My Little Kiwi [H.S] βœ”οΈ

By queen_harry2003

215K 3.6K 1.3K

*Warning: I wrote this when I first started writing here on Wattpad when I was like 13 so the writing can be... More

Prolouge and Information
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Part Two Intro
2/ Chapter One
2/ Chapter Two
2/ Chapter Three
2/ Chapter Four
2/ Chapter Five
2/ Chapter Six
2/ Chapter Seven
2/ Chapter Eight
2/ Chapter Nine
2/ Chapter Ten
2/ Chapter Eleven
2/ Chapter Twelve (1)
2/ Chapter Twelve (2)
2/ Chapter Thirteen
2/ Chapter Fourteen
2/ Chapter Fifteen
2/ Chapter Sixteen
2/ Chapter Seventeen
2/ Chapter Eighteen
2/ Chapter Nineteen
Thank Yous
Question for you
New Addition
Wild Times
The Help of a Mother
hola people(please read)

Chapter One

11.3K 175 78
By queen_harry2003

Present day~10 months after Grace announced her pregnancy.

"Thanks, Harry!" A girl with tear tracks still on her face says after I take a selfie with her. She walks to her family as she squeals in delight, and I can't help but smile. This is one of my favourite parts about being famous and getting to meet people.

That was the very last person the meet and greet, and now I have a couple minutes before I'm off to three interviews today.

I pull out my phone as I head to my car where my driver, Charlie, is waiting. Before I leave, I text Melissa. She's going to see her family for a few days because her sister is getting married. I would go but I have to promote my new self-titled album; my second album.

Meanwhile, the paparazzi follow me, the flashing lights of their cameras practically blind me. Suddenly, one shouts,
"Hey, Harry, whatever happened to you and Grace?"

Grace. We haven't spoken to each other or texted for, I don't even know how many months now. After I found out she was pregnant at the park, we texted for a while. We talked about child support from me, ultrasounds, housing arrangements, even names. It was actually starting to work out. I was getting kind of excited for the arrival. Of course, Melissa got suspicious. I lied to her almost everyday about who I was texting, where I was going when I went to go meet with Grace to talk or for an appointment. Melissa and I almost broke up actually because I was also away doing interviews and stuff like that, and she just couldn't take it. She went away to a motel for a few days.

After that, Grace just went cold to me. I woke up one morning and I checked my phone. There was one message that said:

I'm having your baby, but it's none of your business.

I didn't really know what to think. I tried calling, texting, and DM-img. But she never responded. Melissa and I made up as you can now tell. I lied again by saying one of my friends was going through a divorce and I was helping him but he didn't want anyone to know. Reasonable.

I don't really know what to think of Grace now. I can't even remember how many months along she is now. Maybe she's given birth. I had completely forgotten about her until this moment. Anyway, I guess I'll never find out why she stopped talking to me, which is quite frustrating, but there's nothing I can really do now. She never responds to my texts or calls, even though I know she sees them.

As we're driving to the first interview, which is only about ten minutes away, my phone buzzes. I pick up the phone and press the green answer button. I hear Mel's sweet voice.
"Harry?" She asks through the phone.
"Hey baby. What's up?" I respond back, wanting so badly to be with her.
"Well, I'm actually about to leave for my sister's house and I wanted to say bye before I hit the road."
"Nooooooo....." I fake beg. "Don't leeavveee me!"
I say, trying to sound desperate. She laughs, I can imagine her rolling her eyes and shaking her head at me on the other line, and I grin.
"Don't worry Harry, I'll be back in a few days and then we'll see each other again." She says, still giggling.
"But I'll miss you!" I say, actually starting to get sad about the thing.
"I'll miss you too." She says, stopping her giggling and becoming serious.
"I love you so much Mel." I say sending a smooch to her, making the sound with my mouth. She sends one back.
"I love you too! Bye, see you in a few days." She says.
"Bye! Have a good time!" I respond before hanging up.

What am I going to do this weekend? Probably hang out with my best friends, Liam and Niall, do some shopping. Just relax; something I haven't done in a while. I make a mental grocery list as Charlie pulls into the studio for the first interview. I brace myself for a long day of interviews and fans. While I'm very grateful to be doing these things and having fans, it does get exhausting.


In every interview, the hosts ask the same questions. How has the writing experience been? What's your favorite song on the album? What is this song about? What's the inspiration behind the album? Every time. I basically say the same thing every time, just wording it differently. I am actually wanting people to ask stupid questions like: if you could have one super power, what would it be? And, if you could switch places with someone, what would it be?

I'm completely exhausted by the time we finish with the interviews, even though I just sat and talked to people for three hours. I can't wait to get home. My plan for tonight: take a shower, order in pizza, and watch The Notebook. I smile dreamily at the thought of it.

"Thanks Charlie, take it easy, man." I say, climbing out of the backseat with my bag once he pulls into my drive way. I tip him and he drives away as I walk to the front door. I have to say, it's a nice house. Two floors, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, kitchen, gym, pool (outdoor), and a game room. That's for when my mates and I are having a football night. (A/N: For Americans, when I say football, I mean soccer over here. In England, they call soccer, football). The game room has a huge television, a small bar, a pool table, and lots of tables and chairs.

As I plan, I take a shower and I get changed into my pajamas. While my hair is drying, I order a large veggie pizza..
My pizza gets delivered quickly and I'm just about to pop in the movie and eat, when I hear a knock on my door. I hope it's not paparazzi, because I'm really not in the mood to deal with them right now. Fortunately, I don't hear any loud noises from outside.

I head to the door, looking through the peep hole in the door. Strangely, I see no one, and now I'm thinking it could just be silly teens playing tricks on me.

I open the door slowly, peeking my head out first. Still, no one. I open the door all the way and look all around. I still see no one. I'm quite confused at this, but as I'm about to go back inside again, I hear a small, quiet whimper, and it's close.

I turn around, looking around again and seeing no one. Then, I hear the sound again, and I look down.

There, on my porch, is a baby. It's face looks dangerously close to a crying face, and it's bright green eyes are glassy and looking up at me.

"What the......?" I question under my breath.
I stare at the child for what seems like forever. Questions upon questions are circling my mind; who's baby is this, is this some sort of a prank, and most importantly, why he or she has been left on MY porch!

I stand, unable to move as I look at the tiny body in the grey baby carrie. I see a little tuft of brown hair poking out of a blue-knit hat.
The baby is sucking on a plain-red pacifier, and is covered in different coloured blankets. The kid's pyjama-covered feet stick out of the carrier and kick around as it continues to look at me and suck on the pacifier.

Then my eyes go from the baby, to a bag which I'm guessing has some baby supplies in it. I'm wondering if it has the kid's address or a phone number of some sort, so I can get this baby back to its parents. My thoughts are interrupted by a whimper from the baby again, its lip dangerously wobbling. Oh no. What if the baby starts crying? I curse under my breath. I'm going to have to think of something quick if I don't want crying.

I quickly wipe the sweat from my forehead just as the baby whimpers again. What do I do? I can't just leave the baby out here. But would it be wrong to bring the baby inside? I can't just leave it out here all night! I quickly look around again just to make sure there really is no one around. Then, I pick up the carrier by the handle and grab the bag next to it and bring them inside, closing the door with my foot. I set the baby on my couch with the bag on the floor next to it.
"There," I whisper to really no one.

I would like to try avoiding picking the baby up for as long as possible, because I don't really know how and I'm already really nervous and scared about the situation. The baby still doesn't look happy though. I quickly dig through the bag and pick up a little rubber toy, and set it next to the baby's hand. That should hopefully keep him or her content for a bit, right?
"Okay," I sigh nervously, running my hands through my hair before leaving the room.

I decide to go to the kitchen to heat up some the pizza which is now cold to calm my nerves and get away from the stress-inducing baby. I'm scrolling through Twitter while it heats up. Suddenly, I hear loud crying coming from the living room.

Oh, no.

Author's Notes-

Well, that was the first chapter! I think I'll decide to update every Saturday, but since I'm just beginning, it may be a little late or early, but I'll get into the swing of things.


The baby's crying! What's Harry going to do?

Can he do it alone, or will he have to call someone for help?

Xoxo- HSFanFicTion1994

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