Book 1: Awakening (The VIth E...

By AdeleRoseAuthor

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'One person on their own may be able to save the world. But a team of friends, all working together, have a m... More

Chapter 1: Alex
Chapter 2: Alex
Chapter 3: Alex
Chapter 4: Alex
Chapter 5: Alex
Chapter 6: Alex
Chapter 7: Alex
Chapter 8: Alex
Chapter 9: Alex
Chapter 10: Alex
Chapter 11: Alex
Chapter 12: Alex
Chapter 13: Alex
Chapter 14: Alex
Chapter 15: Alex
Chapter 16: Alex
Chapter 17: Hecate
Chapter 18: Alex
Chapter 19: Alex
Chapter 20: Alex
Chapter 21: Alex
Chapter 22: Hecate
Chapter 23: Alex
Chapter 24: Alex
Chapter 25: Alex
Chapter 26: Alex
Chapter 27: Alex
Chapter 28: Alex
Chapter 29: Alex
Chapter 30: Alex
Chapter 31: Alex
Chapter 32: Alex
Chapter 33: Alex
Chapter 34: Alex
Chapter 35: Alex
Chapter 36: Alex
Chapter 37: Hecate
Chapter 39: Alex
Chapter 40: Alex
Chapter 41: Alex
Chapter 42: Alex
Chapter 43: Alex
A Message From The Author
X A Short Acknowledgement X

Chapter 38: Alex

467 33 18
By AdeleRoseAuthor

I was summoned by Vladimir not long after dinner had ended. Raphael, Jasmine and I had been making our way tiredly to bed, when a note was thrust sharply into my hand, by a passing pupil, who was clearly one of the student messengers. Jasmine, Raphael and I stepped to one side to allow the other pupils to pass easily by, before I opened the note in both eager and nervous anticipation.

This is what it read:

Dear Alexandra Raven,

I'm delighted to hear that you wish to have personal training sessions with me. Therefore, please could you report to my office at precisely 8:00pm, as I feel we should become acquainted with one other before our training sessions begin?

Kind regards,

Vladimir Alcaeus

As they both read the note's contents over my quivering shoulder, Jasmine was the first person to voice her opinion.

"What training sessions?" she asked me in a confused and somewhat indignant tone of voice. "You've not said anything to Raphael or me about you having personal training sessions with Vladimir Alcaeus."

I blushed after hearing her accusation. I hadn't told either of them about this news because really, it was a private matter and one I didn't want everyone to know about. From the loudness of Jasmine's voice though, I feared that my wish had abruptly been rejected.

"Alex doesn't have to tell us everything that goes on in her life you know Jazz." Raphael's voice seemed to cut through the increasing, heavy atmosphere, causing Jasmine's mouth to open and close, but no sound to be heard.

I threw him an appreciative glance. In the end, feeling the growing tension, I pulled them down a quiet corridor and told them about what had happened, in a hushed whisper.

"Basically," I began, "I've been offered personal training sessions by Vladimir because my Power Control teacher seems to think that I'd benefit from them. However, I'd be really grateful if this news does not get spread around the school. You know the kind of spiteful damage it could do."

Jasmine threw me a jealous look after listening to my explanation, which wounded me significantly. Despite registering my hurt, Jasmine's surprising resentment got the better of her.

"'re essentially telling me that you're better than us now are you?" Jasmine retorted unkindly.

At hearing this uncalled for comment, I gasped, my face betraying my hurt and shock. Her cutting tone hit me like a ton of bricks. Trying to control my turmoil of emotions, I answered her in the calmest voice I could muster.

"No," I retorted. "No. I'm not saying that at all and I've had nothing to do with this. It's my Power Control teacher who's organised the whole thing."

Jasmine still found a reason to spitefully pick at me.

"But you're still agreeing to this situation. Therefore, that means that you're involved in this decision."

After she had finished talking, I looked at her stunned, unable to believe what I was hearing. Surely, like Raphael, she should be happy for me, not showing off like an envious bitch?

Feeling my hurt and annoyance explode, I didn't hold back.

"Well...excuse me for wanting to make the most out of the opportunities put before me." I retorted sarcastically, now feeling hot tears fall from my eyes. "I think that if you were in my shoes, you'd have done the same thing. However," I finalised, "I know that I wouldn't have replied so horribly if it had been my closest friend who had been offered such a wonderful opportunity."

Jasmine paled at this retort, realising her wrongdoing. Nonetheless, I was so mad at her now that I unleashed all my emotions and thoughts, not really caring whether people could hear my rant. The green-eyed monster also got the better of me.

"Oh and another thing," I added frostily. "Raphael did ask me to be his date for the Halloween Ball, before he asked you, but I turned...him...down because I didn't want to betray our friendship." This last piece of news was a bombshell for Jasmine, whose face flickered with numerous emotions, including anger, hurt, regret and embarrassment. She glared at Raphael with a heated expression.

Ignoring her completely, Raphael just focused his entire attention on me, his golden eyes filled with anguish, as if my words had just reopened many wounds. I was not in the mood to be in their presence anymore. Taking no notice of either of them, although I guessed that much would be said after I had gone, I turned sharply on my heel and stormed off in a flurry of rage and bitterness towards Vladimir's office.


OK so Jasmine and Raphael now know about Alex's lessons with Vladimir but Jasmine's reaction is quite brutal. Do you agree? Where does it leave the three of them now? What does it mean for Alex and Lucifer?

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