9 - Back To The Real World

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Ginny was determined to do it this time. It was her fourth try. She was going to capture Pettigrew, and he was going to pay for what he did to Harry. For making Harry orphaned. For making Harry think that his life was any lower than anybody elses. She had convinced herself that she was going to do it, and everyone knows that Ginerva Molly Weasley never goes back on her word. Never.

Hermione was desperately trying to think of a way to kill Voldemort without dying herself. Horcruxes destroyed? Check. Healthy? Check. Have all of Voldemort's Death Eaters been taken to Azkaban? Nope. She can't do it until all of them are gone. She'll have no chance otherwise. It would be probably something like a hundred against one. And that was just the first lot. Hermione then decided what to do. She would find all the survivors, set up an army, and kill Voldemort. For Harry.

Ron wasn't sure what to do. He was going to help Hermione, but he wasn't sure how. Then it came to him. He would try and lure a Death Eater to him, and finish them off, one by one. Harry might not want him to do it, but that was the reason why they were fighting! Because Harry wasn't here. They would fight for Harry. Because Harry was the reason they were angry. Because Harry was their leader. Because Harry was Harry.

Ginny smiled grimly. Pettigrew had fallen into her trap yet again, and this time, she was going to kill him. She could almost hear Harry's voice, 'Focus, Ginny. If you focus on your spell, the spell will work. But only if you FOCUS!' So she took his advice. She focus hard on her stunning spell, took aim, and fired!

Hermione smirked. She knew that Ginny was taking care of Pettigrew (Hermione knew that Pettigrew would regret that he ever messed with Harry) and that Ron was working on - well, all he had said was that he was taking care of an 'old childhood enemy' and 'not to worry' because he was 'sure to come back alive'. So she was going to take care of Crabbe and Goyle. She carefully inserted a sleeping draught into a cake - she was certain that that trick would work wonders again. She put the cakes on a table close by, saw Crabbe and Goyle, and hid,  hoping that they would fall for it.

Ron had meant what he had said. He was 'taking care' of a childhood enemy. An enemy who had joined the Dark Side. Draco Malfoy. Yes, that's right, Ron was going to take on Draco Malfoy. He just hoped his plan would work. Ron tried to stroll casually down Knockturn Alley (a hard feat, as it was very daunting, having dark wizards surround you) but as he was, his eyes were keenly taking in everything. He was hoping to see Malfoy inside one of them shops, and, as luck would have it, Ron saw Malfoy inside Borgin and Burkes, looking at the Vanishing Cabinet he had used to get Death Eaters inside of Hogwarts in sixth year. Immediately, Ron shook his head. No point thinking about him now, he told himself sternly. Anyway, Harry would be proud that I'm getting the upper hand on Malfoy. Ron grinned. Now, to go inside, tell Malfoy that his father told him to give him a message, stun him, and take him away.

Ginny frowned. The spell had missed Wormtail by inches. Inches. She took a deep breath, and fired the disarming spell. Pettigrew dodged just in time. "Come on, Wormtail! Just hand yourself in. You know you'd be doing Voldemort a huge favour," Ginny sneered. Pettigrew deflated, but then straightened up and said, "You don't know! You don't know anything! Any - oof!" Ginny took up the chance, and used the stunning spell. It was weak, yes, whenever she used it while someone was speaking, it did that. Just then, Wormtail stood up again. Ginny sighed, and knew she had failed again. But she was wrong. Pettigrew pointed his wand at her, and shouted, "Sectumsempra!" Ginny felt the blood slowly draining away from her body. She once again shot "Stupefy!" at him, touched one of his legs, and apparated away.

Hermione grinned. Crabbe and Goyle had fallen for it. She was about to apparate away, when she heard alarm bells in her head. She knew that meant that one of her team was dying, it meant that she had to get back as soon as possible. Hermione apparated back, deposited Crabbe and Goyle, and apparated to St. Mungos. Yes, it was still standing, just made invisible to all evil people. She could faintly see blazing red hair on a bed. For one terrible moment, she thought it was Ron, but she soon realised that it was Ginny. Ginny was lying, as though dead, on the hospital bed. Hermione felt as though there was something clogging her throat, but she refused to cry. Crying meant tears, and tears usually meant you were feeling sad, and being sad distracted you. However, one tear fell down, and after one falls, the rest follows.

Ron stared at Malfoy for a couple more minutes, before deciding to go in. He walked in, worriedly looking at Malfoy. He seemed to x'ray Ron shrewdly, and Ron was worried that Malfoy was going to recognise him. But, after seeing blond hair, green-blue eyes and a small figure, Malfoy seemed sure that this wasn't one of those 'meddlesome red-heads'. Ron cleared his throat - nervously, it was true, but he just hoped that Malfoy thought he was clearing his throat for a different reason. "Mister Malfoy?.." Ron asked, pretending to be unsure. "Yes, what is it? And who are you?" Malfoy answered. "I am - am - well, sometimes I forget, after effects from amnesia." Ron tried. His legs were shaking slightly, and he wasn't sure whether it was from excitement from finally finding Malfoy, or nervousness if Malfoy would find out that he was really Ronald Bilius Weasley. Malfoy sighed, "All right, but why are you here?" Ron almost smiled, then remembered to keep his act up. He was sure that this Malfoy wasn't as stupid as the Malfoy in second year. "Well, I have a message for you. From your father," Ron declared, almost certain that Malfoy would fall for it. "Oh, alright. Let's take this conversation to a private area," Malfoy said. Ron almost jumped with glee, remembering just in time that he was supposed to be luring Malfoy. "So, what is it?" Malfoy demanded. "Well, you see, it is - Stupefy!" Ron muttered the spell under his breath. He was pleased to see Malfoy stunned, before he heard alarm bells in his head. He almost apparated away on the spot, before remembering Malfoy. He took him with him, deposited him with Crabbe and Goyle, and left for St. Mungos. Where he saw Hermione crying over - his little sister.

Ginny's last thoughts were, 'I'm coming, Harry.'

I feel really proud of myself. 1171 words, just for my fantastic readers! Whoo! Well, better get started on the next chapter, no Harry for the next either, well, he's mentioned, but that's all I'm gonna say! If you have any suggestions for this story, please leave them in the comments, I'll be reading for them! Also:

1glasses : thank you for saying my story was good, hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it!

- WriteCrazily

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