Whispers of the Night

By newbiegac2015

83.4K 3K 330

How far would you go to protect the one you love? Would you commit a crime? Lie to an officer? Or attempt to... More

Cupcake pancakes and Rainbow Sprinkles
When things go bump
In a Galaxy.
Trouble of a new kind.
The new feel
No Place like home
The past can haunt us
Start a fight, create a war.
Three. Two. Or One.
Karma's Kick
One and only.
Learn to love
The PT assistant
Tension in the fraying
Box of Love
High of him.
The reason
Memories and Moments
Rainbow feelings
In fire
Players on the board.
Avari's discovery
A change
Tulip petals
Scarlett's Compassion
New Beginning
Resent comes in pairs
Spineless fool
Scarlett's Falling
Any other way
Broken communications
A Fathers Worry
Audacity of a cheat
Taming the beast
Zak's advance
No rest for the wicked
Teacup Human

I wish for this.

2K 74 10
By newbiegac2015

"Ready?" I whispered to Avari who nodded excitedly.

The few stray strands of hair which had fallen from her French brain, fell into her eyes before she pushed it back behind her ears. Her eyes wide with excitement.

"Get the doors for me then sweetheart and let's go." 

Picking up the birthday cake, I balanced it carefully and proceeded to follow Avari through the house until we found Zak.

"One. Two. Three." I whispered.

"Haaaappy birthday to you! Haaaaappy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Daddy!!! Happy birthday to you!" Myself and Avari sang as he looked up and grinned seeing us in party hats with a cake and candles.

"Are you serious?" He grinned as I placed it on the desk in his office. The babbling baby on his knee squealed seeing the colourful design.

"Look Ori! Look what mommy has!" Zak pointed as my little bruiser pulled his hands to his mouth squeaking.

"Make a wish!" Avari shouted in excitement.

Zak looked at us before leaning forward and blowing the candle out making Ri stop his squeaking to look for the flame.

The small dimples appeared and before our little man could start, I relit the candle making him grin.

"Pyromaniac. I swear." Zak commented watching him babble away.

"He's mommys little chunk!" I cooed pinching the little meaty legs.

7 months ago, I gave birth.. Yes baby number 2 had arrived in the form of a little boy, after almost a total of three weeks of indecisiveness we settled on a name.

Orion Alexander Bagans. Or Ori for short, nicknamed by Avari.

Having named Avari myself, I allowed Zak the honour of naming our little champ. And with Avari's name to contend with.. He had his work cut out.

Avari meant "Of the heavens, from the sky".

So when Zak settled on Orion and found the meaning.. Well it was just fitting. Orion meant "Rising in the sky; dawning."

Of course my luck was out as Orion was every bit of his daddy, the fluffy black hair that gave me chronic heartburn throughout pregnancy. The cheeky grin that I was a sucker for, and a replica copy of his fathers eyes that melted everyone who came into contact with him.

Yes I was outnumbered as none of my children looked like me. Despite 9 months of brewing them!

"What is it bud?" Zak asked him kissing the side of his head.

"What did you wish for? What did you wish for?!" Avari shouted unable to control her excitement at the idea of cake.

"I can't say, it's a secret. But I know it will come true." Zak replied wrapping his arm around her shoulders giving her a kiss on the head too.

Orion idolised his very hyperactive sister, just as much as Avari doted on him. My worries for jealousy were obliterated in seconds as Avari took to him like a duck to water and would spend her reading time before bed, reading to him and to Gracie.

"Can Gracie have some cake?" Avari asked petting her faithful companions head.

"No sweetheart, but you can go get her a treat whilst we cut this up." Zak replied sending her off on a mission whilst we all followed behind.

"Baaaaaaaaaaahaaa!" Orion screamed in joy as Zak bounced along the hallway with him.

Carrying the cake back to the kitchen, I took the candle out and placed it on the side.

"Do you want to know what I wished for?" Zak whispered having put Orion in his baby chair.

"I dread to think." I murmured.

"It's not something rude." He chuckled.

I turned to meet his face "Spill."

"I wished for this. I don't want anything or to be anywhere else."

My heart swelled up at the man before me making me watery eyed. "Are you crying?" He laughed.

"Shut up." I muttered elbowing him away as he chuckled.

"Oh you're all hormonal still huh? So how about number three?" He suggested making my eyes snap to him.


He laughed harder "I'm kidding, although practicing never hurt." He winked.

I scoffed "Practising is what cause these little monkeys."

"Mommy can I have cake now?" Avari asked climbing onto the barstool.

"Yes!" Zak answered for me, spinning around to find a knife and to do the deed.

I opened the front door to greet our guests, all smiling and wishing Zak a happy birthday whilst he stood to my side with Ori sandwiched between us.

Avari was playing with Zak's Niece and Nephew in the garden along with Gracie and Ridley.

"Hey come on in." I grinned as Billy came in with his wife Diane.

"Happy birthday bro." Billy grinned giving Zak a fist bump.

"Glad you could make it man, Aaron is here with Jay and Ash. Make yourself at home, like usual." He teased.

Throwing a surprise birthday for Zak, didn't go according to plan as he soon stumbled upon my plans, whilst snooping. Yes the man who was apparently middle aged searched until he found some hint of a birthday and was like a dog with a bone until he knew everything.

My arm felt light making my head snap to Ori to find Aaron taking him off me.

"So dude, I need a chick, and you're gonna help me." He spoke walking off with him.

"Don't use my baby as a pulling magnet!" Zak called after him.

We were about to leave the front door when a knock came making me open it. Both myself and Zak were shocked to see a new and revitalised Holly.

"Holly?" I questioned unable to believe my eyes.

"Yeah it's me." She smiled shyly.

"You look... Oh my god." I gasped pulling her into a hug. The action causing her to freeze.

"Y-you're not mad at me? Why aren't you mad at me?" She panicked as I let her go.

"I forgave you, it's time you forgive yourself.. Come in!" I spoke but she shook her head.

"I uh, I just wanted to give you this." She said passing me a letter. "My therapist said I should write an apology..... And this is for you." She spoke handing Zak a blue envelope.

"Happy birthday."

"Thanks." He smiled gently taking it.

"You're welcome. I just wanted to stop by and thank you both. For giving me the opportunity, I will never be able to repay you."

"Staying on the road to health will do me just fine." I replied causing a smile to pull on her face.

"I can do that."

"Sure you don't want to come in?" I asked again.

"No thank you, I have to hit the road. I'm off to New York. I have a new job, one that will open up the world for me. I just wanted to say thanks and to drop the card off."

"Well.. Thanks again." Zak nodded.

"Yeah thank you for this, I'll read it tonight."

"You do that." She smiled back stepping away from the house.

"Good luck Holly, in everything you do."

She nodded looking up to the sky "The day I went into rehab? Was the day I started my life again. I have you to thank for that. Goodbye."

"Take care." Both myself and Zak spoke in unison before smiling at each other.

She laughed gently "You two really were made for each other."

We waved her off before heading back inside, holding my letter, I took it to the bedroom and placed it in my bedside table draw to read later. My eyes stayed on the letter for a while wondering what it would contain. Some thank you's and some blame? I mean I deserved it.

"Hey? You coming?" Zak asked making my eyes leave the draw, pushing it closed behind me I nodded.

"Yeah, of course." Returning to his side, we walked back to the party, with our fingers entwined and a smile spread across our faces.

Surrounded by family and friends I beamed up at Zak. Realising that things can change and they had for me.

From the moment I held Avari and ran into his museum begging for help from the only man I knew who could give it. I knew then my life was going to change. I've laughed, cried, screamed, sobbed, giggled and snorted my way to this point.. To stand beside a man who had taken my heart several years ago and had sealed it within his. We were both older, wiser and sometimes stupider. But we have each other again, along with two children who are the most important pieces of our world.

One gorgeous princess and one equally beautiful chunky prince. Who just drooled on Aaron..

I laughed seeing Aaron's face and felt the tightening on my hand from Zak.

"You're the most beautifulest sight I've ever seen." He whispered into my ear causing my face to flush.

"Packing the charm huh?" I giggled.

"That's not all I'm packing." He replied causing my eyes to snap over at him ready to chide him for being rude when he stepped back and dropped to one knee bringing the once loud and chatty house to complete silence.

"Scarlett. Will you do me the honour of becoming Mrs Scarlett Bagans?" He asked opening the black ring box exposing a silver ring with a diamond.

My breath caught in my throat as I looked down at him.

"R-really? Me?" I choked.

"Yes, really you." He laughed looking hopeful.

"You want to marry me?" I asked.

"Every single day. Be my wife? Before I get stuck down here."

The room laughed as I began to well up. "Yes! Yes of course I will!" I cried.

"She said yes!" Zak shouted causing a round of applause to fill the room.

It was only when the ring was on my finger that I squealed in excitement.

"Ori gets it from you!" He accused "And I thought it was Avari teaching him that!"

I laughed pulling him tinny height for a kiss. "I love you so much." I whispered as he wiped my cheeks from tears.

"Told you Miss Summers, you're mine. Forever."

I bit my lip looking up at him "And here we go again."

"Here we go again." Zak repeated plastering me in kisses.

The moment Zak pulled away, I was swamped as everyone wanted to look at my ring. It was then I felt complete.

7 years ago I ran out of Vegas with nothing to my name and a broken heart. But now I had it all, a daughter, a son, a dog, a home, family, friends and a gorgeous partner that still made those butterflies flap.

And began to believe the saying.

"True Love Never Dies."

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