Songs in our Hearts

By xxxheartgirlxxx

361 21 2

Would someone dare to listen to the Songs in our Hearts? One shot compilation Copyright © 2013 by Gabriella (... More

Songs in our Hearts
Song 1- Miracles in December
Song 2- Peter Pan
Song 3- Angel
Song 4- Don't Go
Song 6- Baby don't cry
Author's Note

Song 5- Machine

19 3 0
By xxxheartgirlxxx


Written by xxxheartgirlxxx


Kai's POV

I'm now sitting at a bench below a tree while looking at HER.

They say she's an ICE, others say she is a MACHINE. But both words just mean one thing, that she is a girl who doesn't care about others. A girl that doesn't care about anything. 

She doesn't smile. She doesn't cry. She doesn't get angry or scared. They say that she does not have any feelings. 

She doesn't care about the feelings of those people around her. She always stays quiet and makes you think that she does not exist.

Some People say that she is a Living DOLL. Yes, she is Beautiful. She has soft and vibrant hair. Marble-like skin that would really make you believe that she really is a Doll.

But for me? I would say that She is someone that needs LOVE and CARE. I know that deep inside her Doll-like beauty and her Machine-like attitude, she is lonely. She is sad.

I know that she is human. And just like every human in this whole world, she also has feelings.

I want to meet her, know her. Know that Machine-like Goddess.


"Kai! Want to go with us at the bowling place?" Chanyeol asked me but I wasn't paying my attention to him. I was focusing on one person.

She passed my chair and went to the very last chair in our row then sat there. After sitting she opened her bag and took out her Book. She started reading it.

"Kai! Kai! Kai are you listening to us?!" 

"Urghhhh you're so annoying!!!!"


I came back to my senses when someone hit my head with a book.

"Ouch... WHAT THE F*CK is your Problem?!" I shouted, not even knowing who I was shouting at. I turned around and saw...

"What?" Kris gave me a deadly glare.

"Ah... eh... n... nothing. Hehe..." I scratched the back of my head.

With my peripheral vision, I saw HER standing up then left the room.

"Ummm... I uhhh... have to go. See ya!!" I didn't wait for their answer and just stood up from my sit and went out to follow her.

She's a really fast walker =__='

"Uhhh... Sandra wait up!!!!" I shouted.

She stopped and turned around. Her Emotionless eyes looked at me. If you haven't know her, you would say that she gives cold stares. =__="

"Haha..." I stopped infront of her. "Ummm... mind if I join you?" I asked her shyly.

At first, she just looked at me. Still, with her emotionless eyes. Afterwards, she turned around and started to walk. She didn't even answered my question. NVM =__________=

"Oh Ok... Silence means Yes." I walked beside her. Wow, she really is quiet. Come on Kai, think of a topic. Any topic... Ah!!!!

"So, I heard that you're the first honour of our class again." after I said that she stopped, so I stopped to, and looked at me straight in the eyes. Her eyes are still the same.

"Why?" she asked. WOAH!!!! She talked!!!! For the first time!!!! She talked infront of meeeee!!!! Her voice is so Mellow. Kyaaaaaaaah... ~^o^~

"Ah..." think of an excuse KAI!! "You see my grade in Mathematics is going down. I can't understand the Prof's teaching so, I was hoping if..." I stopped. Am I really going to tell her that?

"If?" again she spoke.

"... if you could tutor me in that subject." I said almost whispering.

"You see Mr. Kim, It is not my fault if your grades are going down or failing. Also, it is not my fault if you do not understand the lessons. It's your fault. Why? Don't you remember that everytime the Prof is teaching, you are too busy sleeping? And now you are asking for my help? Excuse me, did you not realize that you are bothering me? You, Mr. Kim, are not worth of wasting time at." she told me and left me speechless.

After telling me those things she turned around and started to walk away.

I just looked at her from my position.

She stopped and turned her head to look at me.

"Another reason why I can't tutor you, it's because I'm not the first honour."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Now, she turned her whole body to face me. "You are, Stupid."  

And there, I really fell for her. When she gave me that one thing that we didn't see, ever since we knew her.



Sandra's POV

Haaaaaaaaaaaay... another day here at school again. I am now walking at the corridor of our school. When I passed a group of girls. I stopped because... ummm.. uhhh.. let's say, because I find their topic a bit... interesting?

"What? A petite girl is with Kai yesterday?" a girl that would pass as a human coloring book said.

"Yeah! I really saw them. The slutty petite girl was hugging Kai's arm. She looked like a SNAKE." the other coloring book angrily blurted.

What? Kai? With a petite girl?


I sighed. Well, for all of you to know. I kind of... like? Oh, no no no. I love Kai. Who wouldn't?! Kai is the head dancer of our schools dance troupe, he is also a perfomer like his other members in EXOdus, on the overall ranking he is the 3rd, while I'm the 4th xD. He's very friendly, he's the Vice captain of the basketball team. He is known as the 'HEARTHROB ACE'.

I mean, what more can you ask for? He is smart, talented, kind, friendly, etc.

Uuuuuuuuuuugh!!!! DX You see, even f I have the image of an Ice or a Machine I still have the feelings of a normal human. I also feel HAPPY, HURT, SAD, and of course, I feel the feeling of LOVE. 

I fell for him right from the very first day I got into this school. You guys want to know what happened? 


It's my first day in this school. I'm a First year transferee. I came from London, my parents were both assigned here so we moved. And the usual shy me, id nothing but stay quiet and look down.

Everytime I looked up, I would look around the place for a few seconds then look down again. I'm a weirdo right? Well, that's the lonely me.

I passed through the canteen. First, I looked at the Menu and saw my favorite Frappucino in the drink Menu. I didn't smile on the outside, I'm a bit scared 'cause they may think that I'm some crazy transferee who smiles without no certain reason. So I just smiled in my head. You know, you just smiled yourself. Without anyone knowing.

After buying my Frapp. I started to walk towards my assigned classroom. On the way their I saw some girls talking, about themselves =___=.

"Hahahaha!! Isn't it wonderful Kaye?" a girl said while making them see her brown boots.

"Yeah, I know Dee. Your new boots are amazing? Isn't it real furr?" the other girl said while looking at the boots.

Why are they fussing about some boots? I actually don't understand it and I don't want to understand it. *Ice/Machine Mode*

"Yeeeeeeeeah!! It is real furr. I bought it in New York. Latest Design by HeartGee and a Limited Edition one." she said boasting. (A/N: HeartGee is a Fictional Character created by the authors crazy mind xD)

"Hahahaha You're so Lucky!!" the girls around her said in chorus.

"Hahahaha I know right!!!" after she said that. They all laughed like some crazy b*tches. Hahaha I'm sooooo bad. Who cares. >:)

*Ring Ring* *A call from B*tch* *Ring Ring* *A call from a Slut*

Hahaha XD My ringtone is nice right? That must be my bestfriend Ree. Hahaha the crazy girl set the ringtone herself, so why bother changing it? xD

"Ah, where is my phone?" I said trying to grab it from my pocket. But since I have so many things in my, unfortunately my beloved Frapp fell. "My Frapp!!" I shouted.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! MY BOOTS!!!!" the boots girl shouted. "YOU IMBECILE!! YOU STUPID LITTLE B*TCH!! LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?! MY PRECIOUS BOOTS!! YOU... YOU... UUUUUUUUUUURGH!!" she shouted like there's no tomorrow.

But me? I'm just looking at the Frapp cup. Aaaaaaaaaaaaw... my Frapp. My beloved Frapp...

"HEY B*TCH!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!! YOU G**D@**3D GIRL!! LISTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!" her voice is now echoing the whole school. Everyone around us stopped and looked at her like she is some child throwing tantrums. 

But I didn't looked at her 'cause my eyes are glued on my Frapp.

"LISTEN TO ME!!" she shouted then grabbed my hair. "LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!!" she shouted at my face.

"" I looked at her coldly.

She looked at me for a few seconds then...

She walked backwards after letting go of my hair.

I looked at her, still with my cold stare. I looked away then started picking up my books.

"Ha... ha... ha ha ha. Y... you think I got scared of you? Kaye!! Finish her off!!" she shouted while looking down.

"Ok..." was all Kaye said then. "Grab her girls." the girls around us did as they were told.

They grabbed my arms very tightly. My books fell.

I looked at my books. "Uuuuuurgh, now I have to pick them all up again." I told myself.

The girl named Kaye grabbed my face, by the jaw to be exact. Her nails are digging my skin. Ah sh*t that hurt.

But my face gave no emotion. My cold stare were not changed.

"You think your tough? Let me tell you this now new girl, you may be the b*tchiest among the girls from the place where you came from. But here? There are hundreds of girls who are b*tchier than you." she told me while making her eyes widen.

I didn't answer. Why waste my saliva for someone like them? 

"Trying to play a Cold girl role eh?" she tightened her grip on my jaw.

Aaaaaah sh*t sh*t sh*t!! That really hurt!!!! G**D@*** it!!!!

No Sandra... don't talk to her. Do not answer her. Show no emotion. Because if you would show them that you are hurt, that you are in pain. They would think that you are scared. Just look at them.

"Still trying to be tough?" she smirked. "We'll see if you will still not answer." she raise her hand and was about to slap. I didn't closed my eyes like normal girls would do. I looked at her eye to eye.

But before she could even slap me. Someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from me. The girls holding my arms also let go after seeing what happened to Kaye. 

I knelt down, even though I looked tough. I still am scared.

"What are you doing Kaye?!" a man shouted.

"Let go of me Kai!!" Kaye shouted back, ignoring the man's question.

"Let go Kai!!!!" that is Dee's voice right?

"You both are causing trouble, AGAIN!!" the man said then I heard something fell, no wait, more like someone fell.

"Ouch!! Why did you do that Kai?!!" Dee shouted.

They are shouting at each other but I didn't bother to look. I'm still trying to regain my strength.

After the shoutings, I felt someone walking towards me so I made myself ready If ever something will happen.

"Are you alright?" a man said then held my arms to help me get up.

I looked up and saw a man that is not familiar with me.

"Hello? Hey, I'm asking if you're alright." he said after making me stand up.

"Ah... I'm sorry. I don't talk to strangers." I looked away then kneel down again to pick up my books.

"Hahaha is that so? Well then, my name is Kim Jong In. But I'm known as Kai." he said and helped me pick up my books.

After getting it all we both stood up. He gave me my books.

"So, now that you know my name. Might as well talk to me right?" he smiled. "What's your name?"

I looked at him. I'm thinking if I'm going to tell him my name or not. And I decided...

"Thank you..." I turned around and started to walk away.

Without me knowing, I smiled for no reason. And there, I fell for him.

He's not like other guys. He helped me, not like the guys that was only watching me while Dee and the others are, let's say, bullying me.

That is the first time that someone helped me.

*End of Flashback*

That is the reason why I fell for him.

But I think he doesn't remember me now. Who would remeber someone like me?

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... =________=

"SANDRA!!!" someone shouted at the rooftop.

I looked up from my position here at the bench.

Kai? Isn't that Kai?

"SANDRAAAAAAAAA!!" he is shouting my name.

I stood up.

When he saw me looking at him he smiled.


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