Seeking Sabina (Completed)

Por WowieWrites

77.7K 3.8K 1.5K

Timothy Troy Loreto Sebastian is a young man blessed with wealth and physical grace. He grew up with his affe... Mais

Chapter I: Wonderful Disaster
Chapter II: Broken Spirit
Chapter III: Anticipated Chaos
Chapter IV: Soft but Unyielding
Chapter V: Saved by a Stalker
Chapter VI: Working Late
Chapter VII: Drained Patience
Chapter VIII: Sabina's Cradle
Chapter IX: When Waves Crashed
Chapter X: Grim Sunshine
Chapter XI: Enticing Sigh
Chapter XII-Hidden in Plain Sight
Chapter XIII: Silent Collision
Chapter XIV: Warrior's Soul
Chapter XV: Mad Serious
Chapter XVI: Thicker than Water
Chapter XVII: Staggering Tower
Chapter XVIII: Emotional Tangles
Chapter XIX: Crystal Clear
Chapter XX: Innocence Surrendered
Chapter XXI: The Big Leap
Chapter XXII: A Step Closer
Chapter XXIII: Blissful No More
Chapter XXIV: The Matriarch's Dilemma
Chapter XXV: Open Secret
Chapter XXVI: Timothy's Woe
Chapter XXVII: With Regrets
Chapter XXVIII: Desperate Move
Chapter XXIX: Bond Mended
Chapter XXX: On Hold
Chapter XXXI: Torn
Chapter XXXII: Falling Out
Chapter XXXIII: Separate Lives
Chapter XXXIV: Secrets Revealed
Chapter XXXV: Three Moons
Chapter XXXVI: Up Side Down
Chapter XXXVII: I do
Chapter XXXVIII: Someone New
Chapter XXXIX: New Horizon
Chapter XL: Four's a Crowd
Chapter XLI: Another Shot
Chapter XLII: A Sign
Chapter XLIII: Mixed Signals
Chapter XLV: Nicholas' Intended
Chapter XLVI: Betrothed
Chapter XLVII: Left Hanging
Chapter XLIII: Chasing Destiny
Chapter XLIX: Promise
Chapter L: Burnt Letter
Chapter LI: Conspiracy
Chapter LII: The struggle
Chapter LIII: Redemption
Chapter LIV: Sacrifices
Chapter LV: A piece of you
Chapter LVI: More than Enough
Chapter LVII: In Need
Chapter LVIII: Misfortunes
Chapter XLIX: Shadow
Chapter LX: Union
Epilogue: Isabella and Nicholas

Chapter XLIV: Hopeless

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Por WowieWrites

The very next week, another big bouquet of flowers was received by the petite biologist but today, there was no courier, for the flowers were hand carried by the young consultant himself.

"Hey, Sab. This is for you." Dylan announced loudly as he handed the young woman a huge bundle of stargazers and white lilies.

They were in the middle of the open pavilion with Terrence and some members of the hard hat team, busy expecting an enormous blue print spread on top of an equally gigantic table. It was almost tea time so everyone was almost done with their workload for the day.

Slightly flabbergasted and a little hesitant, Sabina took the flowers and offered the young consultant a small smile. "Thank you but really, you don't have to do this, Dylan." She muttered lowly as she surveyed her surroundings for Timothy.

Readily, the petite biologist knew the difference between the bouquet of flowers she received last week and the bouquet she received today. They may share the same freshness, beauty and elegance but the emotions they brought to her were entirely different.

Last week, the bouquet of pink and white rose made her giddy and it made her spirit soar. The mere thought of the sender made her heart rate doubled and her head lighter.

But the bouquet of stargazers and white lilies she got today made her uneasy and a little sick. It felt all wrong in every way, thinking of the sender triggered Paranoia and repulsion.

"No worries, Sab. All I wanted is to see you smile. Flowers make you smile, right?" Dylan Madrid pried.

Only if the flowers came from the right person, she thought inwardly. She didn't mentioned this out loud, instead she just offered the young consultant another small smile.

Languidly, the young consultant loosened his neck tie, signaling that his work load was done. "Listen Sab, I know we just met each other but I really, really want you to go out with me so we'll have the chance to know each other better. I find you very attractive and I truly admired the way you carry yourself, so, will you go on a dinner date with me? Is Saturday, 8:00 PM good?" He asked, sounding very certain that the petite biologist will grant his request.

"Wait, Dylan. I think we should talk." The petite biologist suggested. She wanted this over, knowing that even a speck, the buff man has no chance with her, not even as a friend.

With a big smile, Dylan Madrid nodded his head. "Yes, I like that too. So? Are we on? Saturday night?" He asked again, getting the wrong notion.

Hastily, Sabina raised her hands. "No, I mean now, we have to talk now. Follow me please." She instructed the bewildered young consultant as she walked out of the pavilion and motioned Dylan to follow her.

From the corner of the huge canopy stood the young heir. He had witnessed everything from the giving of the bouquet to the exchange of few words although he was too far to listen to Sabina and Dylan's short conversation.

But upon seeing Sabina motioning the young consultant to go with her, the young CEO's stomach dropped. Suddenly, he wanted to follow the pair to know what's going on.

"You're too late, Theo." A voice like his mother's sounded from inside his head but he readily ignored it and busied himself with work.

When the petite biologist reached a secluded part of the now newly-renovated the Reef lobby she asked the buff young man to take a seat on one of the comfy plush chairs.

She too, sat down just across from him. "To be honest Dylan, your gestures are making me uneasy so I wanted you to stop, please." She implored, wishing that the man was considerate enough to accept it.

"What do you mean? I'm doing all those things because I like you. Isn't that clear?" The young consultant looked dishearten but he bared his soul and true intention.

The young woman nodded her head. "I know that, you made it clear from the very start but I'm not ready for this yet and truly, I don't know if I Will be ready again, ever. I assumed you know the whole story, right?" She stared at Dylan's face, trying to make him understand where she was coming from.

"So this is about my sister? From the story I have heard, she ruined your engagement, right?" Growing up in the United States made the young consultant a straight forward person, so asking question like this was never difficult for him.

"Partly yes but not mainly because of her. Your sister have been nothing but rude and mean to me. From the very beginning, even before Tim and I got together. She didn't like me even a bit and to be candid about it, the feeling is mutual. I cursed the day I met her with all honesty." Sabina answered forwardly.

A certain light sparked on the buff young man's eyes and automatically, the petite biologist knew that he had a wrong notion again. "It doesn't matter, Sab. My sister have no say about my life. If she doesn't like you then it's her problem. I like you a lot, Sab so please give me a chance." Dylan replied promptly.

"Dylan, I really have no time for this. I like you too but not in the same way you do. I like you because you're my colleague and because you're very good at what you do but that's it. You are a good looking man but I don't fine myself attracted to you. You are fun and somewhat nice but I'm not drawn to you. Can you understand?" She asked, her tone pleading and kind.

An unreadable expression crossed the young man's face. "So this is about Tim. You are still in love with him, you still find him attractive? You still drawn to him, is that it?" He asked in a soft and hurt tone.

The petite biologist was cornered and to be able to make Dylan understand she must tell him the truth. "Yes, I'm still in love with him, I'm still everything what you said and more." She dropped her gaze until she found her lap.

"And I will never enter a non-platonic relationship, knowing that it's just one-sided. I'm not that kind of person, Dylan. As a woman, I believe in "happily ever afters" so I treasure relationship especially when one's heart is involved." She added lowly.

"Sab, I will do everything for you so you can like me back. I will help you heal." The young man tried to argue.

Again, she lifted her vision onto the imploring man. "Thank you but it's me. The problem is this." She pointed at her heart.

"Timothy still owns it." She said with finality, her pitch low but sure.

Sabina's honesty made the young consultant admire her more but her confession brought him despair. This was the first time he was turned down so it magnified all the negative emotions swirling inside him.

"Sab, is there something I can do?" But still he tried, giving up wasn't in his vocabulary.

The petite biologist shook her head. "Nothing, Dylan. And I won't let you wait either so please stop."

"I'm sorry." She apologized as she reached for the young consultant's hand and squeezed it lightly.


Following the talk between Dylan and Sabina, the young consultant filed a one-week leave without any explanation so Timothy and Terrence were left confused.

Due to Sabina's rejection, Dylan was forced to go back home in Manila to unwind a bit. He needed the time to think and to accept Sabina's decision.

After six hours of traveling alone, the young consultant found himself sitting on their grand home's receiving area. He rested his head at the back of the couch and closed his eyes as he caught his breath.

"Hello Dylan, when did you arrived?" Lara Foster asked. The Caucasian woman was shocked in a good way after seeing her youngest in her receiving room. But at once, she noticed her son's crestfallen appearance.

"Is there are problem? Are you sick?" The surprised mother asked again while studying his son's face. The young man looked sad and defeated so Lara knew right away that something wasn't right.

"Hey, mom! I'm fine, just a little tired." Dylan mumbled lazily as he stood up and pecked his mother's left cheek.

To cheer her son's mood a bit, Lara spoke again. "This is lovely, your sister just arrived last night and then here you are. I think the big Guy knew that I miss my kids." She muttered as she raised her eyes towards the heaven.

"Darcy is here? I thought she chose to stay with auntie Bianca for good?" He pried, the tiny hope in him was crushed by the news. He was thinking that his sister will take care of Timothy for him but since she was back home, it meant that something went wrong.

With a big smile, his mother nodded her head. "Bianca asked her to go home for my sake. I told her that I missed your sister and voila, Darcy came home late last night. Bianca is a loving mother like me so I think she really understand my sentiments that's why she sent your sister back home." The older woman explained.

"Or not!" Dylan sighed, he had a hunch on why his sister was sent home but he chose to zip his mouth.

"I didn't know you're coming home. How's work?" The very subject of their conversation came in sauntering. Darcy Madrid looked tired because of the dark circles around her eyes but all in all, she appeared well.

"Is everything alright?" She asked again since she didn't get any response.

Suddenly, Dylan remembered Sabina's words about his sister and this made his mood darker.

Your sister have been nothing but rude and mean to me. From the very beginning, even before Tim and I got together. She didn't like me even a bit and to be candid about it, the feeling is mutual. I cursed the day I met her with all honesty.

"Honestly Darcy, what's with you and Sabina? Why do you hate her so much?" The young consultant queried without any preamble.

Stunned and totally caught off guard, Lara and Darcy looked at each other. "What is this about, Dylan?" The eldest of the Madrid siblings asked, her tone hard and irked.

"I was turned down because of you. She shunned me out!" The young engineer ranted.

Right away, realization descended on the two women. "Oh, Dylan. I told you not to do it. She is Tim's ex fiancée for goodness sake." Readily, Lara Madrid rubbed his son's back while her daughter shook her head.

"You should thank me then." The square-faced woman sneered. "She's not worth it Dylan, believe me. She's loud and foul-mouthed. Yes, she maybe easy on the eye and wealthy but that's it. That's all she got."

"So maybe that's why your Timothy is dying to win her back." Her brother chuckled bitterly.

These words made Darcy's blood boil. "He's blinded like you, all you see is her physical appearance." The younger woman mouthed harshly while their mother looked on with sad expression.

Another fake chuckle escaped the young consultant's lips. "You are wrong, she is more than a beautiful face. You should see how she treats her people and her subordinates. It's you who were blinded by your insecurities and hatred." He retorted sharply.

"Then, tell me what you see in her, ha? Tell me!" Darcy screamed angrily, she couldn't fathom why even her own brother was going nuts because of that woman. He was never been this harsh to her until now, until Sabina.

"Yes, she maybe loud but that's because she is carefree and honest. The woman is pure and naive. Her being foul mouthed is a result of being expressive and unpretentious. And why do you call her foul mouthed, because she cursed? Oh come on, my dear sister, we both know that between the two of you, you're more foul mouthed than her." Dylan gazed his sister straight into the eyes while saying this words, silently challenging her to contradict his words.

The young consultant's words appalled his sister although they both knew that there was truth on what he said.

"Shut the fuck up!" Darcy screamed.

"That's enough you two, that woman is not for you, son. Same with you Darcy, Timothy is not for you. You both have to accept that!" Lara Madrid intervened right away and admonished her children in a kind tone.

"Use your heads, someone worthy might be within your reach but you two were too busy wasting your time for someone who weren't meant to be yours. Sometimes, letting go is the only way to be happy." She fixed her eyes to her two offsprings who were now seated side by side.

"I've been there so trust me on this, please. Try to move on and find someone who truly deserve you. You two are unique and precious, bear that in mind."
His mother's words reached home because at some point, Dylan realized that what she was saying is true so he nodded his head.

On the other hand, the younger woman remained silent, her face was masked with an unreadable expression and this made her mother shook her head.

"Open your eyes and learn to accept the truth especially you Darcy." The Caucasian woman added before she headed into the kitchen.


The talk between Sabina and Dylan made the petite biologist more guarded and distant. She had doubled her wall especially when dealing with the opposite sex, thinking that her kindness and candidness was being interpreted into something more.

This sudden change was noticed by the young heir and so one Sunday morning he woke up early and waited in the garden for Sabina, knowing that she goes for a run everyday on the long shoreline of the Reef.

And he wasn't disappoint because at exactly 5:00 o'clock in the morning he spotted the petite biologist, running her way to the sea shore.

"Good morning, Sab!" He greeted her enthusiastically when she was close enough to hear him.

A little startled, the lady CEO greeted him back. "Good morning, my friend." Even in the early hours of the morning, Sabina didn't forget the annoying word.

A frown was formed on Timothy's handsome face upon hearing this. "Quit it, will you!" He was unsuccessful to hide his displeasure.

Discreetly, the lady CEO smirked at this. "What?" She asked in loud tone, trying her hardest to look clueless.

"You're doing it on purpose, didn't you?" The young CEO knew how mischievous Sabina can be.

In response, the lady CEO creased her forehead. "What are you talking about?" She again asked in an innocent tone before she began to jog towards the shoreline.

Sabina was wearing her usually running clothes, gray cotton drawstring running shorts, loose white sleeveless cropped top over a dark fitted spandex with thin strap and her trusted Under Armour running shoes.

Her straight full-bodied hair was fixed in a high ponytail and it bounced gaily with every movement she made. Attached on her upper arm was her 6th generation iPod touch securely strapped in a dark arm-band-type holder.

For a moment, Timothy stood there, savoring his ex-fiancé retreating frame and immediately his mouth went dry just by looking at her long toned legs, tiny waist and smooth shoulders.

His legs began to move on it's own until he found himself jogging side by side with the lady CEO. As he glanced at her sideways, his eyes automatically fixed itself at the young woman's perky breast and delicate neck making him gulped for more air.

He then recalled how Dylan described her in his slang tongue.

"And dude, the chick is hot! In fact, she's beyond hot. She's fucking scorchin'! Dangerous and enticing curves, golden brown complexion, skin as fine and as smooth as porcelain, hair that reflects the sunlight and a pair of eyes that could melt you. God! She is a walking sex! I promise you!"

These words sealed his decision. In a slow succession, he inhaled and exhaled deeply to calm his raging hormones. But his small undertaking wasn't lost on the lady CEO.

"Friend, are you alright? Are you hyperventilating?" She asked as she stopped and reached for his forearms.

The skin to skin contact make Timothy shivered as millions tiny tingling sensation swept his spine. "N-no, I'm f-fine." He sputtered. He cleared his throat to mask the quivering of his voice.

Damn it! He cursed mentally.

"Oh okay." Sabina continued to jog but in a much slower pace, thinking the the young man beside him was having trouble coping up with her speed.

The next several minutes were spent with comfortable silence and Timothy was grateful for this. Little by little, he was able to pacify himself but not until he felt the lady CEO's upper arm rubbing on his side. "I'm sorry." Immediately, Sabina apologized.

And again Timothy found himself in his earlier state. He slowed down into a walk and drew a deep breath. Suddenly, all he could feel was his ex fiancée's softness, all he could smell was his ex fiancée's scent and all he could hear was his ex fiancée's moans and sighs.

"Sabina..." Timothy mumbled in a breathy manner. Frustration, desperation and self restraint were all in chaos inside him.

Upon hearing this, the petite biologist halted. She definitely knew what was happening and she felt wonderful knowing what she could do to the poor clueless Timothy.

"Yes? Are you okay?" She inquired faking another innocent look and tone.

"I don't want to be your friend." The young heir responded without thinking.
Because as of the moment all he wanted to do was to kiss and touch the woman in a way he was sure she hadn't experienced before and so, he did.

In a flash, his wet hot mouth was on hers, he kissed her with all the love, lust and longing he felt for her and then he was in heaven. Her hot breath and sweet mouth carried him in a Nirvana only Sabina could create.

The young woman on the other hand was shocked but it was quickly replaced by fire. Timothy's wet kisses ignited the dying flame on her and now it had turned into roaring fire. And in no time Sabina found herself responding aggressively to her ex fiancé kisses.

Immediately, Sabina was devoured by this familiar heat that started from her mouth and shot all the way to the lower region of her stomach. And this intensified hundred folds when the Timothy's tongue sought entrance to her mouth.

Seemingly, having a mind of it's own, her mouth parted. Their tongues danced with each other in a beat too dangerous and too risky to hinder. Lost in the euphoric sensation, a loud moan escaped the young woman's luscious lips.


Sabina's silky voice coaxed the young heir's hands to move. They began to roam and skim her softness. His warm palms started with her delicate nape then it went down to the side of her body, lingering to the side her soft mounds for a bit until they reached the lower area of her back.

In an enticing manner, Timothy started to massage her firm round bottoms as he pressed himself at her. The wonderful friction made Timothy relived his times with her ex fiancée.

"Tim..." Sabina sighed while a soft grunt sounded from the tall lean man.

Timothy's mouth left the young woman's wanting lips but not to stop but to explore her neck and shoulders. As soon as Tim's hot mouth touched the young woman's neck, Sabina was invaded by hundreds of minute electrifying sensation soaking her to the core.

"We need to..." Sabina's pleas was drowned by another sound. A sound coming from a motor boat getting closer to the small dock by the rocky part of the sea shore.

Like a wild fire, the petite biologist pulled away from Timothy. "I'm sorry." Sabina apologized readily while blushing profusely.

"No, no, I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I'm not sorry for the kiss though, I'm sorry because I wasn't able to restraint myself, I'm sorry because the timing sucks." He explained thoroughly to avoid further misconception.

A small shy smile emerged from Sabina's mouth. "It's okay." She muttered awkwardly.

Before discomfort ensued, Timothy open his mouth again. "Sab, can I talk to you, please?" He asked in a pleading tone.

The two resumed their earlier activity but they both chose to walk than run. "Sure, what about?"

The young heir drew a deeply long breath before starting. "First and foremost, please stop calling me friend, okay? Let's be honest here, you and I both know that I don't want to be your friend. I want more than that, way far more than that." He declared forwardly, just pure honesty and no pretensions.

Sabina's heart skipped a bit upon hearing her ex fiancé words but she didn't let him feel that. Instead she trained her eyes on the fast-brightening horizons. "Okay, I understand." Her and Nancy's plan had succeeded and she felt wonderful about it.

When they reached a quiet and sandy area the petite woman stopped and sat down at a dry spot so Timothy mirrored her action. "This may sound prying but I'll ask anyways. What happened to Dylan, I saw you two, few days ago, talking."

The petite biologist didn't answer at once, instead she scooped a palmful of fine sand and let them slipped little by little from her hand. "I told him that there was no chance for an "us." The last thing I need right now is an insistent suitor. God knows how I struggled to dispose one." She confessed, eyes still glued on the sand in her hand.

Timothy didn't dare to ask why since he was also afraid of Sabina's answer. "What did he say?"

"For a while, he was a bit unmoved and relentless but in the end I made him understand. I can't imagine myself being with him so it's really impossible." The petite biologist added but she made sure not to mention anything about the square-faced rude woman.

The young architect raised his head heavenward. "Thank God! Thank you, Lord!" The young architect uttered inaudibly in prayers.

"Sab, do you regret being with me?" The question came from the deepest corner of Timothy's heart and It was out before he could zip his mouth.

The petite biologist froze, Timothy's question was a little cruel, at least on his part and totally unexpected but she was ready to answer it.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that." Hurriedly he withdrew his earlier query.

You're an ass, Tim. He scolded himself inwardly.

"No, it's okay. I will give you an answer if you will answer my question first." She stared at him and smiled.

The young CEO smiled back. "Fire away, Sab!"

A deep sigh bubbled from the young woman's lips. "Why the question, Tim?" She asked frankly.

He stared at his ex-fiancé long and hard before replying, thinking of their time together and the pain that he had caused the lady CEO.

"Because I wanted to know if I've been worthy of you and your time. My days with you were my happiest. During those times I felt so blessed and so content and everyday I pray to God to make it that way permanently but I guess, I became complacent since I took my responsibilities for granted. I let people close to me run my life so He chastised me to make me realized my mistakes and shortcomings." Timothy bowed his head as his voice cracked.

"Because I wanted to know if I made you happy, if I made you feel blessed, if I was enough to make your time with me, worth the while. I know, I'm more than six months late but I want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry." He pressed on as tears began to leaked from his sad eyes. He had apologized countless time but deeply, he knew that it wasn't enough.

The petite biologist saw and heard everything, even the slightest quiver in Timothy's voice and it formed a lump on her throat making her eyes watered. But she held back her tears, Timothy needed a bright smile right now and not more tears.

"Hey, you have apologized enough. My days with you were also some of my happiest minus the last part, of course." She giggled but despite her effort, tears welled up.

Hastily, she wiped them. "You made me happy, Tim. You made me feel blessed and you made me feel content but sadly you hurt me, too. But albeit all this, I never regretted being with you. It's a lesson and memories for me and who knows, maybe He might give us another chance."

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