Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El

By HisPrincess6996

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*BEING REWRITTEN- DO NOT READ IT WON'T MAKE ANY SENSE* The girls are going on the first tour, and are super e... More

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El
Chapter One ~ Ha, The Zit Fairy Came Last Night.
Chapter Two ~ But at what cost?
Chapter Three ~ I can't believe I just did that.
Chapter Four ~ You're an idiot.
Chapter Five ~ Come Out Of The Bathroom
Chapter Six ~ Better Than I Thought.
Chapter Seven ~ Can't Even Look At A Picture Of Him
Chapter Eight ~ And That Scares Me The Most
Chapter Nine ~ The Four Girls
Chapter Ten ~ The Music Video
Chapter Eleven ~ I'm Going To Regret This
Chapter Twelve ~ Fuck You Styles, fuck you.
Chapter Thirteen ~ How Could I Ever Learn To Trust Him Again?
Chapter Fourteen ~ Psh, I Know I'm Right
Chapter Fifteen ~ Okay Caitlin, Don't Drool
Chapter Sixteen ~ You're Too Pretty To Cry
Chapter Seventeen ~ Who is Cindy Rose?
Chapter Eighteen ~ Guess What? Chicken Butt
Chapter Nineteen ~ Opening Act
Chapter Twenty ~ Maybe Niall's Making A Choice
Chapter Twenty One ~ What? It Was Just A Question!
Chapter Twenty Two ~ The Life Drained From Me
Chapter Twenty Three ~ I Am Jealous
Chapter Twenty Four ~ Just... Leave
Chapter Twenty Five ~ You Could Be My Motivation
Chapter Twenty Six ~ I Love You Too, Liz
Chapter Twenty Seven ~ I Promise, You Won't Regret This
Chapter Twenty Eight ~ She Looks Happy
Chapter Twenty Nine ~ I Don't Want To Get Up
Chapter Thirty ~ Make Their Day
Chapter Thirty One ~ Lucky Butts
Chapter Thirty Two ~ You
Chapter Thirty Three ~ It's Got To Suck
Chapter Thirty Four ~ How Hard Is It To Send One Text?
Chapter Thirty Five ~ What Year Do They Think This Is?
Chapter Thirty Six ~ All Nice And Wet
Chapter Turdy Seven ~ I Can't Wait
Chapter Thirty Eight ~ Hell Yeah
Chapter Thirty Nine ~ What Are You Doing?
Chapter Forty ~ Do I?
Chapter Forty One ~ Sing Me A Song
Chapter Forty Two ~ Tattoo
Chapter Forty Three ~ That's Different
Chapter Forty Four ~ What Do You Want To Do
Chapter Forty Five ~ For Real
Chapter Forty Six ~ Say Cheese
Chapter Forty Seven ~ I Really Am
Chapter Forty Eight ~ I Am Super Hungry
Chapter Forty Nine ~ You're The Worst
Chapter Fifty ~ Red As A Tomato
Chapter Fifty One ~ I'm The Better Twin
Chapter Fifty Two ~ Just Thinking
Chapter Fifty Three ~ Argue Him On That
Chapter Fifty Four ~ Photos Niall Sent To Me
Chapter Fifty Five ~ Love You, Baby
Chapter Fifty Six ~ Blueberry Pancakes
Chapter Fifty Seven ~ Blogs and Best Days
Chapter Fifty Eight ~ Stop Being So Whipped
Chapter Fifty Nine ~ Credit Cards and Worries
Chapter Sixty ~ Got To Keep It A Secret
Chapter Sixty One ~ They Are Amazing
Chapter Sixty Two ~ I'm In Fricken Love
Chapter Sixty Three ~ Thank You And I Love You All
Chapter Sixty Four ~ Ready Or Not
Chapter Sixty Five ~ Crowds and Men Old Men
Chapter Sixty Seven ~ Keep Yourselves Grounded
Chapter Sixty Eight ~ Johnny Parkenson
Chapter Sixty Nine ~ One Word. Two Syllables.
Chapter Seventy ~ For Caitlin's Sake
Chapter Seventy One ~ It Would Mean A Lot To Us
Chapter Seventy Two ~ The Interview Type Show
Chapter Seventy Three ~ Two Things
Chapter Seventy Four ~ I Hope It's All Good
Chapter Seventy Five ~ You All Suck
Chapter Seventy Six ~ Get The Door
Chapter Seventy Seven ~ Once And For All
Chapter Seventy Eight ~ Tension
Chapter Seventy Nine ~ Consider It
Chapter Eighty ~ Melt Your Guy Into A Puddle
Chapter Eighty One ~ Stop Thinking About Harry
Chapter Eighty Two ~ Roll Right Out
Chapter Eighty Three ~ Go Fuck Off, I'm Tired
Chapter Eighty Four ~ Sisterly Love
Chapter Eighty Five ~ Monkey's Ass
Chapter Eighty Six ~ A Surprise For You All
Chapter Eighty Seven ~ Who Cares?
Chapter Eighty Eight ~ Damn, Did It Feel Great
Chapter Eighty Nine ~ Does It Fit
Chapter Ninety ~ The Last Chapter :'(

Chapter Sixty Six ~ Why Don't We Go Have Some Fun

737 20 4
By HisPrincess6996

Here is the next chapter!


*Read Authors Note*


Niall's P.O.V

                I knew Liz would show up at my hotel room as soon as she sent the tweet out. I honestly don't get why everyone's making a huge deal out of this. I watched the video, which was put up on YouTube by some fan, and Liz stuck up for the fans. She did everything right, it's just that the media is taking it the wrong way. I've looked at her mentions as well, and they are all supportive. I didn't see one nasty comment. Everyone - well all the fans - know the whole story. For God's sake, it's on YouTube. The media is just making everything worse than it really is.

                Even my mentions are going wild, asking me about what had happened. I was told by my manager not to answer, he didn't want One Direction to get sucked into this. But I tweeted that tweet only one time, hoping to calm some things down. It looks like it did, but I'm still not completely sure because I haven't looked it up. In case there were anything bad about my girlfriend, I did not want to read it.

                It's hard reading hateful things that were sent to you. I know that like the back of my hand. But what's even worse is reading that stuff when it's sent to someone you love. Especially when you love that person as much as I love Liz. It tears me up inside and I can't stand reading it. It bothers me just knowing it exists. I can't imagine how Zayn must have felt when a trend saying something about how Perrie should die came up when they announced their engagement. That must have been painful for not only her, but for him as well.

"It's just... I just... I was only sticking up for my fans." Liz said, lost for words.

                She had gotten here about an hour ago, my hotel room that is. We were sitting on the bed, leaning against the head board. My arm was around her shoulder, and she was leaning into my side. Both of her arms were wrapped around my waist, and her legs were thrown over mine.

"I know, I know. They make everything bigger than it really is. Don't worry, it'll be gone by the time you leave for Australia. Which is actually really soon." I said, sadly.

                I've spent nearly every day for the past two weeks with her. Now she'll be leaving for Australia while we go do some things in South America. It's going to be rough, I can tell you that. But I think that the worst part is that One Step while be going down to South America too. Jay Cee El is now getting a new opening act, but I'm not sure who it'll be yet. I don't even think they know who it'll be.

                But I'm not exactly excited to be in the same place as One Step. Let alone the same continent. Don't get me wrong, I like Sam and Josh. They are actually pretty cool guys. But that little fucker that goes by the name of Beck get's under my skin. I can honestly say that I don't like the guy. He's gotten way too close to Liz for my liking. Way, way, too close. And then Marty... what a prick. I can't stand him. Louis was finally getting his way with Caitlin, and by that I mean he finally had a chance. But Marty had to go and fuck with everything. Yeah, I guess it's safe to say I don't like those two pricks.

"I know, I can't wait to find out who'll be our opening act. Thanks for letting me vent to you, babe. I feel a lot better now." Liz said, looking up at me.

"Good, so guess what we forgot to do." I said, looking down at her.


"Well, remember that apartment we wanted to get." I said.

                She groaned and sat up, making me laugh. I don't know why we keep forgetting about it, I'd like to think that it is important. I guess with everything else going on with the tours and whatnot it kept getting pushed back. But I'm sure that we'll get the apartment some time. It'll probably have to wait until both the tours are over, but soon enough.

"You know, the hotel's pool is closed right now." Liz said, looking up at me. I scrunched my eyebrows at her random sentence.

"So...?" I trailed off, not knowing where she was going with this.

"Why don't we go have some fun."


Julie's P.O.V

"Did you guys get caught?" I asked, unbuckling my seat built.

                We had just landed in Australia, and let me tell you. The flight was horrible. It was so fucking long and I slept about six hours. But... that wasn't even half the flight. It was way too long and I am so happy to be on the ground. And even more happier to be in Australia. It was always so much fun here, especially last year on the Take Me Home tour.

"No, we didn't. We almost did though, but we got out in time." Liz laughed, standing up and stretching a little.

"Hey guys, I need to tell you something." I said, standing up.

                Unfortunately before I could tell either of them one of the flight attendants went around and started telling us that we needed to get off the plane. So much for a happy first class service. But they've got a long flight back and they probably want to leave as soon as they can.

                It didn't take us long to get off the plane. However as soon as we left the terminal we were met with a huge crowd of fans and paparazzi. I couldn't help but smile at this. We are in Australia, a place that you wouldn't think would be big fans of Jay Cee El. But here we are, and here they are.

"This is crazy. And this is Australia." Caitlin said, laughing a little.

                I nodded and tried to tell her something, but as soon as the crowd saw us they went wild. I felt a hand on my arm and looked back, seeing Ben looking down at me. He said something, I think along the lines of this place was a mad house. But I couldn't really hear him that much. I did however, nod to try and seem like I was listening.

                Jack, one of our newer body guards, gently pushed me forward to get me going. I followed Caitlin, who was trying to make it through the crowd of people. I smiled for a few pictures as I walked by, and signed as many things as I could. I tried to say hi as well, but it was crazy loud in here and I couldn't even hear anything anyone was saying.

                The other girls were signing things as well. I know that because I saw some of their signatures  on some of the notebooks, albums, or any other things I was asked to sign. I got to admit, the amount of Australian accents was overwhelming. But I've always loved their accents down here, which is pretty cool.

                By the time we got to the front of the airport my shirt had been ripped a bit and my hand was cramping from all the things I've signed. Jack had taken my arm, helping me through the crowd of fans. We got to the car, which was pulled up in front, within the next few minutes and it was a really a relief to get to the car. Dylan was waiting inside of there, a worried expression over his face. I climbed into the car and sat in the back, Caitlin took the seat next to me and then Liz was on Caitlin's other side. Jack and our other body guard, Justin, were in the middle and then Dylan was up in the front with the driver.

"Okay, that was a bit hectic. Anywho, we'll be at the hotel in about twenty minutes. Get as much beauty rest as you need, and interview will be tomorrow morning and than your first concert will be tomorrow night. Oh, and you'll also be finding out who your opening act is as well." Dylan said, winking at the three of us.

"Who is it?" I asked, leaning a bit forward.

"I'm afraid that's a secret Jules, but you'll figure it out soon enough."


There's the chapter!! I hope you all liked it! I'm sorry it's a bit short, especially compared to the last one. I have a couple things to say.

1) I'll be having softball tryouts this weekend and a couple days next week. So there won't be any updates during those couple days. I think it's Sunday through Wednesday. So I'm sorry about that, but the tryouts, homework, and writing would honestly be too much for me.

2) There will only be about 100 hundred chapters in this book. Maybe a little less, I still have to plan out a few more things. Along with that, the next few chapters will be fillers. There won't be that much drama, or cuteness, or anything. I just need to get through a few things before things start to go down. *spoiler*

3) Starting now, I'm going to be doing little questions at the end of each chapter. I see you all voting and reading but not commenting. I just love to hear from you guys and it always makes my day a 100% better when I see your comments. So... here's this updates question.

UQ: What's is your favorite color?

I know it's a bit lame of a question, but there will be different questions from various topics all wrapped up in here. Haha

Sorry for this long and boring authors note.

(::) <---There's a cookie for whoever read it all!

Please VOTE and COMMENT YOUR ANSWERS my lil' Gummy Worms!

~Amanda<3 xXx

--Gif on the side of Liz!! 

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