Chaphtrt 22 LEBIANS 1 111 - a mix of lesbians and plebian?

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StarKit dind know why eh was so upest, but she new that it was NOT A GOD THINGG for there to be LESBIA.
That is a matter of opinion. It's a horrible opinion, but it is

"Whats wrong StarGleam" asked RedPaw as she kised LakePaw ON THE LISP! "Your just a it why do you not like that ides
Yeah! You go, girl!

"Becuse being lesbna is WONG! StarKti yelled back. "Its against the BibTen Comandamnt."
Let's be real, Starkit. Who is actually going to follow your rules? I bet dozens of otters have been killed already

"How would you know of the ten commandnts " akxed LekePaw "you werf here for that."

"I know" said StarKkit thuning "but I somehow now aboot it."
Great excuse.

LakePaol shruged she didnt know how to responing. "Well the ten comadnt sarent' real" she said "so me and RedFur think its oka."
See? Exactly what I'm saying!

"Come backc to the nursey with us" saud RedPFur "your too youg to be out of the nurseyr for log."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!111!1!" yelled SarPaw she refused to et herself be expod to the LESBITS!1!1!11!"
Gosh, you're such a baby! Wait...

Se ran out into the frost. As*Kit folowed her. "Whats wrong StarStar" she asked "why are you so upset!"
I would love to see what As*Kit would look like

"I'm beng rased by PLEBIANS!" StarKite yeled back. "WHAT DO YOU THINK IS WRONG/"
So...commoners? You poor thing!

"well come over her" said AshFit "maybe we can make them see the ligt.
You're going to kill them??

"giggle" siad SatrKit but whe went ofer to AshFur.
What's so funny?

But then a cat was coing throug the tress! It was... JazzSong!

"JazzPaw what are you dong here!1!1"! asked Starkit.

"It's JazzStar dint you hear I got mad letter after StarGleam died." "It was a sad deth."
I'm asking a lot of questions, but you got a mad letter after Stargleam died?

"who is StarGlaem" asked StarGleam she new the nam sounded family but she didnt know WHAT IT WAS.
Let's take another look at this sentence: "'Who is Stargleam?' asked Stargleam."

That's concerning.

"it doest mater" sud JazzSong lets go back to the camp."

"Yay" said AshFurtk happly. They went back to the damp.

"No go see RedPaw and lakePaw" said JaszStar "I now they'e wating for yo."

"finefine" saud StarKit but im not going to like it!
Three words: Get. Over. It.


"StarKit from this day forwrd you will be NONE AS STARPAW!11!1"! sayd JazzSong. Then clan cheerid happily.

"Your mwneot will be" saiud JazzSeng.

Dang it, a cliffhanger. Actually, I couldn't care less what happens next. But I'm still going to read it because it can't get any worse.

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