Why is it always me ??( Compl...

By Arshichamkili9

861K 26.6K 2.1K

This story is based on Sheetal track... Here Khushi is strong, Stubborn and crusty... She will make Arnav rea... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 & 4
Part 5 & 6
Part 7
Part 9 & 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 ( Last Part)

Part 8

20K 627 16
By Arshichamkili9

After two days:

In the morning, Anjali along with Nani went to temple. While they were sitting at the steps after completing their puja, Anjali saw Sheetal coming along with Aarav.

Anjali got up and walked towards her while Nani too followed her confused.

"Hi Sheetalji" Anjali greeted Sheetal. She turned back and looked at them, faked a smile.

"Hi Aarav" Anjali patted his cheeks lovingly. He too smiled to her..

"Anjali Bitiya. Who are they ??"asked Nani.

"woo Nani. She is Sheetalji, Chote's friend in Harvard and he is Aarav, her son." said Anjali then turning to Sheetal introduced Nani. Sheetal kept Namaste to her.

After praying to god, Sheetal turning to Panditji said" Panditji. I have already said to you yesterday naa.. Plz take care of my son until I returns"

Then turning to Aarav said" Aarav.. Stay here until I return. Here is your lunch box"

Anjali confused asked" Where are you going Sheetalji ?? And why are you leaving Aarav here ??"

"I am going in search of job Anjaliji. I can't take Aarav along with me. So I will leave him in this temple and in the evening I will pick up him. "said sheetal.

Anjali and Nani felt sad hearing it.

"But why in the temple Bitiya ?? You could have kept him at any other place"said Nani

"I don't know anyone in this city Naniji and the place where I can keep him other than here is Orphanage where I don't want my son to be" said Sheetal.

Anjali and Nani both felt sorry hearing it..

Then thinking for a while Anjali said" Sheetalji. Why don't you leave Aarav in our house ??"

Sheetal looked at them uncomfortably.

"NO. It's ok" said Sheetal.

"aree Bitiya why are you denying ?? Anjali Bitiya said right. you leave Aarav in our house"said Nani.

"No Naniji. Plz I will manage. I don't want to trouble you people and what about others in the family " said Sheetal.

"Sheetalji.. What is there to trouble ?? you are our chote's friend, so you are our's too. If we can't help each other they why this friendship. Plz don't deny it.. Send Aarav with us. Everyone will be happy too." said Anjali.

Sheetal finally sighing said" Ok..Anjaliji. You take him with you"

Anjali turning to Aarav said" Aarav!! Shall we move to my house ??"

Aarav happily nodded his head. Sheetal taking leave from them left in search of job..

When Anjali and Nani brought Aarav to house, no one had any objection. By the end of the day, Aarav get very close to Anjali. Everyone in the family could see how much happy Anjali is with Aarav. She is coming out of her Shell.

This went on for another four days.. Sheetal leaving Aarav at RM in the morning and picking him up in the evening.. Aarav became centre of attraction of the house because Anjali pampers him more.. So everyone too pampers him.. Even a scratch on Aarav, Anjali will make whole house upside down.. She became very close to him..But in the evening when Sheetal picks up Aarav, she again becomes gloomy which din't go unnoticed by the family..

On the fifth day, both Sheetal and Arnav came to the house evening..

"Sheetal Bitiya.. Did you got job today ??"asked Nani..

"Haan Nani.. I got job in AR" said Sheetal then turning to Anjali said" Thank you Anjali"

"Uffo it's ok Sheetal.. No need to thank" said Anjali.

"Anjali Bitiya.. Why is Sheetal thanking you ??"asked Mami

"Because Mamiji I asked chote to give her job in AR. Thank you chote for concerning my request" said Anjali.

"Di. Why are you thanking me ?? It is all your happiness that matters to me" said Arnav..

Just then Sheetal got a call, she attended it.. Hearing to the other side, she said," What ?? How can you even do this ?? Now where will me and my son go ??"

Before she could say anything, the call got cutoff..

"What happened Sheetalji ??"asked Anjali..

"Anjaliji.. It's the our flat owner's phone.. He is saying that he rented our house to others.. So we should vacate it by tomorrow..Now you only say where will go suddenly ?? How much difficult it is to search for another house in this Delhi city ??" said Sheetal..

Anjali then thinking for a while said" Sheetalji. Why don't you stay in our house until you get another house ??"

Everyone looked at her perplexed..

"Why ?? Don't you people liked my idea ?? Chote.. I am sorry if I am wrong.. it is just I thought to help Sheetalji and also Aarav can be with us.. The rest is your decision, afterall this is your house" said Anjali with tears.

"Di.. Please don't say that.. This is even your house too.. If you want, sheetal can stay here." said Arnav..

"Haan Anjali Bitiya.. We want your happiness" said Nani.

"OK then Sheetalji.. you bring your luggage tomorrow" said Anjali.

"But Anjaliji..."Sheetal is going to say something but Anjlai cutoff her" No if's and But's.. you are staying with us.. That's it"

"OK. If you insist" said Sheetal. Then she left from there taking Aarav. Anjali hugged Arnav happily" I am soo happy Chote.. Aarav is going to be with us"

Everyone are happy with Anjali's decision except Kushi.. She din't liked the idea Aarav and Sheetal staying with them.. Whole the d ay time Aarav would be in RM, Nani and others would say him as their little chote.. Even Aarav's behaviour too resembles Arnav more. The way he is talking, the way he is arrogant, the way he is eating everything resembles Arnav which Kushi din't liked it a bit.. Even she is shocked when she came to know that Aarav have diabetes.. She had an insecure feeling seeing Aarav and above all Sheetal is Arnav's ex-girlfriend..

The next day, Sheetal entered into the house along with Aarav.. Anjali is on cloud nine seeing Aarav..

It is already one week that Sheetal and Aarav are staying in RM. Everything is changed in this week time.. Everyone's morning starts with Aarav and Night ends with Aarav.. Anjali and whole family including Arnav spends most of the time with him.. She is coming out of her trauma now.. Arnav and Kushi are in talkative terms now but Arnav spends most of time with his family... Anjali will take care of Aarav's each and every need. Mami and Payal help her in that..

But whenever Kushi goes near Aarav and tries to help him in anything, he would shout on her and warns her to stay away from him.. It is evident from his actions that he din't like Kushi a bit.. So Anjali also asked Kushi to stay away from Aarav.. So when the whole family will be enjoying with Aarav in the evening and after dinner, she will be in the kitchen or in her room..And because of all these Arnav is going little far away from her.. He rarely spend time with her.. All his time would be allotted to Aarav with Anjali after he returns from office and sometimes discussing about business with Sheetal... Never to forget Nani and Mami always says that Aarav resembles Arnav.. if Arnav would have a son then he will definitely look like Aarav which is making Kushi more miserable..

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