Drunk In Love (Glee & Mike Ch...

By ryderlynnfever

146K 2.4K 328

Ever believe that you can fall in love with a guy when you get drunk? No. I never believe that. I even never... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Jake Puckerman is HERE!!!
Tribute to Mark Salling
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Finn Hudson's Fanfiction
New Sam Evans Fanfiction
New Finn Hudson Fanfiction
Sebastian Stan x Lily Collins
Santana Lopez Fanfiction
Mike Chang! Finally!
Straight Blaine Anderson

Chapter 13

2.4K 43 5
By ryderlynnfever

Mike is still ignoring me. I know what he said was right but I'm still insecure with myself. I dont know I should tell dad about this or not because I guess that dad has the same opinion with Mike.

I know I have potential and Mike supported me and the way I said he is nothing more than my boyfriend I guess it's hurt him. I was too selfish. I never think about anyone else except me. And when it comes to a relationship like this. I'm lost. I dont know what should I do. This is my first time having a relationship and I guess this is also be the first time of me to think about someone else not only me.

Now I just went out from my classroom. I walk down in the hallways and holding my book. I turn my face to the front and I see Mike is standing in front of his locker then he turn his face at me and he suddenly turn away and walk away.

He is still mad at me. Not mad but disappointed actually. Yeah I can see that especially through the things I said to him and he must be though that I dont trust him.

I just let out a sigh and walk to my locker. I open my locker and suddenly I see a mini teddy bear in my locker. I take that teddy and hold it until suddenly I press the chest and a sounded come out.

"If you dont wanna believe in me. Believe in yourself." Mike's voice.

I just half-smiled then hold that record teddy bear. It's really sweet. Also the things that he said. Simple but meaningful.

I put my book inside my locker and then shut my locker. I lean my back against the locker and hold that teddy.

I miss Mike. I miss when he can answer all my questions with good answer but this time he is mad at me. Especially because of things I said.

I keep holding that doll then walk away. I walk in the hallways alone then turn my way to find my dad. I walk to his office but it's empty. Well, I guess he is in Ms. Pillsburry's office right now.

I sigh and still walking in the hallways and turn around. I turn my way to Ms. Pillsburry's office and right dad is there. Along with coach Bieste and Artie. Bet they have a talk about school play.

"Excuse me, dad?" I'm standing on the door and knock the door.

"Hey, sweetheart. What's wrong?" Dad turns his face at me.

"I take my words back. I want to be the part of directing team for school play." I said to him.

"Honey, are you-are you serious?" Dad asks me.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I changed my mind and I believe in myself and I'm sure I can do that. If I cant believe in myself who will believe in me? How can I convience everyone else if I dont believe in me? Dad knows I can do that and I guess I have potential with that and I want to get out from my comfort zone so let's do this." I smile at them.

They just smiling at me and nodded at me. Dad smiles at me then walks closer to me and hugs me. "I'm so proud of you, Sweet Pea." Dad rubs my hair and kisses my head.

"Thank you." I smile at dad and the others.

"Yeay I become the most handsome one in this team." Artie chuckles.

"That's disgusting, Artie." I shake my head and chuckle.

"Alright, I have something to do. You guys enjoy the meeting with the club okay." Dad says to us and walk away.

"What club?" I frown.

"Your dad named it by himself." Coach Beiste says to me.

"He's crazy sometimes." I simply said then take a seat and sit down there.

"What is that?" Ms. Pillsburry asks me.

"Oh this is record teddy from Mike." I giggle.

"That would be creepy if you suddenly press that doll." Coach Beiste simply said.

"And the words come out." Artie simply added.

"I know that." I simply nodded. "Okay back to the club, what should we do first?" I ask them.

"Let's talk about open audition." Artie says to us.

I nodded and listening to Artie. I turn my face at this doll and built a smile on my face. I did what you just told me, Mike.


Mike's POV

"Mike, are you okay? You've been quiet all day." Tina frowns at me.

"I fighted with Paris again." I let out a sigh.

"How come? I though you both can get along." Tina frowns.

"It was nothing." I simply said and take my bagpack then walk away.

I know I shouldnt say that things to her. Yeah I'm just her boyfriend, nothing more. But I just want to her know and understand that I love her as much as I love myself and if she can convience me with something that I cant do with myself and why I cant do that to her?

I mean I know her. We should be support each other. Ugh I dont know how to make her understand. Well, at least I already told her something that I want to tell her.

I walk to the auditorium for Booty Camp practice. The others are already here except for Mr. Schue and Paris. I know that Paris helped for Booty Camp since she loves dancing.

"Alright guys, it's booty camp time." Mr. Schue walks in.

"No, I ain't gonna start until my girl is here." Mercedes says to Mr. Schue.

"Paris wont help with Booty Camp anymore." Mr. Schue says to us.

"Why? She is the best dancer one as far as I'm concern." Kurt frowns.

"And hot." Puck mumbles. I turn my face at him and raises my eyebrows. "Just chill out, man. I know she's yours." Puck says to me.

I roll my eyes and shakes my head. Why Paris dont want to be in the booty camp again? Is it because of me? Because of the things I said?

"Well, she decided to help Artie, coach Beiste, and Ms. Pillsburry for the school play." Mr. Schue grins at us.

"Be one of the directors?" Mercedes asks.

"That's right. I know my daughter's talent better than anyone else and she refused at first but now she changed her mind." Mr. Schue says to us. "I know it was you, thank you for convience her, Mike. You did good." Mr. Schue says to me.

I just nodded and smile at him. "Glad to heard that, Mr. Schue."

"Alright guys, back to your homework." Mr. Schue says to all of us.

She did for me? Or does she really listen to the things I put inside her locker? I hope that this thing happened because of that. I cant believe that she really changed her mind and make me proud of her. I know she knows I love her.


Paris's POV

I'm laying flat in my bed and rubbing Brown's body that lay down next to me. I know that Mike and I still havent talk to each other but I miss him. I dont know why I always miss him when we fighted or have argue like this. Well, clearly because I love him.

I let out a sigh and take my notebook to write down the things I should do for the school play. I just writing on my notebook until my body start sweating.

I dont know why, I dont feel really good. My body start sweating and I feel like I'm hard to breathe. I sit up on my bed and sit down. I guess my asthma attack just come back.


I keep holding my chest as I'm still barely breathing. It's been a long time since my asthma didnt come to me and now this is happening.

"What happened?" Dad suddenly open my room door. "Honey, are you alright?" Dad frowns at me.

"My lungs. I'm...bare..ly breathing." I said to dad.

Dad just open the drawer of my vanity table then take my inhaler and give it to me. "Hold on. Breath now."

I just take that inhaler and whiff that. Dad just sitting down in front of my seat and rubs my hair. I let go that inhaler but I still feel that my lungs hurt and barely breathing. I'm still sweating until my eyes goes darker.

Author's POV

Mr. Schue just sitting down in front of Paris and trying to hold his panic. Paris just inhaling that inhaler until she suddenly fainted with sweat fill her body.

"Paris! Honey!" Mr. Schue yelled panicly.

He hold Paris's pulse and she is still alive. He lift her up and bring her downstairs and walk out from the house to his car.

Paris is fainted but Mr. Schue can hear and see that his daughter is barely breathing. "Hold out, honey. I'll take you the hospital." Mr. Schue says to her and place her to the backseat of his car.

Mr. Schue locked the door then run his car and drive away from their house to the hospital in hurry before something bad happened to Paris.

He is still driving and sometimes looking at the back seat. "Dad..." Paris says weakly.

"I got you, sweetheart. We will go to.the hospital okay." Mr. Schue simply said and still driving until he got to the hospital.

He parks his car in front of the hospital and lift Paris up from the back seat until some nurse come to him and bring a bed and Mr. Schue places her on that bed until those nurse bring Paris to the emergency unit and Mr. Schue run follows her.

"I'm sorry, sir but you have to wait outside." One of the nurse said and close the door.

Mr. Schue just let out a sigh and sit down on the waiting seat and cover his head with his hand. It's been a long time since Paris's asthma attack didnt come back and he just can pray for his daughter inside that room.

"Are you her father?" The doctor come out and asks Mr. Schue.

"Yes, I'm Will Schuester." Mr. Schue nodded and stand up from his seat.

"Can I talk to you for second in my office?" The doctor asks Mr. Schue.

"Yeah sure." Mr. Schue nodded and walk follow that doctor.

The doctor turn his way to his office and Mr. Schue just following him. "Have a seat, sir." The doctor says to Mr. Schue.

Mr. Schue just sit down in front of the doctor's table and look little bit nervous. "Your daughter's asthma is back and it's getting stronger."

"How-how come? It's been two years since she didnt get asthma attack like this since we had theraphy." Mr. Schue frowns.

"Asthma is just like cancer. It can go with theraphy but soon or later it will be back and getting stronger. She will have that asthma her whole life." The doctor says to Mr. Schue.

"God..." Mr. Schue sighs. "I know it wont go. But at least can we do something to make her asthma getting weaker?" Mr. Schue asks.

"We will try our best for that. For now until her lungs back to be normal, she had to stay in nursery room using ventilator to help her breath." The doctor says.

"I know this is just bad week. We just moved in to a new house and I know the atmosphere is different." Mr. Schue says.

"Just dont force her with much work or she will get the asthma attack again. Dont worry, Mr. Schuester, she will be fine. My son had that one too and I know his whole life he will be living with his asthma."

"Thank you, Doc." Mr. Schue stand up from his seat and walk out from that doctor's room.

He just being quiet and keep walking because he cant stop worrying about Paris. Even though he knows, Paris is a strong one.


Mike's POV

I'm sitting down in the middle row of choir room. Since this morning I dont meet Paris and she didnt answer my call or my text last night. Does she still mad at me? I dont know.

I'm just let out a sigh as the others start playing each other. Now, Mr. Schue already late fifteen minutes and where are they? I mean Schuesters?

Ms. Pillsburry suddenly walks in and clears her throat. We turn our face to her and she looked at us one by one. "Okay, quiet please." Ms. Pillsburry says to us.

"Ms. Pillsburry what are you doing here?" Mercedes frowns.

"I'm here to deliver a message from Mr. Schuester that he cant attend the glee club today or maybe for a week. So glee club just dismissed." Ms. Pillsburry says to us.

"Why? He went away?" Finn frowns.

"Having his honeymoon with his ex-wife?" Mercedes asks.

"No. No. No." Ms. Pillsburry shakes her head. "He has to stay in the hospital."

"What? What happened to him?" Tina frowns.

"Not him but Paris. She got asthma attack last night and that was worse than before." Ms. Pillsburry half-smiled at us. "So, for the West Side Story, we still have audition but no booty camp or glee club this week. Thank you." Ms. Pillsburry says to us and walk away.

I gasped and frown. Paris never told me that she has asthma before. And that's why she didnt answer all my messages or phone call last night? Because she is hospitalized.

"That's why I saw Mr. Schue's car drive out of control last night. He took Paris to the hospital." Kurt simply said.

I stand up from my seat and take my ransel then walk out from the choir room. I guess I will skip the rest of my class and go to the hospital because no matter what, Paris is my girlfriend and I love her.

"Mike, where are you going to?" Tina stops my way.

"I'm going to the hospital. I'm gonna leave the rest of the classes. See you." I said to Tina and walk away.

This is really terrifying. I just hope that she is okay and will be fine. I'm afraid if something worse happen to Paris. I cant forgive myself then.


I went out from my car and get into the hospital. "Excuse me, patient named Paris Schuester." I said to the receptionist.

"In the 304 nursery room." The receptionist smiles at me.

"Thank you." I smile back at her and walk to the elevator.

I enter the elevator and press number three. After that I went out from the lift and look around. This is the first class nursery room areas.

I'm standing in front of room 304. I look at the window then see Mr. Schue is sitting down next to her bed.

"Mr. Schue?" I open the door slowly and get in.

"Just come in, Mike. I'm so sorry that I forgot to tell you." Mr. Schue says to me.

I turn my face at Paris and looking at her. She just sleeping with using ventilator. Mr. Schue just stand up from his seat and walk to the sofa on the corner.

"How's her?" I ask Mr. Schue and sit down next to him.

"She already awake but her lungs is still weak so she need to use ventilator. It's just I guess, the inhaler she used last night also already expired." Mr. Schue says to me.

"I dont get it. She never told me that she has ashtma. I mean, everytime we dance I know that she always took a lot of time to rest but I never see her get ashtma attack." I said to Mr. Schue.

"It gone two years ago before she enter high school becuse of theraphy. But last night it came back and the doctor said her whole life she will have that and it can be worse like last night." Mr. Schue says to me.

"She will be fine, Mr. Schue. She is the strongest one." I said to him.

"I know that. Well, do you mind if you stay here for a while? I need to go back home to change my clothes." Mr. Schue raises his eyebrows at me.

"Sure. I'm staying here." I nodded.

"I was about to call her mom actually but I will call her later. Alright stay here and if you need something call me. You got my number right?" Mr. Schue says and stand up from his seat.

"Yes, Mr. Schue." I noded.

"I'll be back." Mr. Schue says to me and walk out from this room.

I just place my ransel on the sofa then walk to Paris's bed slowly. I'm sitting down on a seat next to her bed and hold her hand with infussion. I guess it's because of too tired so her asthma is back. This is my fault.

"Dad..." Paris open her eyes slowly.

"Hey, you're awake." I smile at her.

"Mike?" Paris says weakly.

"I'm here." I smile at her and hold her hand.

"Where is my dad?" Paris asks me.

"Your dad went home for a while. He said he needs to change his clothes. He will be back." I said to her. "You hungry? Want to eat something?"

"No." Paris shakes her head. "You skipped school."

"Yeah. I cant stop worrying about you after Ms. Pillsburry told us that you got hospitalized. I called you last night many times but no answer, I was looking for you at school this morning but I didnt meet you.  I miss you." I said to her.

"I left my phone in my room. I just got ashtma attack last night when I was writing some note for school play, dad gave me inhaler but then it wasnt work out until I fainted. I miss you too, Mickey." Paris smiles at me.

I'm just smile back at her and rub her cheek. "Feel better now?" I ask her.

"Yes, even though my lungs still little bit hurt." Paris nodded.

"Miss Schuester the lunch for you is coming." A nurse walks in and bring a foodtray for Paris.

She place the food tray near her bed. I help her to lean her body against the wall little bit. I open that food cover and feed her.

The nurse just check out the infussion and oxygen that Paris used and noted something on her notes then smiles at us and walk out from her room.

"I wanna go home. The food here isnt delicious." Paris sighs.

"Because this is hospital, babe." I chuckle.

"Can I borrow your phone to text my dad to take my phone in my room and my pillow?"

"Sure." I nodded and take my phone from my pocket and give it to her.

"I didnt know you made my photo as your homescreen." Paris grins at me.

"You never checking out my phone." I grin back at her while feeding her.

"For what? That's your privacy and I trust you wont cheat on me." Paris smiles at me.

"Okay I'm sorry." I said to her.

"Sorry for what?" Paris raises her eyebrows at me.

"Because of me, because I forced you to join that directing team for school play, you got hospitalized and your asthma went back. I'm so sorry. I shouldnt force you." I half-smiled at her.

"Mike, you didnt force me. It's just you were right. If I didnt believe in myself who will believe in me? Besides my asthma back because of the new atmosphere in my new house. There was nothing to do with the school play. And when I can get out from this hospital, we will back to rehearsing your singing skill so you can get that Riff play." Paris smiles at me and holds my hand.

"I love you so much." I smile back at her and kisses her softly.

"I love you too, Mickey. I just want you stay here with me okay." Paris says to me.

"I'll stay here with you." I smile at her and rub her cheek. "Okay go back to eat this food so you can get recovery." I said to her and go back feeding her.

Paris just chewing the food and type something on my phone and sometimes she turn her face at me. I'm glad that I can be in here with her and everything is fine now except her health.


Paris's POV

Myself is going back to be normal. My lungs is back to be normal and I dont need to breath with ventilator anymore but still I have infussion in my hand so I can get better.

"The doctor said you can go home tomorrow." Dad said to me.

"Glad to heard that because I dont like the food here." I simply said.

"Those are healthy food, sweetheart. I bet your asthma back because your dad put cactus inside your new house." Mom says while folding my clothes and sit down on the sofa in the corner.

Dad just rolls his eyes and didnt say anything. I'm just chuckling at dad and lean my back against the wall while sitting down on the bed.

"It was just unlucky time." I simply said.

"I told you, you'll be fine." Dad says to me and rubs my hand.

"I know that." I nodded.

"Just make sure that your dad wont give you expired inhaler again." Mom simply said.

"The inhaler wasnt expired but the filler is expired." I said to mom.

"Same thing, honey." Mom says to me and put my clean clothes inside my bagpack. "Alright, I have to go. I'll be back here this evening, I'll bring you dinner okay." Mom kissed my head then walk out from my room.

"Just blame me everything." Dad groans.

"Dad..." I chuckle.

"You hungry? Want me to buy you food downstairs?" Dad asks me.

"No I'm not." I shake my head. "You skipped your work for three days." I said to him.

"I talked to Principal Figgins and he said that's fine. He knew that. Besides who will taking care of you here? Maybe I just need appoinment letter from the hospital one like yours." Dad grins at me.

"The one who's sick is me not you." I roll my eyes.

Suddenly someone knock the door from outside. "Come in." Dad shouts.

"Hey, I heard someone is sick." Mercedes grins and walks in along with Kurt and Tina also Mike.

"Hey, you guys." I chuckle.

"Wait, Mike said that you barely breathing yesterday and you need to used ventilator to breath." Tina frowns at me.

"Yeah but she back to normal and tomorrow she can go home. Thank you guys for coming." Dad smiles at them.

"Glad to heard that." Kurt smiles at me.

"Alright, I'm gonna call the nurse because your infussion is empty then buy you spare inhaler okay." Dad rubs my hair and walk out from my room.

I'm just sitting down on my bed and hugging my pillow then Mike is sitting down on a chair next to my bed as the others are standing around my bed.

"You were alone only with Mr. Schue?" Mercedes asks me.

"Actually my mom went here brough me new clothes then she went back to her office and said that she will back here this evening." I said to them.

"Feel better?" Mike asks me.

"Yes, I dont need to use ventilator anymore." I nodded.

"You never tell us that you have asthma." Mercedes says to me.

"It was gone for two years because of theraphy. But then it came back again and that night my dad gave me expired inhaler." I said to them.

"Oh my God." Tina frowns.

"We didnt know that inhaler is already expired." I sigh.

"So you will back to direct the school play?" Kurt asks me.

"No. My dad doesnt let me. I'm just having glee club and booty camp then helping Mike with his singing skill and go back to theraphy." I said to them.

"You'll be fine. We know that." Mercedes smiles at me.

"Thank you guys." I smile back at them.

Dad finally walks in again with a nurse following him. "I got you two new puffs and the filler." Dad says to me and place the medicine plastic on my side table.

The nurse just lift my hand and changed the infussion filler for me. The thing is I'll be back home tomorrow and I can go back to school.


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