Cahpert 34: Back Too the clan

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Cahpert 34 Back Too the clan

"AshTki what are you doint here?" asked GleameStar. She didnt se any reson for him to be their righte now btu he couldnt help but fel scarred.
She was scarred? Or does it mean scared? Neither would make a lot of sense!

"Im tacking a ckt.' aid AshFur and he grabed TigerKit and wakeld away. "You rejicted me and so now Im gon aget my refveng on you by RAISNG YOUR KIT TO BE EVIL!1!1!111"
Um...he doesn't even have the right to do that! Starpaw could easily prevent you from even trying (then again the kits were probably going to end up being evil anyway)

It's SO HORRIBLE that he's threatening to do something that he can't even do!

"Not if i can hlpe it" rored FlufKit and he flew towrd AshFur with is calws open. "YOUR NOT TALING MY BORTHER ALIV!"
Yes! Go DaFluffykit!!

Al the cats in clan includng StarGlema and JazzFur watched in mazement as the little flufy kit began to attck AshFurt. "NOT MY BOTHER!" FLUFYKIT YELD AS HE ATCKED ASHFUR WITH HIS CLAWS MACKING THE CAT BLED. But evn thoguth he was hurt AshFru stil manged to drag TigerKit off even thoghu the tiget kkti was prosting. FlufyKir fel down and startd to crry.
Wait, so Tigerkit is gone now? I bet Starpaw won't even care.

"Its ok." said SarGlm and JazzSong as they came to confort the kit. "Im sure he will get back to us eventaly. I men hes your broterh and if hes anythng like you than he s a VRY GOD FIGHTER.
I was correct. Instead of immediately running after him, she says,"even though he's a newborn kit, he'll make it back to us eventually! He won't die!"

Btu Fluffykit waled loudly anywya. His wali was so loud that it alsmto souded like a trmpet. It was sooooooo loudly that a bnuch of cats ran to see waht was goin on.

And amon them...was FIRESTRA!1!1!1111!11
What's even the deal with Firestar anymore? He left ThunderClan and was fondued in ShadowClan, and then he was fighting with StarClan? Goodness gracious!

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