Cousins: Introducing Damon Sa...

By BeckySmolder

346K 6.5K 1.1K

Skylar Gilbert is @Skybaby She's Elena and Jeremy's cousin. She shares a birthday with Elena. Both of them ar... More

1: Instagram; Home
2: Instagram; Cake
3: Face to Face! 'Birthday'
4: Instagram; Party
5: DM: Damon
6: Instagram; Tennessee
7: DM: Damon
8: Group DM: "Sooo Delena ¿"
9: Instagram; Chicago
10: Texts // Damon
11: Instagram; Baby Girl
12: Instagram; Flirting
13: Groupchat -- Lockwood Party
14: Instagram; Dressy
15: DM: Stefan
16: Text // Damon & Elena
17: Instagram; Senior Pranks
18: Face to Face! 'Blissful'
19: Instagram; Morning
20: Instagram; Dog Lovin'
21: Instagram; School
22: Groupchat -- WTF SKY
23: Texts // Skylar (Damon's POV)
24: Face to Face! 'Making Up'
25: Instagram; Bonfire
26: Groupchat -- Ghosts?
27: Instagram; Burn
28: Instagram; Pups
29: Instagram; Homecoming
30: Face to Face! 'Survive'
31: Instagram; Kitty
32: Texts // Elena & Jeremy
33: Instagram; Caturday
34: Instagram; MCM
35: Instagram; Carolines's B-Day
36: Groupchat -- ADVICE¡
37: Face to Face! 'Lingerie'
38: Instagram; Dinner
39: Instagram; Happy
40: Instagram; Jealous
41: Texts // Bonnie & Damon
42: Instagram; Offline
43: Instagram; Back
44: Instagram; Ballgowns
45: Groupchat -- Lets All Talk
47: Instagram; Goals
48: Instagram; Countdown
49: Instagram; 3 Days
50: Face To Face! 'Christmas'
51: Instagram; Lavender
52: Face To Face! 'Dog-Sitting'
53: Instagram; New Year's Eve
54: Face To Face! 'Painful'
55: Instagram; WCW
56: Instagram; Decade Dance
57: Instagram; Birthday Bash
58: Instagram; Valentine's Day
59: Instagram; Favorite / Valentine's Day Part II
60: Instagram; Sunday Funday
61: Face to Face! 'Moving'
62: Instagram; Tattoos
63: Instagram; Easter Weekend
64: Instagram; Beach
65: Instagram; Prom
66: Instagram; Guys vs. Ladies
67: Instagram; Graduation
68: Instagram; California
69: Face to Face! 'Birthday Boy'
70: Instagram; Nineteen

46: Face to Face! 'Closer'

4K 61 2
By BeckySmolder

"Hey," Damon whispered, running a hand through my hair. "Morning."

"Hi," I whispered back. He leaned forward and brought our lips together. One of his arms went around me and tugged me closer to his body. I smiled against his lips before pulling away.

"How you feeling?"

"Still a little upset," I mumbled, cuddling closer to him. "I know you don't mean anything by it. I really do trust you... but I get this nauseous feeling in my stomach. And I ... And I think she's in love with you too."

"Baby," he chuckled. "I don't care. Never in a million years would I give you up."

The corner of my lips tugged up, "I'm sorry I lash out at you. I love you, Damon. With every fiber in my being. I can't be without you."

"And you won't have to. I love you so much more, Sky."

"Do you think I overreacted?"

"I think it sucks we had to have that conversation again."

"You were so good. I was so happy. Those two days away were amazing. We never should have come back," I whined.

"Don't let her get to you... I'm just saying my Instagram is a 100 times sexier."

"Thank you," I laughed. "It meant a lot."

"Darling, whatever you want. Always. I have no problem letting the world know that you are mine and I love you."

"God you always make me feel guilty."

"Because I'm not doing anything wrong. I would never purposely do anything to hurt you. I'm not interested in other women."

"What can I do to apologize?" I asked.

"You don't need to apologize for expressing your feelings, Sky."

"So you don't need a blowjob."

"I always would like one," he smirked immediately and I laughed. He joined me, bringing our lips together. "What am I going to do with you?"

"I don't know... let's do something fun."

"Well, can we shower first?"



"Come here!" Damon laughed. Suddenly his arms wrapped around my waist and he lifted me up until I was pressed to his chest.

I giggled, throwing my arms around his neck. We had just got back from lunch with or friends from the beach. Two sisters, Vanessa and Lily Ash.

Now Damon and I were outback at his place. We were just playing around. Moke was wandering around in circles, sniffing everything curiously. "I love you," I smiled, my mouth to his ear. I was feeling way better than last night.

"Mmm. My phone is ringing," he sighed, putting me down.

"Again? Who is it?" I asked him.

"Stefan this time," he said. "Hello? What do you want? ... You can't handle it? Don't let anyone mess it up... Sky and I are-- Fine. I said fine! What do you need me to do? ... do we know where Bonnie is?" He asked. "Mhm. I'm on it... the originals won't die today. Okay. Bye."

"What's going on?" I asked after he hung up, slipping the phone back into his pocket.

"At the ball last night the originals mother, the witch, linked all the siblings. Her son Finn is trying to make the sacrifice to kill them all. But she's using Bonnie and her mom's magic."

"Oh, my God."

"Come on. We have to get Bonnie," he said.


"I'm so sorry. He had to," I told Bonnie. "It was the only way to break the link and let down the barrier so someone could even touch Esther."

"It was my mom, Sky," she sniffled.

"Bonnie!" Someone called. She turned in my arms to see Kol running towards us. She ran to him, letting him embrace her. Damon slowly walked towards me, stepping around them.

"Hey," he whispered. I pulled him to me, kissing him gently on the mouth.

"Where's Abbie?" I asked.

"Stefan has her," he said. Abbie was Bonnie's mom. Tonight Damon turned her into a vampire so she "died" and broke the link to Esther therefore letting the originals be separated too.

"Look at them," I whispered pointing to Kol and Bonnie. She was crying into his chest and he held her so tightly, murmuring words as he kissed the top of her head repeatedly. "You cannot take him away from her... The originals dying... Isn't worth your energy. Plus pretty much all of them are dating our friends."

"Mhm. So I'll have more energy for you," he smirked and I blushed. "More time with you... Less stress. Less seeing all these damn people I only like half the time... Sold. They live. And I get to spend my days with you."

"That easy?"

"That easy. Let's go home."

"As do what?"

"Let's pack our bags. Runaway with me?"

I raised my brows. "You're joking, right?" I asked. "Damon... Where the hell would we go?"

"Anywhere. Alone. Away from all this."

"They're still my friends, Damon."

"Fine. Move in with me?"

"And Stefan? You don't live alone. And I like my house," I frowned.

"Fine. Tell your mom I'm moving in and I'm bringing Moke."

"What's gotten into you?" I asked, taking his hand and leading us back to the car.

"Nothing. I just want to be closer to you."

We stopped then and I turned to face him. I beckoned him to lean down and I whispered in his ear. "After graduation. Yes. Let's runaway together. Get our own place. Get out of this town," I said.

He pulled back looking at me, "are you being serious right now?"

"Depends. Are we going to be together in four months?" I asked.

"Most definitely."

"Then I'm dead serious. My mom moved back after my dad died... She wanted to be closer to family. For me to be closer to them. But you know what the truth is? My bond with Jeremy and Elena always survived over the last 10 years. I visited once a year for mine and Elena's birthday. And even though I'm mad at her. She is my closest friend."

"Okay. And what's that have to do with you running away from home?"

"That I hate this small town," I stated. "I was having a blast in California... And I'd like to go somewhere nice with the man I love. If we don't work we both come back to Mystic Falls."

"And how will we live?"

"It was your idea," I frowned.

"Okay. But now we're making it real."

"You'll compel us jobs and then we will be normal folk. And we will buy a house. Pay our mortgage on time. We will bring all our pets. Get more for sure. And just be happy. Just us two," I said.

"Sky... I don't know."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I don't know."

"I'm scared too. But aren't you the fun brother? Let's live a little. Even if it's only for three months of the summer. I'll even apply to colleges here in case we can't do it."

"I can't let you ruin your life... I want to be selfish. I want to take you to another country and settle down. But I can't. You have so much life in you. Life to live," he said. "You can't settle down with me. No. I won't let you."

"What does that mean? Aren't we going to be together?" I asked.

"Whoa. Sorry. No. I meant you can't settle down with me just yet. Go to college with your friends... That's the right thing for me to let you do," he said and I smiled softly.

"Damon... I really want to leave Mystic Falls."

"We'll vacation."

"That's how much you care for me? You don't want to jeopardize my future?" I asked him.

"Half of me wants to tell you running away is absurd. The other half of me wants to get you I that car and drive until we're out of this town right this second.... I could use a day off."

"So a vacation?" I asked him.

"I wanna leave now... drop out of school."

"How is that not apart of ruining my future?" I laughed and he sighed. He leaned down, cupping my cheeks and pressing a kiss to my lips. "What are we going to do?"

"Let's press pause onto a big future just us two. It's Christmas time... Let's figure it out in January," he said and I smiled.

"I love you. I don't care if we stay or go... I just know I want to be here or there with you."

"God. You're perfect," he whispered.

"Let's go home... Before we seal the deal on an irrational idea," I said.

"I will get you of this small town, okay? One day," he said and I smiled.

"I'll hold you to that."

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