Starkit's Prophecy Review

By warriorcatlover345

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Ok, so recently I have read the book known as Starkit's Prophecy. The other day I happened to stumble across... More

Chapter One Prologue
Chapter 2 - The Rise of a Heroin
Chapter 3 - The Battle for the Clan
Chapter 3 - Training Under the Stars
Chapter For StarPaws decids - In this chapter, for Starpaw decides
Chapter Five Untidles - Untitles?
Chapter Six Desions - Starpaw is constantly conflicted
Chapter Ate The Serimmony 1 - This chapter ate the ceremony
Chatter NEIN Teh Evil Tigger and holY
Chapter Ten The Recluse
Catter 1 The Fiht Aganst the Sitters 1
Cahpter 12 The Sark Forest
Cahpter 13 The Metang wit Sartcaln
Chapter Fortene The Ten Commdaments
Cohpter Fiften THE TURTH
Chaper Sixteen The Nane Lifes
Chapter 17 Returnr
Chater Eitheen The Deat 11 11 1
19 The Mirage 1!
Chapter 19 The Nwe Love
Chapter 20 STARCALN
Chatpre 21 The Purtle
Chapter 23 The
Chaphtrt 22 LEBIANS 1 111 - a mix of lesbians and plebian?
Chapter 25 The Ask Qestion
Chapter 27 A NEW CALN?
Chapter 27 the Mameries
Chapter 28 Shrakking
Chapter 30 The Revvel!
Chatter 31 KITS
Chapter 23 The Vist
Chpater 24 THE BARLE
Chapter Thirty Two The Berth
Chapter 333 Nwe Lifes
Cahpert 34: Back Too the clan
Very Important Message
Chapter 42 - Stargleam's New Thought
Chapter 43 - The Plan for the Battle
Chapter 44 - A Surprise
Chapter 45 - The Death and Betrayal
The Final Chapter

Chapter 40 - Tigerkit

183 5 17
By warriorcatlover345

Hey, guys! Just a little note:

Thanks to @EndDragon5968 , I discovered that there are more chapters to this story! So, that means that I have not read these last few chapters at all, and they are completely blind to me!

So this'll be interesting!

Again, I think we were okay...

( scholo was rly hard sinc I goat back they gave us alot of homowork and i was haveing torlble with som of my friends bcaus I am a lesbain now nd they dont unferstand.
I don't think your sexuality is the reason they don't like you.

U cant b3elieve u flamers are still faleming!!!!!1 WHY ARE YOU SUCK MEAN PEPPLE Y CANT YOU ACPECT ME FOR WHO I AM!!!!11!!1!! im not sory I colled you statinst you ARE othersiwe you woul be nice!!!11!1!!!
Yeah, we're the ones not being nice🙄

Bbut neway im back and heres the chatper I woked realy hard on it this time!1!!

FIRESTARE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE asked starlgema. "I thogut u were the letter of ShaodWclan now???" "
Yeah, me too!

Tes i was but I relied I stil lube you GlamePool he siad. "
Well, it's not as gross anymore considering Starpaw reincarnated and isn't related to Firestar anymore. Wait, but Hollyleaf is her mother, but it would still be weird anyway!

I herd you and togerStar fihgtnng an so i cam to hlep," "Wel youre too latr." Said HleamStar. "Tiggestar took TigerSatr!!!11111!!!!!!@'
And you're just hoping he'll come back on his own!

'I cna hellp" he said Firstar. "RAELY" aiad STarGleam. "Realy I kno were his hdeout wis" "Omgosh really said Stargleam "Yes wen i wnte a way I was ledder of shadowlnca so i was ebbil for awhiel nd I ws with TigerTsar. so i know wre he lives.'

"LESTS GO THEN!!!!!!!!!!!1" YOWLED STARLGMEAN RUNING TOWRD TIGESRTARS. Tjey ran for a log tiem but GleamPaw was so andrenline she didn't care.
She was so adrenaline? I didn't know that was an adjective...

But lots of the other cats were tired by thetim they got ther. Tigerstars hidoat was a hloe near the lake. "okay ready TACK!!!!!1111" MEOWELD STARELGME ND THE CATS RUN INT O THE HEOLE.
A hole near the lake? Tigerstar, you can do better than that, buddy!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" SAID TIGERSTAR WHEN HE SAW THEM he was rly boldy bcase tigerkit hd been fighting him. Hw was too tired Starlgema roped her claws down his nicke her esyes robbling!!!!11 She was so beutufl in btale thought. Hr bleu fur shone in the moanlight!!!!1 her eyes burned with NGR. She was one of the barviest cats the hades ever seen.
Hades? Since when has mythology been involved in this?

Also, I am getting really tired of Starpaw's Mary Sue-ness.

GleamStar clawd TigeerStare vicuously!!1111111! Blood went everwhare!!!1!1 It flu through the are licke a dove!!!111
The blood licked a dove? Okay...

Tigerstar ran away in pain!!111 "You bet me but ist stoo late@!!!!1" he laguged. Then he left.
Are you serious? This is TIGERSTAR!!!! He killed dozens of cats just so he could take over, and he's letting this apprentice chase him off!?

"What did he mean bu that" StarPaw ondered. Then she locked at tigerPaw. "ARe you okya" se haid.

"OF xourse Im okay IM EVIL NOW!!1!!!1111!!" he siad.
Well, it would've happened anyway.


I ain't given you any dimes.

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