The Final Chapter

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"This is wat you get for mesing with ME!" StarGkeam slowed, her orange eyes glwoign so bright that they coudl be sene from the mono. "I'M SICK OF AL YOU INFIDS" she crocuhed down and barred her fangs.
Me too, girl.

"Oh no!" Jazzsong sqeald. "Shes about to atack! Everyone get ouf of the way!"
Does she have anger issues?

Al of the god cats ran away and hid undee a reee as the ground staered to shake. Then sudeny, the enter forest was evelpd in a brialt gorange glow and the screms of many evli cats could be hard.
I don't know if they would want to do what you say if you command them like that...

When te glo went away there were no mor evil cats. TigerKit and HolylEaf and TigerSar wer al gon, that they had disapeard. The Other cats in Satincaln, like RainHeart and LakePol, now had no ledder to fallow now that there leaderd were ded so they were god again.
Please don't tell me they will appear again!

"The prophcy of StarKit has com true," saud JazzPaw as she came out from under the tre. "StarGleam you are our svor."
What did she do? All she did was demand everyone to accept Jesus!

"Not for log" said Gleamesta and she fel on the ground, brething hard. "That was realy hurt it tok a lot of enrgy I do'nt think I can fight anymore." She closd her eys as JazSogn wailted in horor.
Thank goodness. Her energy is driving me crazy!

"No." JazzSong wispered in dismal, racing up to the dieing shecat. "No, no no no! Please GleamStra! Plase be okay!11" there came no reponse.. Ever one stodo and gased on at the sene before them. "StarGlema! Wake up! Please! Tears began to wail up behidn her eyes like a dam rady to brake." "S-stargleam.......No..."
Why am I actually kind of sad? Then again, this is a strange way (of all things) for Stargleam to die...

JazzSong bured her noes into StarGleams wam fur. "We've gone to far!" we've been throught too much tofethee for it all to end here now! GleameStar... I LOVE YOU!" LakePool and RedDSpalsh exchaned a lesban glance, than began to quitly pad toards ther ding savoir.
They exchanged a lesbian gaze? I didn't know that was an adjective!

"DON'T TOUCH HER" JazStar spat, tares fowing like watrfalss down her checks. Then more quetlyly, she whipered, "Don't......

GlameaStra's signed whisker twihed ever so sightly. "Jazzsong......." She breahed. "Closer......"
Gosh, if the grammar was better, I would say this part is well written!

Jazzpwa kelt closer to her, her wihskers barley bruhsing StarPaw's cheks. "I.......I wish I cold stya.... And I wold if I could.... But... She pased", violinly caughing some of the smoky out of her lungs her body shuttered. "I......JazzSong...........I CAN SE THEM!

"Who? JazzSign walied, tears roloing. Who can you see?"
Exactly what I'm asking!

StarGlem closed her eys and smeled weekly. "All of them........even FluffyIt, JazzSongo! StarClan is bekning me..."
Still don't understand why they would want you!

"No, GleamTra, no! Plese! Say it isn't so!!11!!"

befor the she cat coudl repond, she was beten by anothet strom of violint coufghing. StarGlema udered a unarticle mew, shakking uncotrolablly, and finaly colasped to the ground, clenhed paw sloowly unfoding like the leg of a ded spidder. StarGlem's once brigt eyes no loger held there shiner as they started off into the disnatce. A momment pased, and her eyes slowly cosed.
This is so sad...

YESSSS!!!! That good for nothing cat has gone to StarClan and is out of our paws!! HALLELUJAH!!!!

The clan stod in silents, quiely morning their tragik lose. JazzSogon wailed and buried her fac into GleamStars fur. She sobbed uncorrolably, her tail ficking back and forth in a vilent moton.
I'm sobbing uncontrollably too, but not from sadness!

"GleamStar! GlemaStar! Please! Come bac! No! StarGleam.......starGleam....

The moionliss cat inhailed. Her voice bairly audoble. "It is so.......I'm sory... I love you too, JazzSong. Never forgp that."
I would easily forget that, because I don't want to remember!


I may be gon.... but I stile life on..."

"How, GleamPaw?" Jazzsong stifled. "Where?"

"In.......your heart...." Stargleam singed.

No, heart.

"in the herts of you, and everone in the clan.........Your lovving mamories will kep me aliv in your sols and I will also live on...." Stargleam toke one last dyigng breathe, raking her hole body with the eforrt. " Jesu Crist! The cat once again grew stil, and a gim silenche sept over."


FireStar was the firts to spek. "Every one! Look at Stargleam! She's..........GROWING!"
Growing!? What!?

nd inded she was. JazzPaw gapsed, leping back from the lumisect corse. GlameStar's body ros into the air, small ligts apprearing arund her liek lighting bug. They swilled around her, puling her father into the sky. Lights began to shrine through StarKit's fur. The clan watches in aw as their savor slowy began to dispear into millons upon millionss of the lights. They swrled in the air abovve, slowly astending into Starcaln. The last few flits of sparke twined out of sight... and GleamStra was no mor.
Thank goodness.

"Well." Muttured RedPaw. "I gess thats that than."

"Must be." said her lesbian parter LakePaw. "But what wer thos lights?"

JazzStra stood and meowed, "The souls of all Starclan and Tunderclan...."

"And Jessus" Redpaw said thoghtful.

"Yeah." JazzPaw said, miling warmily. "and Ejsus."
Well, I suppose it's nice that they talk about Jesus...but it still just doesn't make sense for this series!

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