The Angel and her Demon

By ObsessedBieber

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"Oh trust me shawty, I'm no regular kid." And with that, he walked away, leaving me there totally dumbfounded... More



420 15 3
By ObsessedBieber

It had been two days since Jason took me to Hell. Two days since Justin saved me. Two days since I found out that the man who I thought was my father was actually a demon and not my real father. Two days during which I've felt scared and paranoid - even when Justin's around.

I could tell he was a bit hurt by it, but I can't really help myself. Not after all that occured. I've been staying at Justin's because Justin thought it wouldn't be safe for me to go back home - as my 'father' could read my thoughts and then know that Justin was after him.

Today would be the day Justin had to complete his mission - he told me he wanted it done before the five days of time Jason gave him were over. I didn't know what exactly he would do and quite frankly, I didn't want to know.

Right now Justin and I were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast, I was leaning my head on Justin's shoulder as I was still tired.

It was only 6:15 AM and I had no idea why I had to wake up this early as well. Justin had said that he would have to leave early to get some supplies and stuff for the mission - a.k.a killing my so-called father.

"Justin why did I have to wake up this early too?" I yawned and chewed on a spoonful of cereal. Justin chuckled tiredly and took a sip from his orange juice before speaking.

"Because I didn't want to have breakfast alone." He smirked at me and I gasped, smacking his arm a little.

"That's unfair Justin!" I yelled as he just laughed at my reaction. I folded my arms and turned my back to him, refusing to look at him anymore.

I could still hear Justin's amused laugh, the bastard actually thought it was funny to have me wake up at 6:00 AM. I however didn't find anything funny about it, as I was dead tired anyways.

I barely got any sleep last night because I kept waking up and having nightmares. And on top of that my dear boyfriend decided to wake me up early in the morning. Great, just great.

"Aw come on Angel, you could always go back to sleep." Justin whined, snaking his arms around my waist. I could still hear the smirk in his voice, which to be honest annoyed me quite a lot.

"Yeah, because that would turn out so good." I stated sarcastically and shook my head. I knew that even if I would fall asleep, I would only have nightmares and then wake up all alone - which would have me even more scared.

Scared that Jason would come again, that someone else would come and hurt me. Not even Justin's presence seemed to help - and that was new to me.

"Yeah... Right. Sorry." Justin said and kisses my cheek softly. I felt my cheeks heat up and a small smile appeared on my lips. Justin could be so adorable at times - but I'll admit that sometimes he's an ass.

Right now he was both. He was an ass, because he woke me up, but he still was adorable. Does that even make any sense...

"Justin?" I spoke up, turning back towards him. He looked at me, chewing cereal and raising his eyebrows.

"When will you be back?" I asked yawning once again. Justin sighed and seemed to think for a while, because his jaw clenched a bit and his eyebrows scrunched together. Justin ran a hand through his hair, before speaking:

"I don't know for sure, but I could imagine that... Maybe at three in the afternoon." I frowned at his words, not expecting him to be gone for that long. I had hoped he would be back before noon - but I guess that hope was pointless.

"Oh, okay." I replied, eating the rest of my cereal. Either Justin or I spoke anything else, we just finished our breakfast and then I headed back upstairs, laying down on the bed. I felt exhausted.

I cuddled into my pillow, yawning and curling up a little. But just as I had gotten comfortable I heard footstps approach my bed and a kiss was planted on my forehead. Justin was once again disturbing my sleep.

"What?" I groaned, opening my eyes slightly. I saw Justin crouching down to my level and looking at me his head tilted a bit to the side. There was a faint smile on his face, his eyes however had worry in them.

I knew that it was because the mission and probably because of leaving me alone here too. I hated seeing him worried, it gave me a really anxious feeling too.

"I just came to say bye, and to tell you I have a little surprise for you when I come back." Justin announced and ruffled my hair making me glare at him. I nodded, smiling at him and pulling him in a tight hug.

Justin's arms immediately snaked around me, holding me tightly close to him. I sighed, knowing that for tje following hours I would be alone.

"Stay safe, Angel. I love you." Justin spoke and I nodded managing to crack a small smile. I just hope everything goes well and Justin gets the mission done - even if that means killing someone.

I wouldn't want Jason and Justin to have a fight because of it - besides it seems as the man I though was my father is a pretty dangerous which would of course be obvious seeing he's a demon. So this will be for my mom's safety too.

"I love you too." I whispered and smiled at him, pecking Jusitn's lips quickly. He chuckled and laid me down on the bed, tucking me in.

Then, without speaking another word he walked out of the room and shut the door gently behind him. I closed my eyes, and soon fell into a very restless sleep.

I awoke to the front door opening and closing, and immediately sat up, glancing at the clock on the nightstand. I saw it was almost three in the afternoon.

Did I really sleep that long? I slowly stood up from the bed, quietly making my way to the door and opening it as quietly as possible. I heard footsteps come up the stairs, they sounded familiar and I immediately knew who it was. It was Justin.

Right when he came in my sight I almost screamed. The sight of him was simply horrifying. His wings were in sight, but they weren't spread like they usually were.

They were pressed against Justin's sides tightly and they looked like multiple feathers had been ripped from them. Justin's shirt was covered in blood and his knuckled were cut and bloody. His eyes had a dull look in them, his lips were parted a bit and he occasionally let out a pained hiss.

"Justin!" I gasped and ran to him, he didn't even react at my yell, he just stared in front of him. It was like he didn't even realize my presence.

He gulped, pressing his hand to his upper back, touching his wings. He winced and hissed, his jaw clenching and a pained expression appearing on his face. I gasped and walked behind him to see what was wrong. And when I did, I hoped I wouldn't have.

His wings looked like someone had tried to rip them from his back. There were a couple deep cuts where the wings were attached to his back and blood ran down his back. I reached out to touch one of the cut to see how bad it was, but right when my finger brushed against Justin's skin he hissed and flinched away from me.

He turned around to face me, his jaw clenched and a cold look in his eyes.

"Don't. Touch. Me." He spat and then turned on his heel and disappeared in the bathroom, leaving me there stunned by what just happened and to wonder why he was so angry all of sudden. But most of all, to wonder what the hell happened.

What could have happened that made Justin look like that? Maybe the mission went wrong? I don't know, but I will find out.

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