Never Be The Same // Liam Dun...

By Equestrain897

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Werewolves. Luna Stilinski would always have a hard time grasping that the mythical creatures were real. Goi... More

Chapter 1 ~ Tryouts
Chapter 2 ~ Tryouts - continued
Chapter 3 ~ Hospitals
Chapter 4 ~ Beta
Chapter 5 ~ Party
Chapter 6 ~ Game Time
Chapter 7 ~ Missing
Chapter 8 ~ Where There's Good, There's Bad
Chapter 9 ~ Challenges
Chapter 10 ~ Cute
Chapter 11 ~ Full Moon
Chapter 12 ~ New Threat
Chapter 13 ~ Sophomores
Chapter 14 ~ Holes
Chapter 15 ~ Telling Mason
Chapter 16 ~ Tracy
Chapter 17 ~ Hayden-freaking-Romero
Chapter 18 ~ Hatred
Chapter 19 ~ Enemies
Chapter 21 ~ Parties
Chapter 22 ~ Investigation
Chapter 23 ~ Company
Chapter 24 ~ Chosen
Chapter 25 ~ Supermoon
Chapter 26 ~ Stay With Me
Chapter 27 ~ The New Kid
Chapter 28 ~ Clingy
Chapter 29 ~ Beach Days
Chapter 30 ~ Deadpool List
Chapter 31 ~ Warning
Chapter 32 ~ Temporary Home
Chapter 33 ~ The Eye That Sees All
Chapter 34 ~ Armor
Chapter 35 ~ Restless
Chapter 36 ~ 56 Meters Down
Chapter 37 ~ A Little Different...
Chapter 38 ~ Dark Intensions
Chapter 39 ~ Fights
Chapter 40 ~ "Irresistible"
Chapter 41 ~ Rodeo
Chapter 42 ~ Skin Walkers
Chapter 43 ~ Shots
Chapter 44 ~ Juniors

Chapter 20 ~ Bonfire

1.9K 37 4
By Equestrain897

Like they usually had every year, the lacrosse team was having their seasonal bonfire the next night. Luna had met a newfound friend, Kenzie, and had decided to bring her to the bonfire so that she could meet Liam and Damian. Luna didn't trust many people, but she felt she could trust Kenzie, so she let her guard down and let the girl into her life. Luna had brought Damian, a choice she wished he hadn't made.

After introducing Liam and Kenzie, Luna sat up on the picnic table next to Liam, Liam intertwining their fingers and resting their hands on Luna's thigh. Mackenzie sat on the other side of Luna, looking around awkwardly at the unfamiliar faces. Damian walked up, pausing when he saw Kenzie. He bit his lip, looking at her up and down.

"Damn, girl. Did you get your body from McDonald's? Because I'm lovin' it," he winked. Kenzie's eyes widened. She leaned towards Luna.

"Who is he?" she asked.

"Just ignore him," Luna replied. Damian sat down on the other side of Liam, exhaling a long breath. Luna shot a glare at Damian. "Is that necessary? No."

Damian looked back at Luna. "Is your existence necessary? No."

"Look who it is," a voice said. Luna looked up, groaning in annoyance when she saw Hayden approaching. "Luna Stilinski. Must you be everywhere I go?"

"I could say the same back to you," Luna replied. Hayden eyed her, walking off.

"Who was that?" Kenzie questioned.

Luna sighed sharply. "Hayden Romero."

"She seems like a bitch," Kenzie stated.

"She is," Luna said, smiling at how the two girls already hated the same people. "You know, I have a good feeling we're going to get along just fine."

Liam sighed dramatically. "Yeah, because we need another Luna."

"No no, this girl is a new and improved version," Damian corrected, biting his lip and winking at Kenzie.

Luna turned to Kenzie. "So, as you can see, I have a very loving boyfriend and a great best friend." She shot a glare at both Liam and Damian. Liam squeezed her hand slightly to silently apologize while Damian put his hands up in surrender.

"Hey, little Stilinski," Stiles said as he approached, messing with Luna's hair.

Luna eyed him, taking her hand out of Liam's and fixing her hair. "Must you always mess with my hair?"

"Yes," Stiles scoffed. "As your older brother, it is my job to both annoy you and keep the PDA levels down."

"We were just holding hands," Luna growled through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, something that no one wants to see," Stiles replied.

Luna rolled her eyes. "Then tell those people not to look." She intertwined her fingers in Liam's again, her anxiety level instantly sinking back down at his touch.

"It's not like they haven't made out in a storage closet," Damian mumbled. Luna shot him a warning glare.

"You guys did what!?" Stiles exclaimed.

"Please, it could have been worse," Luna scoffed, Liam nodding in agreement.

Stiles pointed at Liam. "You better watch yourself, Dunbar."

"My bunny slippers just ran for cover," Liam replied. Stiles eyed Liam, turning and walking away. Luna rolled her eyes at her brother, resting her head on Liam's shoulder, his arm wrapping around her torso while he held her close.

"So, are you two coming to my party tomorrow?" Damian asked, a bright smile on his face.

Liam furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you having a party?"

"It's a homecoming party," Damian stated.

Luna scoffed. "You're throwing a party at your farm?" An amused smile formed on Liam's lips.

"Damian here is a cowboy?" Liam quizzed. "Do you ride a steel horse, too?"

"Not another word. Besides, the girls save it for the cowboy," Damian growled through gritted teeth. "I know it's hard, but I'm asking the two of you to choose between studying each other's shapes and my party."

Luna rolled her eyes. "I'll let you know, Damian, that I'm still a virgin, okay? Not everyone sleeps with a new person every night of the week."

"Well, I'm sorry, but there are too many girls to choose from!" Damian exclaimed. People glanced in their direction, eyeing the four friends before turning away, not bothering to question it.

"Do us all a favor and control it," Luna spat. Liam and Kenzie both struggled to stifle their laughter. "Go ahead, laugh. I know, I'm hilarious."

Damian rolled his eyes. He looked up, smiling when he saw a girl. "I'll see you guys later."

"I have to go, my parents are expecting me home," Kenzie announced.

"Bye," Luna waved, smiling. Kenzie smiled and waved back, turning and walking off. As the night air grew more and more cold, the wind hitting Luna's sensitive skin, she leaned into Liam. Feeling how cold her skin was, Liam pulled the girl closer, his chin resting on her head. Luna smiled, looking up at him, her head tilted up while she did so. Liam smiled back at her, leaning down and pressing his lips against hers.

He pulled away, Luna's arm resting over his bent arm, rubbing figure eights on his forearm with her thumb. Liam looked down at her, his muscles relaxed under her touch. "So, do you want to go to Damian's party tomorrow?"

She shrugged. "Only if you want to. What is there to lose? There's really nothing else to do on a Friday night."

"Then we'll go," Liam smiled.

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