Remember: Alex and Aro (boyxb...

By ManicBookworm2021

78.4K 2.7K 185

Alex Danvers is a 26 year old maths teacher, at the start of his career, who should be having the time of his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors note/Update
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note

Chapter 5

2.8K 116 2
By ManicBookworm2021

July 2017, Present Time

'I don't remember, you never remember anything.'
'Don't lie, you bastard. Tell him about the student.'
'Why are you denying everything, you loser?'
'Looooser, loooooser.'

"Shut up!" I stand up instantly, ignoring Dr. Phillips presence for a second as they take over my thoughts and feelings. "Hush, Alex." The doctor stands up, coming over to place gentle hands on my shoulders to soothe me.

"Calm down, Alex." He carefully tries to wedge me back into the seat but I shake off his hands like they're poison. "Leave me alone." I've had enough. I stalk out of the room and down the corridor, Carl at my heels, trying to catch up with me.

"Stay away from me." I wipe at the pathetic tears rolling down my cheeks. "Why can't I remember? Why do I not remember anything?" I sob, staggering past the reception desk but it's going to be impossible to get past unoticed if I'm blubbering like a baby.

One of the nurses rises from the desk, making her way around to me to console me. Another nurse types in my paitent number into the computer. "His name's Alex." She informs and the nurse closest to me sits me on a chair that visitors perch on while they're waiting.

"Alex, what's happening? What's going through your mind?" She clasps my hands, feeling for a pulse. "It's erratic." The other nurse brings a glass of water. "I can't remember, I can't remember." I keep muttering but she stays calm as if she understands, which is comforting.

"What did I do?" I reach out and grab her, clinging to her. Her eyes widen but she doesn't pull away. "Alex, we all have bad days-"
"No!" I scream, getting onto my feet. "I can't remember. What did I do? What did I do to get me fired? Why are you keeping secrets from me!!"

I take off down the corridor, bumping into other paitents who screech and wail. Doctors drop their gear and run after me, abandoning whoever they're with in the hope of sedating me.

"Alex, stop!" Dr. Phillips's voice rings out above all the other shouts. He is also in pursuit of me. Keep going. Keep going. I stop for a second, hesitating which way to go. 'Don't stop, you bastard, you're almost there!' Richard pleads, harsh in my ear, so I bolt further down before they can catch up.

I take the open door and leap out into the world, through the gates and into the fresh air. The rain is pelting down yet it tastes so sweet. So free. It tastes of freedom, until one of the younger doctors runs and throws himself onto me.

"No, no please!" I cry out in despair as the security guards pin me down while the doctor prepares the syringe. I thrash beneath them, relentlessly. "Let. Me. Go." I grunt, flopping about like some dead fish, body going limp as the needle pierces my skin, the medicine working it's 'magic'.

My eyes start to close, they pull me back into the asylum. I reach out towards the gates, towards the open road. Towards freedom. My vision goes black and I feel weak and defenceless. Why can't I remember?

I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy.


I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming of him. He's with me. He's beside me. Why is he here? What does he want? 'So many questions, bastard.' Richard hisses. 'Ask him yourself.'

I precariously walk over to the man with long black hair.
"A-Aro?" I peer into his face and he looks up at me. "My dear Alex. You're in a lot of trouble." He reminds me and I look around to see the nurses and doctors watching me. "They're always watching." He says brightly.

"Always?" I sit beside him. "Always." He clarifies, pulling me closer to him. "Who are you?" It's the same question I ask every time we meet in my sleep. "You know who I am." He gives the same answer just like last time.

"I want to know more." I tug on his sleeve. He turns back to look at me, his eyes wide with excitement. "You're mine. Finally I have someone I can share the burden with. I can't hide my secret forever." He states, shaking his head sadly though his manic smile is still fixed upon his face.

"Are you a paitent here? Like me? You look a little crazy." I survey his face which is pulled into a creepy-happy expression and his eyes look like there's a lot going on inside him. "I'm crazy yet you're not? That's very hypocritical." He tuts, though he's still smiling.

He's pretty difficult to read or understand. His smile gives one emotion, his eyes give another. "I am Aro and you are mine. My mate." He adds softly, savouring how the word sounds on his tongue. "Never did I ever think I would get a mate who was male. I thought I was going to have to lie forever." He relaxes against me.

He locks eyes with me. "And if you're mine, then I can do this." He throws himself on top of me, kissing my lips, tongue exploring my mouth. He growls in the most exciting way, and it makes me shiver, but in a positive and negative way. Who is he really? "Aro.." I pull away from him and he looks at me with disapproval.

"I don't know you, this can't happen." I start to run away from him, sprinting through the forest that I always am in whenever I see him. Trees are a blur as I bolt past, flinging myself forward, trying to pick up speed.

'Run rabbit, run rabbit, run run run.'
'Keeeeep gooooiiiing.'
'Where are you going, Alex?'

"Wake up, Alex. Wake up."

I gasp when my dream ends and I become responsive again. My eyes ache from tiredness as if I haven't slept the entire afternoon. My limbs feel like they've been glued to my bed and my mouth feels like my jaw is slack. My brain has gone fuzzy. Stupid tranquilisers.

I was so close. So close to getting somewhere. Close to escape. That junior doctor is going to get an earful from me when I see him. I try to lift myself up again but fail miserably because of the medicine. I start thrashing from the frustration, trying to twist this way and that so I can get up.

"Help! Help!" I call out for a doctor but the room is dark as if it's later than afternoon, or have they done that to trick me? They're big on tricks around here. I start to grunt in frustration as I realise no one is coming.

"It's alright, my love. I'm here."

My eyes snap straight to the corner of the room. He said those words when I saw him in my forest dream last night. Is he here? "Aro?" I call out and I scour the darkness to look for a silhouette or any other shadow.

He comes out of the corner of the room, dressed in his usual suit, his long black hair brushed to perfection. His skin is beautiful as always and his crimson eyes bore into me as he takes in my appearance.

White asylum pyjamas, sweaty face and disheveled hair which is a mix of ginger and blonde, bulging blue eyes from my surprise and a nervous expression which is anything but unwelcoming.

Yet he's looking at me like I'm the most handsome person on the planet. In his eyes, I could be Jude Law or Tom Hiddleston because he's staring at me with a whole lot of passion.

He takes a seat on the foot of my bed, my eyes pinned to his face and I realise I haven't said anything to him other than his name. "Hello, Alex. It's wonderful to finally meet you."

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