8 - Paddy!

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Harry was whining. Yes, the great Harry Potter was whining. He wanted to see his godfather and Mummy wouldn't let him. He was pouting in annoyance. He supposed that he felt like this because he was a three year old. Perhaps he was in that mindset. Hmm, he'll keep that in mind.

Harry struggled to be let down. To his relief, Mummy did so, and he immediately ran to the room he saw his Daddy, Moony and Paddy go into to. "PADDY!!" Harry shrieked. He jumped into Sirius's arms and hugged him for all he was worth.

Harry started sobbing into Sirius's shoulder; he had missed him so much when he died. Sirius patted his back and whispered, "It's okay, Prongslet, I'm here, I'm here." Harry nodded and said (his voice muffled from being stuffed into Sirius's shoulder), "Missed 'ou, Paddy. No weave again, p'omise!"

Sirius laughed slightly when Harry started scolding him, then his face took on a slight pained look when he remembered why Harry was scolding him. It was because Harry hadn't seen him in a couple of months. Because Harry had been taken away from him.

Sirius just held Harry tighter, but when Harry started struggling to get out of his arms, he let him. In a way, Sirius felt like a weight had been lifted from his heart. Holding Harry had done that. Just Harry.

Harry hurried over to Remus. "Missed 'ou as well Moony!" Harry grinned. Remus was pleased to see Harry. He, like Sirius, had missed him a lot. When Harry had gone missing, he searched day after day, and night after night. Merlin, he hadn't even slept for weeks! The full moon was the worst. Without the feeling of all of his cubs safe, his inner wolf felt more dangerous. Even the potion wasn't working anymore. But now that Harry was back, he was sure it would.

Harry sobbed into Remus's shoulder as well. Yes, he hadn't been as close to Remus as he was with Sirius, but the feeling of loss, so soon after Sirius's, he couldn't cope with it. It was just too hard. Remus was the only father figure left in Harry's life. In Harry's old life.

Just then, Harry realised what he had left behind. Ron. Hermione. Teddy. Everyone. But Harry had a feeling that he would see them again. That his friends would see him again. His girlfriend would see him again.

No matter what.

Sorry that it took me so long! I accidently deleted wattpad, then (even though I had the exact same amount of storage) my phone said I had ran out of storage. Yeah. So, I finally got wattpad back, and I'm on a roll!


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