Ebon Phoenix [#1] [Complete]

By ForeverFic

42.1K 1.5K 324

Hoping to lighten Harry Potter's life, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore recalls his family's heirlooms and legends... More

Headmaster's request
Hogwarts is Hiring
Back to School
Family Reunion
Be Our Guest
Fleur Delacour
Linked Dreams
Tainted Memories
At Sea
The Maze


2.3K 90 15
By ForeverFic

Chapter 8


To say Ichigo was nervous, would be an understatement. The man had seen, fought, and bested many different beings in his life, but he would never go anywhere near a dragon. I mean, just look at the things! They could chop his body in half with just one bite, and to think that this was the first challenge. Ichigo couldn't help but watch in trepidation as the contestants entered the champions' tent from his spot in the stands. Unfortunately, he did not have clearance to enter the tent. Although he was sure that Dumbledore could give it to him, he knew that there was a reporter was inside there, and he thought it best to stay away. Ichigo felt bad for both Harry and Fleur.

He considered both of him to be his friends, and the last thing he wanted was to pin them against each other. But Ichigo had a job to do, protect Harry's body from harm, and he couldn't do that very well from inside the tent either. At least up here, he could cast a charm or two here and there rather inconspicuously. This was the first time he's seen the other students since he got sick, and it was nice. He only spoke to the few who noticed him in the stands, two of them being Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom.

"Ichigo, how nice it is to see you up and about. I do hope you are feeling better."

Ichigo smiled. "I am feeling much better, thank you Luna."

The young blonde smiled in reply. "I hope you don't mind if Neville and I join you?" Ichigo shook his head and the two sat next to him. Luna was wearing a rather strange outfit -- as usual -- but Ichigo choose not to comment on it. Whatever made her happy. Neville seemed his usual nervous self, although Ichigo knew he was beginning to build up some self-confidence. Ichigo was glad for the boy, he needed some thicker skin. His knowledge of herbology was unmatched, and Ichigo knew that he was destined for great things.

They made light conversation, nothing too mentally challenging. At least, Ichigo didn't think it was, his chest was lurching more and more the longer it took for the champions to leave their protective tent. Not that he wanted to hurry up the process at all, it was dragons. His friends were in danger, and although he was slowly regaining his strength, he wasn't sure what use it would be, against a dragon. Honestly, he had no idea how people wanted to work with them for a living. He listened as Luna and Neville prattled on about their classes, and what had been happening with the students. Neville spoke with him about how the Slytherins were starting to act up since he was MIA -- and just when Ichigo thought he was making some sort of progress.

Everyone silenced when the first champion left the tent. Even from his seat high in the stands, Ichigo could make out the slim form of Fleur as she cautiously stepped out into the field. Her chosen dragon hissed at her as she neared. Ichigo's hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he took in the scene. His magic began to simmer under his skin as he watched the dragon try and swipe at the girl. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Although the rush of adrenaline was one he hadn't felt in a long time, he didn't want to push himself too hard. No, until he knew what was going on, he couldn't afford to be rash.

He settled once he noticed that the dragon was asleep. He smiled in pride as Fleur danced around the dragon. Ichigo could only imagine the fear and stress that was racking through her thin frame, but she didn't let it phase her. She was strong, he knew, and he was confident in her abilities, even though she was going up against dragons. After a very unfortunate wardrobe malfunction on the dragon's part, she was able to collect the egg. Ichigo was more than happy to applaud her for her job well done. She disappeared back into the tent after giving him a small wave and smile.

To put it simply, Harry looked as though he was going to throw up the second he left the tent. Which, in hindsight, Ichigo couldn't blame him. The dragon bellowed and roared at Harry, and Ichigo found himself wondering what course of action the boy would take. Whatever it would be, Ichigo had to make sure that the boy wasn't hurt. Harry hadn't put his own name in the goblet, so this must've been the work of Voldemort, or his minions at least. And although Ichigo could not force Harry's success in the tournament, he could protect him from bodily harm. They boy had a destiny to fulfill, and it didn't include dying in the competition.

Ichigo watched as Harry ducked behind a rock in order to avoid a breath of fire. The shinigami cast a small protection charm on the boy to protect him from burns and bites. Anything more than that would take too much of his energy, and it would look extremely suspicious to the spectators. They would accuse him of cheating, and although he was, Harry's goal wasn't to win, he just wanted to survive. Ichigo just hoped that the dragon wouldn't try to scratch or throw him, of course, Ichigo was well aware of how rotten his luck was.

Ichigo was surprised when Harry summoned his broom. Why hadn't he thought of that? Well, there was a reason Harry was the chosen one after all. Ichigo knew their luck had suddenly run out when the dragon broke free of his chains and Harry raced out of the field. Ichigo stood up too quickly and stumbled his way out of the stands. He heard Neville and Luna shout at him, and he called back something about forgetting to take medicine or the like. He weaved his way through the chaos of people, hoping that none too many would take notice of him. If he were to disappear just when the dragon broke free, it would look rather suspicious, but he hoped that his excuse to Neville and Luna would be sufficient enough to cover his disappearance.

Ichigo felt guilty about Winky struggling to keep up with him in the crowd, but knew that she would understand the rush. By the time that Ichigo made it out of the stadium and towards the direction Harry had disappeared in, Ichigo watched in aggravation as Harry returned, golden egg in hand and dragon nowhere to be seen. "Are you kidding me?" Ichigo muttered, "As soon as I get out of the stadium, he's already done, now I did all that work for nothing." Although Ichigo's tone was one of contempt, he was actually quite proud of the young lad. His quick return meant that Harry was a very formidable wizard, one with not only brawn, but brains as well, something which made Ichigo's chest swell. The shinigami folded his hands into his kimono and headed back towards the castle, he had seen enough of this trial, and he had to at least attempt to support his false alibi.

Ichigo was unsurprised when a hesitant knock resounded off his door a couple hours after the first task had ended. Winky went to answer the door, but before she could reach it, a fatigued and rather sweaty Harry Potter poked his head in. Winky pulled the door open so he could step into the room. The young boy climbed onto the bed that Ichigo was sitting on, and sat down cross-legged, facing the man.

"Hello Harry." Ichigo smiled.

"Hi, Ichigo... how are you feeling?" the boy asked timidly, his shoulders slightly tense.

Ichigo wasn't perturbed by the small sense of awkwardness that filled the room, after all, they hadn't spoken since he had gotten sick. "Much better, thank you. I watched you today, you did great."

Harry visibly relaxed. "That's so good to here. You really had Hermione and I worried. I thought I saw your hair, when I first got there, but when I came back after getting the egg, I couldn't find you."

"Ah yes," Ichigo replied, "I had forgotten to take my medicine and Winky was freaking out, so she forced me to return before we saw the outcome of your task." Ichigo could feel Winky's eyes boring into him for his blanton lie, but he would explain it to her later. "On other news, how are you, Ron, and Hermione?"

"Hermione and I are doing great! Ron, on the other hand..."

Ichigo leaned forward more, a scowl marring his features. "What's wrong with Ron?"

Harry shook his head. "Nothing as far as I know, but he's refusing to speak with me. He thinks that I put my name in the Goblet and--"

"Did you?"

Harry looked at Ichigo, flabbergasted. "Of course not!"

"Did you tell him that?" Ichigo inquired, leaning back in his bed.

"I've tried, believe me." Harry answered, looking down at his hands. "He just won't listen."

Ichigo shrugged his shoulders. "I wouldn't worry too much about it. If he's really your friend he'll come around."

"And if he's not?"

"Well, you can cross that bridge when you get there. It's your life, your choice. I can't tell you every decision you should make."

Harry laughed. "You're the only person who hasn't tried to tell me what to do, and honestly I'm not sure how I feel about it."

Ichigo smiled. "Well then, go crazy."

There was a soft knock at the door. Winky left her spot dusting the bookshelves and opened the door. Fleur stepped in the room, but paused when she spotted the two talking. "Oh, I'm sorry Ich- er, Mr, Kurosaki, I didn't realize you had company."

Ichigo's smile brightened. "No, that's alright, please, join us."

Fleur blushed and turned her gaze to the door. "I do not wish to impose, I'll just come back later--"

"That's okay," Harry interrupted. "I was about to leave. I think the Gryffindors want to throw me a party or something. Maybe Ron and I can talk then. Bye Ichigo, I hope you feel better soon."

"Thank you Harry, enjoy your party." Harry nodded and left the room, the wooden door falling closed behind him. He made his way to the Gryffindor common room, thoughts swirling around his head. Harry was right, they did throw a party for him, and Ron did apologize to him. When the party finally came to an end, it was late into the night, with only Harry, Ron and Hermione left in the common room.

"How was Ichigo?" Hermione asked, sitting on the couch across from the fireplace. Harry sitting in the adjacent armchair and Ron on the floor.

Harry answered, "he's doing a lot better. He had a good color."

"That's great," Ron sighed. "I was starting to get worried there for a second.

Harry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, although, before I left, Fleur showed up at his room."

"Really?" Hermione rubbed her chin. "That's odd. Come to think of it, she did ask about Ichigo a little while ago, didn't she?"

"What do you think's going on?"

"Maybe they're, you know, together?!" Ron sputtered.

"Ron, be serious," Hermione chided. "Ichigo says he's like a thousand years old. Besides," Hermione blushed, "what would he even see in her?"


"Je suis désolé." Fleur said as she walked farther into the room. "I really did not mean to interrupt the two of you."

Ichigo scooted over a bit to make room for Fleur to sit next to him. "Don't worry yourself over it. Harry and I were just catching up."

Fleur took the offered seat, holding down the bottom of her dress as she sat down next to the man. "Oh? But, I thought you two were close?"

"We are, we just haven't spoken in a while."

"Since you were sick? Harry mentioned that before, I think. Pardon-moi, but I did not listen when he said that we were supposed to give you space... if you don't mind me asking, what is it that you have?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest, I just had a bad spell, I suppose." Ichigo explained. "I'm getting better, though. In fact, I plan to return to work as soon as tomorrow. I watched the task today to see if I was ready for it."

"Oh yes," Fleur smiled. "I remember seeing you! Did you like it?"

Ichigo nodded. "I enjoyed watching you, yes, the dragons... not so much."

Fleur blushed. "Is that so?"

"Yeah..." Ichigo pulled on the top of his kimono and cleared his throat. "So, was there something you needed, shouldn't you be celebrating your victory?"

Fleur shook her head. "No, no particular reason I suppose. Oh, I figured out what to do with the egg."

"Is that so?"

The young woman bit her lip. "If I tell you, will you tell Harry?"

Ichigo shook his head. "Despite what it appears to both you and Harry, the young boy must fight his own battles. I can only support him, not give him the answer."

Fleur smiled, apparently pleased with his answer. "As soon as the task was finished, I had returned to my rooms to freshen up, since my clothes were singed and I was covered with soot. I decided to clean the egg as well, and while I held it under the water, I decided to open it. Oh, it sung the most beautiful song."

"About what?"

Fleur leaned into his ear. "Sirènes," she breathed.

Ichigo couldn't help but shudder.


True to his word, Ichigo returned to his peacekeeping duties two days later. All of the students were overjoyed to see the man in good health and back to work. They took great joy in telling him about everything that's happened over the past month and all of the things that he's missed. Harry returned to confiding to him about things that plagued his mind, Ron continued to talk about his problems with girls, and Hermione -- despite it being so close to Christmas -- continued to ask for his help with homework and school. Ichigo was happy to oblige with each and every student that came his way, and soon enough, everyone fell back into their old routine.

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