Never Be The Same // Liam Dun...

By Equestrain897

119K 2K 280

Werewolves. Luna Stilinski would always have a hard time grasping that the mythical creatures were real. Goi... More

Chapter 1 ~ Tryouts
Chapter 2 ~ Tryouts - continued
Chapter 3 ~ Hospitals
Chapter 4 ~ Beta
Chapter 5 ~ Party
Chapter 6 ~ Game Time
Chapter 7 ~ Missing
Chapter 8 ~ Where There's Good, There's Bad
Chapter 9 ~ Challenges
Chapter 10 ~ Cute
Chapter 11 ~ Full Moon
Chapter 13 ~ Sophomores
Chapter 14 ~ Holes
Chapter 15 ~ Telling Mason
Chapter 16 ~ Tracy
Chapter 17 ~ Hayden-freaking-Romero
Chapter 18 ~ Hatred
Chapter 19 ~ Enemies
Chapter 20 ~ Bonfire
Chapter 21 ~ Parties
Chapter 22 ~ Investigation
Chapter 23 ~ Company
Chapter 24 ~ Chosen
Chapter 25 ~ Supermoon
Chapter 26 ~ Stay With Me
Chapter 27 ~ The New Kid
Chapter 28 ~ Clingy
Chapter 29 ~ Beach Days
Chapter 30 ~ Deadpool List
Chapter 31 ~ Warning
Chapter 32 ~ Temporary Home
Chapter 33 ~ The Eye That Sees All
Chapter 34 ~ Armor
Chapter 35 ~ Restless
Chapter 36 ~ 56 Meters Down
Chapter 37 ~ A Little Different...
Chapter 38 ~ Dark Intensions
Chapter 39 ~ Fights
Chapter 40 ~ "Irresistible"
Chapter 41 ~ Rodeo
Chapter 42 ~ Skin Walkers
Chapter 43 ~ Shots
Chapter 44 ~ Juniors

Chapter 12 ~ New Threat

2.9K 51 7
By Equestrain897

Luna walked behind Liam and Scott through the hospital. Because of the senior thing that was going on, they brought Luna and Liam to wait for his dad. Luna was only going over his house since her dad was busy, and she had no idea when he would get out of work.

"My dad's helping out with surgery. He's not gonna be done for hours. So I'm either hanging out here or I could still go with you guys. . ." Liam hinted.

Scott pressed the button for the elevator, sighing and turning back to Liam. "Show me your hands."

Luna looked at him, gulping. Liam glanced around before taking his hands out of his sweatshirt pockets. The blood remained on the end of his finger and the palms of his hands. "Okay, so I'm still having trouble."

"No. You're still learning," Scott corrected. Liam looked down. "What do you do to stay focused from not changing?" Liam shrugged.

"I think about Luna," he stated. Luna looked down, trying not to blush. "But it's not working, and I don't understand why."

"You're letting other thoughts get to you, that's why. Look, it's working enough," Scott insisted. "Listen, Derek told me that you and Luna are two of the strongest he'd ever seen at your age. Now, coming from him, that means a lot." The bell for the elevator dung. "That maybe means that things are going to be harder for you for a while," he started, backing into the elevator, "but it also means something else, doesn't it?"

Liam shrugged his shoulder. "That I'm really strong?"

"Hell yeah," Scott smirked, stepping back into the elevator. The door closed and Liam turned to Luna, taking her hand and sighing.

"Looks like we're stuck here for a few hours."


Hunger began nawwing away at Luna the longer she sat there.

She tapped Liam's shoulder. Liam took a headphone out, turning to look at her. "Do you have a dollar?"

Liam nodded, pulling out a dollar bill and giving it to her. "Here ya go." Luna smiled, pecking his cheek before getting up. She walked to the vending machine, which was just a few halls down, putting the dollar in and pressing the button for the Reese's.

The wait seemed much too long.

The Reese's had gotten stuck, and it wasn't coming out. Luna sighed, pure anger raging inside of her. "Seriously?" she mumbled. The hit the vending machine in hopes that it might shake her snack out.


Luna proceeded to attempt in lifting the machine up, but was unable to. "Give me my damn chocolate!" She hit the vending machine with all of her might, shattering the glass before causing the vending machine to fall with a loud thump. "Hmph." She grabbed her chocolate, walking back to Liam and plopping down in her chair.

"Did you hear that loud thump?" Liam asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Luna replied, taking a bite of the chocolate and peanut butter deliciousness.


Not much time had gone by before Luna spotted her dad and Scott's mom rushing in with an injured Parrish. Curious, she stood, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Dad?" she called.

"Luna, stay there," he ordered. Liam glanced between the two of them. Luna sighed, sitting down, when Liam stood, telling her to stay in her spot before following them.

He came jogging back minutes later. "We have to go."

"What? Why?" Luna asked. Liam grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet.

"No time to explain."


Luna and Liam ran through the pouring rain, thunder and lightning all of the way to Beacon Hills. They spotted Stiles and Malia, rushing over, when Malia suddenly put her hand out, knocking Liam down. Luna's eyes flashed yellow while she growled angrily.

"Oh, my god," Stiles exclaimed. Malia stepped away from Liam, putting her hands up in surrender while she looked at the angry Luna. Liam panted.

"Scott's in trouble," he said.


By the time they got to Scott, there was a supernatural with his claws digging into Scott's chest. He was trying to claim Scott's status.

Liam and Luna both snarled as they began to turn into werewolves. Liam pushed Luna slightly behind him, making sure if anyone went after her, he could protect her. Scott began falling to his knees, until he grabbed the intruders hand, the hand that had its claws in his chest. His eyes began to glow red as he stood, breaking the other guys arm with a loud snap.

The opponent fell to the ground, and Scott pulled the claws out of his chest. "I don't know who you are, or what you through you were going to do, but I'll give you a choice. You can stay and I'll break something else. Or you can run." The opponent got up, looking at the others.

"I'd run," Stiles suggested. The opponent got up, turning and running. They all formed a circle, Luna looking at the foreign werewolf that was there.

"You don't remember me, do you?" he asked. Luna pressed her shoulders against Liam's. "I guess I look a little different since the fourth grade."

"Theo?" Scott questioned. The boy smiled and nodded. Luna's eyes shot to Scott.

"You know him?" she asked.

"They used to," Theo replied. "Trust me, I never thought I'd see you guys again. Couple of months ago, I heard of an Alpha in Beacon Hills. When I found out his name was Scott McCall, I just couldn't believe it. Not just an Alpha, but a True Alpha."

Scott straightened his back slightly. "What do you want?"

Theo shrugged. "I came back to Beacon Hills. Back home with my family. Because I want to be a part of your pack."

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