A Family To Remember (Book 1)

By WriteCrazily

29K 850 87

Harry got hit by the killing curse by Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest. That's when Dumbledore decides enoug... More

1 - Near
2 - Close
3 - Agreement
4 - Despair
5 - Wrong
7 - Alive?
8 - Paddy!
9 - Back To The Real World
10 - I Want To Be With Him
11 - Swapped
12 - Discussions
13 - Million Words
14 - Missed
15 - Questions
16 - Pranks And Jokes
17 - Bad Bedtime
18 - Hermione
19 - Together Even In Death
20 - All Together At Last
Sequel Published!

6 - But...

1.8K 48 0
By WriteCrazily

Harry moaned. The pain was too much for his three year old body. Wait a minute... Three year old body? He was seventeen, and Voldemort had jut killed him in the Forbidden Forest, right? But... he was sure he was three. No, he wasn't sure he was three, he was certain that he was seventeen!

But some part of Harry refused to think that he was seventeen. You're three, it kept saying. He knew, deep down, that he was three, but...

Even if he was three (he could have been hit by a de-aging spell) he was sure that nobody would say that they were his Mummy.

Woah. Where'd that come from? He says Mum, not Mummy! Maybe it was his three year old instincts? But he didn't even have a Mum.

No, he did. Her name was Lily Potter, and he had siblings. Yeah, and his father was alive too.

No, Harry didn't trust that part of his mind. That could easily be a memory implanted in his brain from a Death Eater, trying to lure him into a false sense of security. Yeah, that had to be it.

Harry groaned. He vaguely noticed that his eyes were open (when did that happen?) and that there was a red-headed woman looking at him, concerned.

"Harry? Are you okay?" she asked, gently. "Wh - who awe you?" Harry said, terrified.

Yes, this woman said she was his mother, and he had memories to prove it, but he just couldn't. Voldemort knew how to implant memories. This could easily be a trap.

Harry saw 'Lily's' eyes, that were so bright before, darken a bit, before she yelled, in distress, "James! Peter! Daniel! Rose! Come here!"

The imposters (as Harry had decided to call them) came rushing into the room after hearing 'Lily's' voice. "What's wrong, Lilyflower? Is it Harry? Merlin, has he been kidnapped again? Tell me, Lils!" 'James' said. Whilst he was saying that, one of the twins were saying, "Mum, what's wrong? We know-" and then the other twin continued, "That Harry's been found. So-" then the other twin finished, "What on earth could be happening?". Whilst they were doing that, Rose was saying, "Mum, what's wrong. Is Harry okay? Is he hurt?"

'Lily' said, "James, he doesn't recognise us!" before bursting into tears. Harry felt bad for making her cry, so, even if she was a Death Eater. "Sowwy fowr makin' 'ou c'y." Harry said softly. He vaguely noticed that his voice was strange, but he didn't really care. This woman could be his mother, and if she was, he was sure as hell that he would take this chance.

"Harry?" James said softly. "When I point to someone, say their name. Go," he pointed to Lily. "Wiwy." Harry whispered, unsure of what to call her. "No, Harry, this is Mummy, okay?" James corrected. "M-Mummy?" Harry stuttered. James nodded and clapped his hands. "Yes, well done! Now, whose this?" he asked, whilst pointing to Rose. Harry just backed off, he didn't recognise this person, and he didn't want to get too close. Rose burst into tears.

"M-My own b-baby brother doesn't r-recognise me!" she sobbed. "Shhh, calm down, he does, he's just a bit confused at the moment, okay?" Lily - no, Mummy - comforted her. Harry (once again) felt bad for making someone cry, so he tenderly got closer and hugged her. "Sowwy," he whispered. "I tell you somefin'?" Harry asked. "O-of course, Harry." Rose said, wiping her eyes. Harry didn't know why he was telling her this, she could be a Death Eater, but he trusted her. "D-don' know no one hewe, don' know who dey awe (he pointed at Peter and Daniel), and on'y know J - Daddy and Mummy." Harry mumbled. Rose gasped, before repeating everything louder. Jam - Daddy and Mummy nodded grimly, before engulfing him in a hug.

Harry smiled slightly, wondering if this is what family is like.

I feel like I've written so much, but I've only written 660 words - not including Authors Note. I was determined to make his story have more chapters than the twins one, yet the twins always make me wanna do theirs! Oh well. They have evil methods, but James has kind of gotten over his pranking habits. Kind of.
James: well, now you need to go and make that new story that's been zooming around in your mind.
Me: I know, James, but you only want me to do it because your one of the main characters!
James : *smirks* I guess your right.

- WriteCrazily

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