Fate and Destiny [Akashi x Ku...

By WinterRaineeDay

103K 3.2K 1.4K

"Then, let's make a promise that only I can sing your songs." That was the forgotten promise after the incide... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty - Two
Chapter Twenty - Three
Chapter Twenty - Four
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty-Five
Special Countdown Preview to Chapter 26
Chapter Twenty - Six
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 27
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 28
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 29
Chapter Twenty - Nine
Special Countdown Preview on Chapter 30
Chapter Thirty
From The Authoress
Story Details - Summary/Characters/Song List
A Poem Just For You
Second Book - Sequel
Valentine EXTRA : Flavor of Life
F&D Fan-Art
Second Route - Melody of Spring
2015 KnB Watty Award - Vote

Chapter Ten

2.6K 103 16
By WinterRaineeDay

Previous on Chapter Nine

In the end, I am only a puppet …

"Kuroko – chii, it would really mean a lot to me if you could come and watch me perform" it was quiet but Kuroko could hear clearly.

"…If you really want to thank the donator…he's the very same person who given you those roses"

"I can but you both must never tell him about this. Promise?" in all seriousness she asked. The other two nodded.

'She's here…'


The band members of the renowned Generation of Miracles gathered outside the ward, waiting for an answer from the doctor was in charge of that evening. The atmosphere was gloomy as all of the band members stood quietly, eyes bores holes into the floor beneath them.

They felt guilty, not only they knew the red haired singer was extremely exhausted and stressed out after returning from Kyoto, but they didn't do everything they can to stop him from going onto that stage and pushed himself to his last ounce of energy.

Kuroko were requested to accompany the red head singer into the ambulance by his friends sat quietly, praying that, it was only exhaustion that have driven Akashi to this point. Even so, when she saw Akashi miserable and pained looks on his face before he collapsed, she felt as if, he is hiding something from everyone.

In her hands, lays her long lost pendant necklace. She has been searching for it and to think it was in the possession of Akashi. She must have dropped it when she bumped into him for the first time in the campus.

'Why didn't he return it to me…?'

The sound of the automatic sliding door slides opened gained everyone attentions as they all began to flock the raven-haired doctor, Takao Kazunari; apparently, he is a close friend of a certain forest green head doctor in Shutoku Private Hospital.

"He's doing alright but I suggest he takes sometimes off from work and everything else. I don't know what he did until he's like this but he needs a long rest. A body cannot function well if it doesn't get proper rest. Unfortunately, an abundant amount of stress and being dehydrated contributes to his exhaustion, so I hope you all would understand." He explained as he puts his stethoscope into his white hospital coat, and then he noticed the bluenette behind the other taller males from the corner of his eyes.

"I can't allow any visitors at the moment but rest assure, you can visit him tomorrow, even though there is no guarantee if he would be awake by then but I'm sure he would be happy to see you there" he smiled. All eyes focused onto the bluenette who blinks at the doctor words. Takao chuckled. Kise frowned. After several exchanged of words, they all went home. Kuroko was the last one to leave after everyone went on. She hesitated to leave Akashi all alone in the hospital.

Takao flipped through several health documents before resting his chin onto his knuckles. He shifted his gaze to his now cold cup of coffee.

"Kuroko Tetsuki…am I right?" he approached the pianist after the other band members left. She did not even budge from her spot in front of the door that she has been staring. She quickly stood up as she gave a small bow to the doctor.

"Thank you, for looking after Akashi-kun" she said. He smiled as he motioned her to sit as he took a seat near her. He leaned back against the chair.

"How did you know my name…?" she broke the quiet air.

"Ah, you don't remember me, do you?" she titled her head. Her big round orbs blinks.

"I was one of the doctors that were in charge of you when you were admitted into the hospital when you were just a kid." Her round orbs widened as she remembers a certain raven-haired doctor when she was still a child.

"Ah…Ta-chan sensei!" she exclaimed. He grins.

"I still can't believe you've grown up to be a fine young lady and of all the places to meet you again. Well, have you been doing all right lately? I heard you were in an accident a month ago" his eyes travel to the pianist shoulder. From the way it looks, her shoulder is healing pretty well. Then he noticed his former patient orb saddens.

"From the looks of things…fate somehow made the two of you meet each other again." he saw the bluenette holding a familiar necklace. She nodded.

"I wonder if this second meeting…should have never happened…I mean he looked so miserable…"

"Tetsuki-chan… hush now. Stop over thinking things. He's probably just a little stressed out besides you know how his father is." He ruffles her soft blue locks. He smiled.

"Besides…Kagami would be very worry if he sees you like this" his expression softens. He never liked it when Kuroko looking so down like this.

"I saw Kagamis' car waiting for you outside when I did my rounds earlier. I think its better you go home now before he searched each corner of this building for you. We'll talk again when you come for a visit" he smiled as he ruffles the soft locks even more.

"Thank you, Ta-chan sensei. I'll see you around" she bowed before scurrying along the hallway towards the hospital entrance.

He never liked what he saw on his favorite bluenette face earlier. He knew both her and Akashi past as both him and Midorima was their doctors for a long time when they were younger. At times he could not help but to feel sad for the two poor souls. They loved each other and yet, things never seem to side the two of them.

"I just hope this time…things turn out well for them."


The news of the renowned bandleader and lead singer collapsed after their performance ends last night was everywhere. Luckily, for Akashi, no one had told the media about which hospital he is in.

However, just like what the doctor had said. Akashi has not once woken up. Apparently, one night of rests was insufficient for his exhausted and dehydrated body. Takao has finally allowed visitors to visit the red head but only limited to the band members, his manager Satsuki and last but not least, Kuroko Tetsuki.

The other band members did not questioned her much when she came to visit. Satsuki knows her real identity as the renowned composer, HEAVEN. While Kise knows that Kuroko loves his bandleader, which began to annoy him even more when he saw her sitting by the side of the hospital bed, quietly looking at the deep asleep red head.

'Akashi-chii doesn't deserve her. All he does was hurting her' his knuckle tightens as he bit his lower lips. However, that did not go unnoticed by the raven-haired doctor. Takao furrowed slightly.

Two days passed by, Akashi has not woken up. Kuroko came by to visit him, stayed by his side for hours and hours after classes. Kise stood by her side faithfully watching over her, despite Kuroko being oblivious to his actions and feelings. Aomine and the other two noticed the strange attitude changed on the keyboardist.

"Tetsu is Kise's partner in percussion class, right?" Aomine sipped his pocari while Satsuki took her seat next to him in the hospital cafeteria. The pinknette nodded.

"I don't know if it's just me but each time I enters that room, Akashi's in when Tetsu and Kise is in there, the air is heavy, like super heavy! I can barely breathe when Kise is in there"

"You're exaggerating, Mine-chin ~~ but I don't think it takes an idiot to notice that Kise-chin likes Kuro-chin~~ I think Kise-chin is jealous of Aka-chin~~" Murasakibara mumbles as he stuffed another chip.

"Eh? Why?"

"Jeez…Dai-chan, how stupid can you be? It's because Kuroko-kun likes Akashi-kun and it goes the same with Akashi-kun towards Kuroko-kun…hmm…hold on…this doesn't make any sense…why didn't Akashi-kun get together with Kuroko-kun instead of Suzuki-san…"his childhood friend, Satsuki furrowed.

"Sa-chin, I don't know if you've heard of it or not~~ but…Kuro-chin was Aka-chin fiancée…the girls in the class was talking about it, saying they overheard Suzuki and Kuro-chin arguing back then~"the purple haired drummer munched another chips while the other two looked at him as if he just grew another head.

"I wonder if that's the reason Akashi-kun insisted on Kuroko-kun becoming the bands composer…" the other two stopped what they were doing and furrowed. It was then Satsuki realized she spoke aloud.

"What do you mean Akashi insisted that Tetsu should be our composer? Last I heard the offer letter from the agency has been sent to HEAVEN not to Kuroko Tetsuki" Aomine demands an answer.

The pinknette wants nothing more than the ground to swallow her up at that moment. She never liked it when her childhood friend, Aomine Daiki turns serious. She was debating on spilling the secret or not since Akashi has entrusted her with the secret that HEAVEN is Kuroko Tetsuki but she never knew there was something more to Kuroko Tetsuki than just being a brilliant composer and musician.

"Sa-chin…" Murasakibara seconded.

"I'm sorry Dai-chan, Muk-kun. I'm not allowed to say anything more than I've already said" she looked at them, hoping they would understand that being entrust to such secret by Akashi was something big and she for one, would never let Akashi expectations from her being let down. Aomine frowned while Murasakibara shoulder fell but that was to expect from their manager. Satsuki smiled apologetically before focusing on her meal.

'Now it explained why I kept seeing her name in the files I've searched through and why his father insisted on the arranged engagement…but if it's really is true that Akashi-kun has lost his memories…does that mean he's slowly regaining what he has lost back then after meeting Kuroko-kun…?' the pinknette bit her lower lip as she frowned.

'…then the one Akashi-kun truly love was Kuroko-kun…'



The room was in a complete silent. Kuroko as usual, she would sit on the chair near to the bed, watching the red head singer fast asleep, as he shows no signs of waking up from his deep slumber. Kise ever so often took a glance at his partner before casting his gaze outside the window.

The bluenette wiped Akashi's face with a soft wet towel as she gently brushed his bangs to the side. His eye bags are gone, his pale skin slowly regained its former color, but his eyelids remain close. She was worry for him. She sighed softly.

"Akashi-kun conditions began to deteriorate soon after he returns to Tokyo. We're still in the dark on what happened when he was in Kyoto that made him like this…" the pink haired manager of the band sighed.

"She's right, we tried stopping him from exerting himself, but you know how that guy is. Stubborn like a mule, he would not budge at all. We told him a million time but he won't listen, now look where he ended up" Aomine swayed his hands in the air dismissively as he leans against the chair while another arm drapes onto the empty chair next to him.

"But ya know…when he puts his work before him, we couldn't help but to comply. Just like yesterday before the performance, we tried stopping him but he said the show must goes on, no matter what happened and you've seen how deathly pale he was during the performance" the guitarist continues.

Satsuki smiled but yet painful look on her face, "Our band has been together far longer for a very long time but it's kind of sadden us when Akashi refused to lean against us when he was at his limit…we just wants him to know that he has his friends to help him when he can't stand alone…"

'Sei, you have so many good friends around you that is willing to help you, but why won't you let them in…?' Kuroko thought as she shifts her gaze from Akashi to the necklace in her hands.

'Were you lost just like me…?'

"Tetsu." a firm grip on her shoulder brought her back to reality. She turns around. There, Kagami standing right behind her, his fiery crimson orbs would always reminded her that she is not alone. His large firm hand would never let her go. Kagami would always be there for her.

"Let's go home," he said. She smiled as she nodded, before they left the quiet room, Kuroko puts the her precious necklace into the singer right hand, then she quickly followed her tall red head brother after giving Akashi a last glance.

'See you soon, Sei'

However, she didn't notice the slight movement on Akashi's fingers after she stepped out of the door.

On their way back to Kagamis' apartment, the bassist decided to stop by Maji Burgers' Restaurant for a take out. Which to the pianist delight, he did not forget to buy her, her favorite vanilla milkshake. He noticed the slight curve on the bluenette lips when she sipped her drink.

He chuckled lightly. 'She never changed. Such small thing and yet it brought so much happiness to her.'



The journey home was not long since the road was less busy at night. The CRV stride through the road as Kagami slowed down before turning to the right into the apartment area. The two helped each other by bringing two bags of groceries on each as the elevator goes straight up to the seventh floor of the building.

It was the usual pace for both of them when they stayed together. They would take turns in buying groceries and prepared dinner if one of them has a tight schedule, especially with both of them has several contracts signed to several companies. Kuroko may not be a good cook like Kagami but her stepbrother has never complained about her cooking's, instead he would make sure he finished them all until the last piece of onions on the plate.

It has been like this ever since their parents passed away in the accident back then. Kagami acted so strong during the funeral, even months after. He didn't shed any tears. He was holding back all of his pain and sadness for his stepsister, Kuroko. They may not share the same bloodline but they both loved their deceased parents very much.

They both somehow manage to survive the hardship, when Kagami relatives were fighting each other for his parents' estates (Personal belonging/money/land ownership/houses etc). The feud had left Kagami and Kuroko with penniless. They were forced to part ways by their relatives, as they could not fend for them as they were still young but Kagami manage to bring Kuroko away from them. A retired musician named, Alexandria Garcia had found and shared her home with them. She taught them how to use their talents and passion for music to survive in this cruel world.

For the two of them, they are happy with what they have. They never complained about wanting more but the incident has made Kagami more protective of his sister. Her health was gradually getting weak as the disease slowly eating her up until now. The bassist never gave up on searching for a cure, he hated the thoughts of losing another of his loved one but now things are different…old past resurfaced, old wounds reopens, Kagami will do everything he can to protect Kuroko not because he loved her but because she's the only treasure he has left in this whole wide world.



Kagami drapes a towel on his messy wet crimson locks after coming out from the bathroom. He stretched his arms a little, as he felt a little sluggish before drying off and putting on some clean clothes, a white T-Shirt, and black sweatpants. He took a glance at the red clock on the wall of his bedroom.

'Still too early for me to sleep' he thought. Then he heard the sound from the flat screen TV in the living room. After putting away his towels and what not, he made his way towards the living room, only to find the bluenette has fallen asleep on the emerald couch. He sighed as he took the remote and turns the TV off before carefully sat at the edge of the couch, hoping not to wake his beloved sister up.

His large hands gently brushed her long blue locks aside. It felt as if it was only yesterday when her hair was short. Now it grew so long that it has became a habit that Kagami ever so often plays with her hair, Kuroko never minded anyway. It felt so soft against his rough hands. He smiled but the smile slowly fades away.

'All these years, we have been together everywhere we went , I didn't even noticed you've become so matured in such a short time…it feels like it's only yesterday when we both played with each other… time passed by without us noticing it…' he bit his lower lip, his orbs saddens.

As gently and careful as possible, he gathers the bluenette into his arms and quietly opens the door to her bedroom. He lowered her down to her soft bed before pulling the blanket up to her chest. She looked so peaceful and serene that Kagami could not help but to watch her sleeping. He quietly retreats to his own bedroom.

'Goodnight, Tetsu…'


The nurses did their rounds checking their patients before turning the hospital lights off in each room, only leaving the hallway lights on. Akashi's room were one of it, however the patient that occupied the room still shows no signs of waking up other than the slight movement on his fingers earlier.

His long crimson bangs falls to the side, his chest heaves lightly on each breathe intake on his slightly parted lips. The moonlight shines ever so gently into the room, the necklaces in his hands are held in place. No one knew why the crimson haired singer still in a deep sleep, even after three days from he collapsed on stage at the end of the band performance.

No one knew why but only Akashi, himself knew.



"Seijuro, today I would like you to meet your fiancée" his father, Akashi Seito puts down his cup of coffee. Large crimson orbs shift his gaze from the small sandwich in his hands to his father and mother who are sitting opposite of the small child.

"Fiancée…?" the young Akashi cooed. His orbs blink at the word. He knew what it meant but he thought it was for older people.

"She's a wonderful young lady, she's very well brought up and a refined lady. She loves music as much as you are, Sei. I'm sure you will love her," Akashi Kaori explained as she wiped off the breadcrumbs on her son cheeks. Her brown orbs soften as she looked at her only precious son.

"Mhmm, your mother is right. Kuroko-chan would be a suitable match for you" his father smiled. He motioned their long served butler, Tanaka to pour some more coffee into his cup.

I remember now, Father and Mother used to be so gentle and caring towards me and everyone else around them. They treated every of their household and company staffs like a family.

Why did they change…?

It was on the very same day, when the young Akashi returns home immediately as soon as his music classes ends. Therefore, he did. He went to prepared himself for the meet up with his fiancée, which his parents have arranged for him. He was young but he knew his responsibilities very well as much as his parents' expectations from him.

He walks down the hallway of the manor before stopping abruptly in front of a mirror. He looked at his own reflection. Making sure everything is in place including his locks. He smiled at the good job he had done for this meeting.

'First impression is always important in an important meet up such as this' he thought.

He reached down to the lounge but it seems he was a bit too early since his parents still nowhere in sight. Akashi thought it would be best if he spent the remaining waiting hour in the library and so he did until he stopped abruptly at the library entrance. His large crimson orbs blinks at the sight in the library.

There, stood a girl smaller on the small stool, tiptoeing as one of her arms up in the air, trying to reach for one of the book in the fourth shelves. From time to time, she grunts in frustration for unable to get the book she wanted. The young Akashi looked in amusement at how much effort the unknown girl in blue putting just for that book. His orbs follow the girl figure as she steps down from the stool to take a bigger chair from his father-reading place.

He chuckled lightly, when she struggled to bring the larger chair to the shelves. He could see, her sapphire orbs brightens in happiness after she got a hold of the book that she went through so much just to get it. As she was about to step down from the chair, her footing slipped on her dress, he quickly ran towards her and just in time, cushioned her landing. He sighed in relieved.

It was then; a pair of calm sea blue orbs met a pair of fiery crimson orbs.

I never knew the existence of such beautiful eyes until I met her.

'Who are you…?" he asked. The girl in blue simply smiled and hands her hands towards him.

"I'm Tetsuki, nice to meet you!"

Her smile was as bright just like the sun. Her melodious voice was as beautiful as the gentle sea breezes that resonate throughout the air. Her sapphire orbs never failed to make him warm inside. Her existence alone shines so bright in his life. Time passes by; the two grew closer as ever. Even though it was an arranged engagement, they never felt so grateful towards their parents' plans.

The young Akashi realized the talents in Kuroko when he found several of her handmade melodies in the library that she often visits. He brought them to life as he sang it in tune with her graceful piano playing. They both loved music as much as they enjoyed each other presence.

One day,

"I would be even happier if you are the one that sings my songs." The small girl turns around. She smiled. He stood there, watching her beauty shines beautifully against the flowing fountain behind her.

"It's because, the songs I made are especially for you!" his orbs widened. His expressions softened up. His fiancée never stops surprising him. He then, stuck out his little finger. He chuckles lightly at the large blue orbs that blink at his actions.

"Then, let's make a promise, that only I can sing your songs" he brought his fiancée left hand and entwining his little finger to hers.

"It's a promise!" she said, smiling at him as they made a pinky promise. Her smile was brighter than the sun. He thought he would be seeing that smile forever but he was wrong. He could have never been wrong like he did then.

It was one of those days, where both side of their parents allow them to leave the manor gates and let them play at one of the nearby playground with an orange ball in Akashi grips. Most of the children there avoided the two, since both of them stood out like sore thumbs but they did not mind since they got each other to play with.

Kuroko had fun playing outside the manor gates, so does Akashi. However, things went completely wrong and inevitable when the young Akashi threw the ball a little bit more with force as it went above the bluenette head. She tried catching the rolling ball without looking where she was heading. His orbs widened when he saw the incoming car.

"Tetsuki!!!" he shouted. Everything went dark the moment the red sports car hit him. The last thing he saw was, his beloved Kuroko screamed and in tears for him.


Her voice rang into the darkness of his mind.

He never knew what happened after the incident. All he could hear was, a familiar voice echoes into his deep mind. The melodious voice, which he once fell in love with, sounded so sad and sorrowful. It begged him to wake up but he could not, no matter how much strength he tries to muster to open his eyes.

"Forgive me, Sei…please don't leave me alone…" Soft sobs rang in his ears. He could feel that whomever the voice belongs to, was important to him. The warmth hands that always held his hands ever so gently and not letting go of it, slowly left him behind.

"I hope one day…you will be able to sing my songs once again…Sei…" He never felt those loving warmth ever again.

Promises were made and forgotten along with the past he had with her. He never knew the one he once loved existed, the moment he woke up from his coma. He had forgotten what happiness was since then.



Hetero orbs stares into the vast white ceiling above him. Tears escaped.

I have hurt her so much…


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