12 - Discussions

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Ginny was amazed. Harry - her Harry - was three years old. She was older than him. She was never older than anyone she knew. Never.

Harry was just plain excited. He could finally see Ginny, and the way she has looked at him made him sure that it was his one. His Ginny Weasley.

Lily smiled fondly at Harry. She had missed him when he was - she didn't even want to think about it. It was a horrible time, when Harry was gone. There was no laughter, no trouble, no nothing. Nobody was happy, just because Harry wasn't there. Sirius practically lived at their house, coming there every morning to ask if Harry was there. He always got a negative answer. He left, miserable, with bags under his eyes. Harry was the light in their world. The middle of their universe. The best person who could possibly be around.

James felt like dancing about in joy. His little Marauder was back and he wasn't going to leave him. No way, he has only just gotten him back! He half felt like not letting him go to school, and force him to stay home. He felt like Harry would like that. To have more father son time.

Harry grinned. Ginny motioned for him to go to her and he felt like jumping for joy. Of course, he didn't, he had a feeling that his parents would question him. So he just went to Ginny.

"Harry?" she asked, unsure of how to ask him.
"Yeah, Gin-Gin?" Harry squealed, glad that Ginny was here, with him.
"Er - well - you see - Harry, why are you three years old?" Ginny inquired, wondering if that was the best way to say it. Harry frowned a little, before nodding understandably and saying, "Gin-Gin, I no' know I be f'ee. Didn' tell, found out now. Sowwy, Gin-Gin, didn' mean ta be f'ee," a forlorn expression on Harry's face showed that Harry was being sincere about his words.

Ginny felt horrible. The fact that Harry had a apologised (and that it was true) made her feel really bad. It was the Dursleys fault. They made Harry feel unsure whether his life was worth more than others or not. Those damn Dursleys made Harry like this.

Harry apologised, not entirely sure why Ginny was upset with him. He soon got his answer, "Oh, Harry, I'm not angry with you, of course not! It's just that - well - it's hard to explain - just - I'm not used to being older than anybody! I'm usually younger and it's really confusing and everything's different at home. Ron is fifteen, the twins are seventeen, Percy is sixteen! It's so different here, I don't know if I can handle it," Ginny started rambling uncontrollably.

Harry looked at her, slightly mad at her. To her surprise, he got up and left (a little unstable on his feet) and went over to his Mum.

"Mummy..." he said uncomfortably, knowing that Ginny was watching him.
"Yes, sweetie?" Lily asked, gazing at Harry as though she couldn't get enough of him.
"Mmm, err," he said, not knowing how to say it. All of a sudden, Lily nodded understandably and crouched down to his height, saying (quite loudly in his ears, but perhaps it was just him), "Do you need a diaper change?" Harry blushed, not answering. Lily sighed a little, before checking his diaper. "Why didn't you tell me that you were wet, Harry?" Lily asked sternly. Harry shuffled on his feet, before collapsing down onto the ground. He almost started wailing then, just remembering in time that Ginny was there. He settled with looking down, tears streaming down his face silently.

Lily knew that Harry's time when he was gone was bad, but she didn't know that it was so bad that he refused to cry! He refused to ask for help as well. He was only three, he was allowed to ask for help. Lily was determined to let him know that. She picked him and quickly walked upstairs to change him. She did it as soon as she could, but Lily didn't think it was quick enough. She knew that Harry wanted to play with Ginny and she wanted to speak with Molly Weasley.

Harry sighed in relief when his diaper was changed and he quickly toddled downstairs. Lily smiled at him, before going to Mrs Weasley. "Molly? Have you noticed anything - different, with Harry?" she asked. Mrs Weasley thought for a little bit.
"I suppose I have. He speaks differently, he used to speak like Ginny, but now he speaks like a one year old," she concluded (Mrs Weasley, if you were wondering).

Lily nodded, then looked down.

There's so much I want to say, I just don't know how... Ginny thought.

Hey guys! I wanted to ask you something. Should I make a Minecraft Story Mode fanfiction? You guys could choose what it's about, I was just wondering if you wanted one. That's all, bye!

- WriteCrazily

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