Always Protect

By Horcrux7Demigods

223K 7.6K 3.1K

Perseus Potter was three years old when their house was attacked. His mother handed him his baby brother and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 2

12K 336 170
By Horcrux7Demigods

Eleven year old Perseus Potter was startled awake by his Aunt rapping her knuckles against his bedroom door. He was so shocked that he sat up and ended up smashing his head against the ceiling.

"Get up, now!"

Perseus-or as he now preferred to be called-Percy groaned and put on a shirt before climbing out of his room.

He walked silently into the kitchen where his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and little cousin already sat. He could hear Harry coming down the stairs and quickly set to work cooking breakfast. He and Harry worked together to make Harry as unnoticeable as possible. Percy had even spoken out against the Dursleys to draw their attention away from his brother. Percy took every beating, every chore, and all the scorn.

He had made a promise to always protect Harry and he would always do his best to do so.

Harry went into the little cupboard under the stairs, a.k.a Percy's bedroom, to wait. Everyday, Percy would make breakfast, set aside two small portions, clean up, then bring the food to the cupboard under the stairs for Harry and himself to eat.

Everyday Percy would be given the more difficult, outdoor chores to do and Harry would be given the easier ones indoors which resulted in Percy being more strong and tanned though he was too skinny because of malnourishment. This only made his Aunt and Uncle hate him more seeing as their own son, Dudley, was fat and pale.

As Percy served the plates of eggs, bacon, and hash browns, Dudley started complaining to his parents that his new racing bike was broken. He had gotten it for his birthday the previous month.

Probably because you were too fat to use it. Percy thought to himself.

It was August eighteenth, Percy's birthday, but just like the past eight years, no one other than Harry could care less. Or so he thought.

As the Dursleys started to dig in, the mail came.

"Perseus, go get the mail." Uncle Vernon said from behind his news paper.

Sighing, Percy turned off the stove, and went to the door. He picked up the envelopes and quickly flipped through them. At the bottom was a letter addressed to him. He checked to be sure that no one was watching and slid it through one of the slats in his bedroom door, quietly shushing Harry so he knew not to say anything.

He walked into the kitchen, dropping the mail on the table and turning back to the stove but not before noticing the relieved look on his aunt's face and his uncle letting out a breath of relief.

Once they'd finished eating and looking at the mail they just got up and left. Dudley wanted to play on his computer and it was Friday so Uncle Vernon had to go to work. Aunt Petunia turned to Perseus.

"Now, tonight we are having company over so I will be baking. Just take this then stay out of the way."

She placed a glass of water and an Advil on the table for Percy's nearly constant headaches. On the inside, Percy was cheering but on the outside, he just nodded, taking the medication, collecting the plates for him and Harry and going to the cupboard.

As soon as the door closed he turned for the letter.

His nine year brother looked at him with wide eyes.

"What is this Percy?"

"It's something I remember mum and dad talking about. It's an invitation to go to a special school." Percy replied, staring at the envelope in his hands.

Harry stared at it too. Percy had told him about the fact that their parents had magic and so did they but their Aunt and Uncle didn't like magic so he was never to mention it around them.

Slowly, Percy opened it, holding his breath as though it was going to explode.

Inside were two pieces of paper. Well, it was more like pieces of parchment. One was the official letter of acceptance/invitation to a school called Hogwarts and the other was a list of school supplies.

Percy poked his head out the door to see if the coast was clear before darting into his uncle's office. Quickly finding a pen, he smiled in triumph before ducking back into the cupboard.

"I want to go." Harry said glumly while reading through the supplies.

Percy, who had just been writing on the back of the Hogwarts letter saying he'd attend, looked at his little brother. He smiled and ruffled his already messy hair.

"Don't worry Harry, you'll get your letter when you turn eleven." Percy said with such confidence that Harry couldn't help but believe him.

That afternoon, during one of Percy's breaks from working in the yard, he quickly went to the far corner of the street.

Over the years, Percy had noticed that a tabby cat appeared most days at the end of the street, under a bush. He had started visiting it when he could. Talking to it gave him a sort of escape from his chores and the responsibility of looking after his brother.

The fact that it seemed to understand him made him think that it must either be magical or know of magic. Either way, Percy felt that there'd be no better place to leave his letter than under that bush. No matter how odd it may seem.

The cat wasn't there that day but that was alright. It must have it's own life to live.

That night when he was called inside to clean up, Percy was covered in sweat and dirt. As usual there was a path of old newspapers from the back door to the upstairs washroom. He walked backwards to pick them up as he went.

He took a two minute shower and went straight to Harry's room where his brother was already waiting with a change of clothes. As they both got older it became more difficult for the both of them to fit in the cupboard under the stairs so Percy convinced their Aunt and Uncle to put Harry in Dudley's second bedroom. The first few times he brought it up earned him severe beatings but eventually they were persuaded.

Percy always made them mad. He was older than Dudley which meant that he was taller and needed them to go out and buy clothes that wouldn't even fit Dudley later on.

Aunt Petunia came upstairs a little while later with a plate that had two rolls and two chunks of cheese.

"Eat these and stay quiet. Our quests will be arriving shortly and if you make a noise..." The bony woman left the threat hanging and went back downstairs. Percy got up and closed the door grabbing one of Dudley's old books (that he'd never even opened) for Harry.

Harry took it with a smile of thanks before turning to the small amount of food.

"Go ahead, take it." Percy said. "I'll snag something from the kitchen later tonight."

Hours went by before the guests left and Percy was allowed to go to his own room. He took the plate, said goodnight to Harry and went down to the kitchen.

His stomach was growling at him and there on the table was a spare roll, butter open next to it. He looked around and no one was in the room. He picked it the roll and was about to pick up a knife to cut it in half and butter it when his Aunt's harsh voice called from the living room.

"Perseus, are you down here yet?"

He could hear her footsteps coming quickly towards the kitchen and rushed to put it back, cursing his grumbling stomach, but it was too late.

She walked in just in time to see him put it back.


Percy's body trembled though not from fear, he was used to the abuse by now, the physical pain.

The curtains were closed and a towel was laid down on front of the stairs for Percy to kneel on. His shirt was removed (why waste more money) to reveal the many lines of scars that covered his back. No matter how many his Uncle added, it was never enough to erase the trident shaped scar that was permanently etched on his back.

Upstairs, Harry screwed his eyes shut, put his pillow over his ears and tried to sleep through his brother's cries until they went silent.

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