail before, first I'll cut his-"

"Master" interrupted Erza "If you let me I'll bring him back so you can punish him"

"Yes leave immediately" said the Master.

"Please take care of Hinami till I'm back" said Erza.

"Mommy I want to go too" said the little girl to her mother with teary eyes.

"Hinami it's too dangerous for yo-" but she stopped when she saw the tears on her daughter eyes.

(Laxus words hurt her)

Looking away from her daughter sad expression trying to avoid being affected by her protective mother instincts.

But she couldn't.


"Fine but I'll need another person to come with me so you'll be safe in case I have to fight" said Erza making her daughter smile.

(Yes, I'll be able to see mom punish Gray for being disobedient) thought the little girl, showing that she was way too intelligent for her age.

"I'll go Erza" said Happy munching on a fish while still managing to talk.

"Thank you Happy but I'll need another mage besides you to accompany us.

(I wish Mira was here, we could make this mission in an hour with her and me working together)

"Okay" said Happy only caring that he was going on the 'rescue' mission too.

"Loke" screamed Erza making the mage jumped to his feet at an impressive speed.

"Yes?" asked Loke while saluting Erza.

"You'll come with me and protect my daughter in case I need to fight someone" said the red haired mother receiving a nod from the orange haired man.

"I'll be an honor to protect Hinami-hime" said the man flirting with a two year old girl, making her look at him blankly not understanding the concept of flirting.

"Don't corrupt my daughter you pedophile" said Erza punching him in the head before grabbing the back of his shirt and walking out of the guild with Happy and Hinami following her laughing at the now unconscious man.

"I'll be off Master" said Erza before closing the doors.

As soon as she was gone everyone started making bets on how beat would Gray be when Erza brings him back.

"I bet he would be losing his right hand"

"I think it would be his right leg"

"I predict at least three concussions and four broken bones"

"Erza is going to cut his dic-"

"Master Lucy hasn't come to the guild today" said Cana to the pale Makarov.

"I'm sure she'll come later, she didn't look like a very morning person" said the Master to the card mage before taking a drink form his mug.

Cana nodded accepting the Master answer.

But suddenly an idea popped into her mind.

"Master did you explained to Lucy the mission ranking yesterday?" asked the brown haired girl.

"No" answer the Master simply not really caring since he has bigger things to do than explaining things to a rookie.

"Do you think Gray might have tricked her into going with him since she doesn't know the difference between a normal mission and an S-class one?" asked Cana.




"Master... Master are you alright... MASTER!" screamed Cana holding the unconscious old man in her arms.


"How is she Porlyusica-san?" asked a frantic Elfman to the old Fairy Tail medic.

"Her mind has gone into a self-inducted coma" explained the old pink haired woman looking at the sleeping Mirajane laying on the bed of her house.

"What is that?" Elfman looked at her worriedly thinking it was an incurable sickness.

"Her mind was submitted to more stress that it could handle and it simply shut itself down" explained the old medic to Elfman.

"How long till she wakes up?"

"It depends on the quantity of mental stress she suffered" Porlyusica look at Mirajane peaceful sleeping face "Do you know of something that could trigger that level of stress, maybe she show some strange behavior yesterday"

"No, nee-chan was as friendly as usual yesterday, she never stop smiling" said Elfman to the serious woman.

"How did you say you found her last night?" asked the pink haired woman.

"She was screaming inside my sister old room holding Lisanna's old album... Wait but that can't be it, we move on, both of us, it's already been three years" said franticly the white haired man.

Porlyusica didn't say anything only look at Mirajane pensively with a faraway look.

"You should go inform Makarov about your sister condition" said the mage medic to the nervous man who nodded in return before leaving towards the guild.

She return her gaze towards the comatose mage her eyes full of sadness "You suffered of PTS for three years and no one ever noticed, all that pain bottle up" that sadness in her eyes turn to pity "I wonder if you can still remember your own sister name" she said to the unconscious woman "You really are a strong and stupid person for hiding behind a fake smile, pretending to move on from the past but you just were denying it"


"So why did you decided to help us?" asked Gray to the man that had refer to himself as Bobo. He and Lucy where currently in a little fishing boat with man that had offered to take them to the infamous Galuna Island.

"Because I'm from that Island" said the dark skinned man.

"You are?" asked the two mages.

"Yes, I runaway because the curse started to affect everyone so I thought I could find someone that could help me break it" said the man looking down in sadness.

"What is this curse about?" asked Lucy

"It turn the people in the island into this" said the man before showing them his right arm.

They both widen their eyes at the sight of it.

The arm has a skeletal look and was purple but it also resemble the arm of a demon.

"I beg you please help the people of the village" said the man bowing in front of them making the boat swing a little.

"We'll help them for sure" said Gray patting the man shoulder in support.

"Thank you" said the man sitting down and continue rowing the boat.

Lucy smile at Gray.

(He can be a weirdo at times, but he's a really good and selfless person)

"By the way I was really surprised when I met you two, I mean I never thought two mages so young would taking an S-class mission" said Bobo smiling at them.


"S-class mission what's that Gray?" asked Lucy looking confusedly at Gray that was sweating like a pig.

(Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!)

"Ummmmmm... it's a very special class of mission that it's only for rookies, that's right is a mission made for rookies and their partners" answer Gray.

(Please believe it)

"But what does the S means?" asked Lucy tilting her head to the right.

"Emmm... it means... ummm... (Fuck) Simple mission" said Gray his voice squeaky and fearful.

"Oh okay, that makes sense" said Lucy smiling at him.

Internal sigh.

(Thank God she's blonde)

Bobo look at them confused, not understanding what he lie to her so shamelessly and how could she believe something so stupid.

He was about to correct what Gray had said when...


The three of them turn to look behind the boat.

"It's that a person?" asked Lucy not really believing what she was seeing.

"I think so" said Gray.

Bobo just stared wide eyed.

And in deed it was, a sight that widen eyes. It's not every day you see a hooded person swimming faster that the speed of lighting in your direction while splashing torrents of water at her or his sides because of the speed of her movements.

The person passed besides them turning the boat upside down and throwing them into the water.


"What just happened?" asked Lucy after coming out of the water.

"That bastard" screamed Gray before he starter frizzing the water making a path in the direction the hooded person went started running after him or her.

"Gray wait, we can't, we have a mission to do" called Lucy only for her words to falls on deaf ears since he was already gone.

"Bobo-san we have to g... Huh?" said Lucy not seeing the man anywhere "Why do I always get left behind?"

Meanwhile Gray continue running in the direction of the hooded figure, now he could see the Island so he figure it must be there.

(Great, I can kill two birds with the same stone)

He saw the beach of the island and there holding her knees and taking deep breaths was the hooded girl – he recognized that the screamed had been female – completely soak.

Gray jumped and landed in front of the hooded girl who didn't acknowledge his appearance.

"Hey you, what the hell do you think you're doing" asked Gray pointing at her.

"I'm... breathing... you... idiot" said the girl taking gasps of breath between words.

Gray face became red with irritation.

(This little brat)

"I know that, I'm asking why you turn our boat upside down, you insolent brat" asked again Gray.

"Because... I... don't... give... a... rat's... ass... about... you... and... your... crappy... boat" answered the girl slowly regaining her breath "I don't... have time... for your... whining... I'm out"

And so she started to walk away from Gray making his last bit of patience brake.

"Don't run away you coward" said Gray making the girl stopped suddenly.

"What did you call me?" she said lowly.

"A coward, that's what you are, attacking us from the back and running from me, you're a truly despicable coward" taunted Gray making her turn around her eyes covered by her hood only a little smile could be seen from her face.

"KARYU NO TEKKEN" screamed the girl punching Gray with a flaming fist right in the face sending him flying towards the sea.


He quickly got out of the water his eyes widen.

(That magic, it's... could this be the girl Erza was taking about?)

"Oy, kid who thought you that magic?" asked Gray walking out of the water, accidentally taking his shirt and pants off.

"I don't need to tell anything to a perverted stripper like you" screamed the girl to him.

"What did you say?"

(This is definitely the girl Erza was talking about, only one person has ever made me so pissed in my life and is this girl teacher, I'm going to make her tell me where he is so I can pummel him into the ground)

"Ice Make: Lance" screamed Gray sending seven ice lances at the girl.

The lances were about to connect with her until her whole body became surrounded by flames instantly melting the ice lances and also throwing her back revealing her face and white short hair.

"Karyou No Hoko" said the girl launching a powerful torrent of flames at Gray.

"Ice Make: Shield" an ice shield appeared in front of Gray covering him from the flames but he still was affected by the intense heat it was producing the attack.

Finally the roar the stop and the shield dissolve.

"That was actually a powerful attack, not bad" said Gray before finally noticing her uncovered face for the first time "You're cute, now I see why that flame idiot keeps you around"

"Shut up Karyu No Kagizume" screamed Yukino throwing a flaming kick at him, her voice full of anger that confirmed to Gray her identity as the student of Natsu.

(She has white short hair, like 'her')

He dodged the kick with difficulty.

"Ice Make: Lance" he said throwing more powerful lances than last time knowing she couldn't melt this ones.

Yukino disappeared in a burst of flames, the lances impacting the sand.

"Where did she g-"

"Karyu No Hoko" said Yukino from behind Gray sending a torrent of flames that impacted him right in the back burning him badly.

Gray fell to the ground groaning in pain.

"Apologize about calling my Onii-sama an idiot" said Yukino looking down at him.

"Never" said Gray.

"Then I'll have to make you" said Yukino her body being covered in flames, the heat of the flames quickly turn the sand under her feet into crystal.

A red magic seal appeared underneath her feet, it was emanating so much sheer power that it made the water of the sea near her vaporized.

"Now it ends" she said.

Gray stand up, freezing the wound on his back and turn to look at her with a smirk that said how excited he was at the moment.

"No, now it begins"

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