Chapter 43 - The Plan for the Battle

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WHAT NO STARGLEMA said JazzXong her blue eyes weid with sad. 'You cant do thsi you're my matte1!!!!!"
I thought you hated her!

"i have too" satrGlamestar said angishly. "its my destinty I no that now/" "This is awsom mom!11" said Tigerkit "now were on thes ame side!!"

"I dont know " said RainStar said. "r we sure shes not a spy???" "Dont worry Lakepool said she'd joind Satinclan to. "It's all for the brest."

"NOOOOOOOOOO" Fuggly kit yowlud he waws really upse t cause he lovved his mom but now she was EVILL!!!!11He ran away into the forste.
Fugly? That's not a word I imagined would be in here...

Starkit almost yollwed NO WAIT FUFFLYSTAR but then she rembred she was evil now so shee just locked awy. Insid she flet sad was she relay suposed to fullfil the propesy when she was fighting for the Sark Forest!!!????? Mab shed been the wong vat all along.
Oh, yeah! I forgot about that prophecy😂 -that she hasn't fulfilled because she's too focused on how AWESOME and PERFECT she is!

She wlaked away in2 the forest with TigerKat, Rainstar. Nd LakePopl. Hoq could sStarclan have berayed her?????? was more like YOU betrayed THEM?

it mad her so FURICOUS1!!! By the time they got to TiherStar she was reddy tofight agiants them!111!1111!11!!!!

"Okay Dar Frost cats emuncated TigerGleam standing on the stump, GlameStar looked around and saw there were lots of cts had acred arund the smtp. "Tomorrow were gingo to atakk.... THNUDERCLAN!!111!!!"
Why do you even try anymore? You just end up running away crying!

Allf the scat SCRAMED in aporval. Starlgame did to but insid she was CTYING. Oh no she thohtgh wat will i do????? Ive git friendd in thunderclan!!!! But she had 2 do it for TigerLit he loked so hpapay here happer than hed ever ben in the forstet!!
Then he should go back

"And....... STARGLEMA WILL SHOW US THE WAYA!111!11!!111" said TigerStar. "shell be th first there so he can show ho lyal she is too the AArkforest."

NOOOOOOO tought GleamStar. But she siad "ok TogerStar I will''


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