5 - Wrong

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"Harry? Harry, are you alright? Harry, wake up. You need to wake up. Come on, Harry, do it for me. Open those beautiful eyes. Come on, open your emerald eyes, let Mummy see your eyes. Come on, Harry, wake up!"

Harry groaned. Who was this lady who said she was his mother? His Mum was dead, she died ages ago. Yet he could also remember seeing her stunned on the floor, waking up and going straight to him. That wasn't right... His mother had died, hadn't she? He remembered it clearly, he remembered every little bit.

"No, not Harry, please not Harry!" the girl begged. Not for her own life, by for her son's. "I have no use for you. You do not need to die, yet you may suffer pain. Crucio." the snake-faced man hissed.

No, that wasn't right. Voldemort had used 'Avada Kedavra' on Lily immediately. Didn't he?

Lily shook, turned, and twisted on the ground in agony. But she didn't regret a thing. She would do anything for her fourth son. Even die for him.

Fourth son? That was wrong, he didn't have any brothers or sisters. Yet he could remember having twin brothers, one named Peter James Potter, the other Daniel Remus Potter. He could also remember having a sister called Rose Lily Potter. His Mum claimed that she had had a friend named Rose when she was younger, hence why the name was Rose. And Harry, Harry was Harry Sirius Potter.

"Okay, that is enough, but once your child, Harry Sirius Potter, is dead, I shall return to you." Voldemort hissed venomously.

No, Harry's name was Harry James Potter. You always make the first born's middle name the father's name. Except that Harry wasn't first born anymore. He was last born.

"Now it's time for you to die, so say goodbye!" Voldemort said gleefully. Harry just stared at Voldemort like he was an ornament. "Fine then, you want to die so soon? So be it, Avada Kedavra!"

But he hadn't died. Surely, to know that he hadn't died, he had to have his mother's sacrifice?

But his Mum did sacrifice herself for him. She took the torturing curse bravely, just to save her son.

I feel evil. Very, very evil. No one knows that much about Harry yet. Oh well, I got to get some sleep, but this story was bugging me. It's 23:22 and my eyelids are drooping. But I had to write another chapter. Otherwise that'd be bugging me too! Well, I'm gonna sleep, so night to any of you who are reading this at night, cause lack of sleep is bad. I know it, I experience it every day...


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