Very Important Message

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Ooooh!! A massage!!! Pick me!

Hey guisssss!1!11! It's ofcialy 12;03 aM on Decmbr 24 CHRISTMS were I life, and I thougt that since its everone's FAVORITE holyday
Not necessarily...

I would write a Chritmas specil! Some ppl sad i shold.
Who would even request you to do anything??

But b4 that I hav a differnt veirson of eht somng rudof the RedNosed Raindeer! :DDDD Its called... STAREGLAEM THE PRUPEL CAT!1111!
Oh, great StarClan, please no...

StarGlema the puprle cat
Was a vrey purpel cat
I think we've established that...
And if you evre saw hre.
You wold evne say shes fat.
Oh my goodness😂

Al of the othre cats
used to laguth and call her ames.
But I thought everyone WORSHIPPED her?
they nevre let por StarGealm
join in ne kity games

then one ofgy Gatherng
BlueStar came to say
SarGlema with our fur so bright
won't you led the gathering tonigt?
Is Bluestar out of her mind? Actually, everyone in the book is!

Then al the kites loved her
as they shoted out with gle
StarGlema the purlep cat
youll go don in histroy!
Yes, she definitely will go down in history for the Warrior Cats, but for all of the wrong reasons...

Ok now hers the speciail.
I've already been tortured enough

SpottedLeaf cam dwn from the sky to appar to Jay Feather on a dream. She told him that "DawnSparkle will have a kit, and her name must be StarGleam."
Are you serious? You're actually serious?

JayFather asked how this wad suppoded to happn, since she hadn't done u-kno-wat with DawnSparkle at that pont.
Oh my gosh😂 that's definitely how it is worded in the Bible

YellowFanng repld. "Trust in GoStarvlan and they wont led you wong."

So then DawnDparkle and JayFeather went arund fir a while and then the baby started to come!1!11
They went around for a while and then the baby started to come? xdarkrosesx really doesn't seem to know how childbirth works...

So the went to an inn but the inkerpr wouldnt let them stay thr.
Good for the innkeeper!

So they went to a barn instead and all the other aminals gathered ronnd to see the birth.

AND THEN STARKIT WAS BORN!1!1111111!1!11!1!11!11!1 Then ther e was a relly brigt star a bove them, and then LionHeart, BleuStar and YelloFang

"Wat are you doin her?" asked DawnSparkle and then they said "Were heremto see baby JdSusKit.
Baby Jesuskit? Oh my goodness. Jesus, I am truly sorry you are being represented in this way...

"Ok come see hier then" said DawnSparkle and ten they all came over to her. The also gave her gold, frankenstein and mir.
Frankenstein? He came a couple holidays to late

"This is our savor." said Bluesatr. "We know it. We sae t in the stars. Starkit will ne JESUSS!1!1!1!11
This is our savor? Is Starkit food?

Also, Bluestar, be quiet! Starkit is nowhere close to what Jesus is!

Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled"
Joyful, all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"
What?? Everything was spelled right!

(i copied the lyrics since i didnt know the song)
Oh, never mind...

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Was this copied and pasted too?

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