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Why is it always me ?????

Why is it always me whom everyone blames ????

Why is it always me whom everyone thinks as hindrance for their happiness ??

Kushi is walking aimlessly on the road. Now she is neither Kushi Kumari Gupta nor Kushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada. She is just Kushi who have happiness in only her name but not in her life. She once again became orphan today. She has no one now. It is not everyone abandoned her but she abandoned everyone. She is vexed up with this life, vexed up showing everyone that she din't hurt but deep down she is hurted soo much that she din't even have an idea when will her wounds heal. Her patience levels finally got exhausted. She too is a human being how much she can endure ?

Her mind started thinking of all those words she is hearing from last few days and today.

" You are always reason for my Di's tears ??You are the biggest mistake of my life Kushi" Arnav's words echoing in her ears. He again said those words for the second time.

"HHBB. I can't understand what's her problem.. She is always behind my Anjali bitiya's happiness. She can't bear seeing Anjali bitiya happy"

"What is this Kushi ?? Why are you making it a big issue for such a small matter ? Why are you being a narrow minded ? I thought my sister is always broad minded but you showed your true colors"

"Hai re Sankadevi.. Why are you behaving like this ?? I never thought you were soo selfish"

"You are the reason for every misery in my Di's life . Why will you be always like a thorn in her happiness."

"Because of you my whole family is suffering"

Each and everyone's words are pricking her heart. All are thinking I am hindrance for their happiness.. Even her tears are not helping her to reduce the burden of her heart...

Suddenly her vision blurred and she is going to faint but two strong hands held her safely.. She fainted in those arms.

When she woke up, She found herself in a big lavish room on a king size bed. She looked at the surroundings confused.

"You got up" a voice came and she got startled.. She saw an elderly person sitting on the sofa beside her.

"How are you feeling beta ??'asked the person with a lot of concern on his face.

"Fine" said Kushi still confused.

"Where am I ?? Who are you ?"asked Kushi.. The person then shouted Shanky probably their servant thought Kushi..

Soon another elderly aged person came there.

"Go and bring a juice for her" said the person to which other person obeyed.

"How did I came here ??'asked Kushi.

"I will tell you.. My name is Purushottan Diwaan..Me and My grandson went out on some work.. when we were coming out of the shop, my grandson saw you fainting , he caught you and we both brought you here.. We called doctor, he came and checked you. The Doctor said you are very weak and not to take more stress" said Purushottam Diwaan, Head of Diwaan group of industries.

Then two younger person came into the room.. They both seem like a couple.

"How are you feeling now ??'asked the girl. Kushi just nodded smiling.

"He is my grandson beta who brought you here.. His name is Aditya and she is his wife Pankhuri " said the old person.

"Thank you" said Kushi..

" you are most welcome" said Aditya.

Just then the servant came with the juice. Pankhuri gave it to Kushi which she took.

"By the way.. What is your name ?" asked Pankhuri.

"Kushi" said Kushi. There was a silence in the room.. Kushi looked at them confused.. There was an expression in everyone's face which she can't predict.

"Kushi! wow very nice name" said Aditya breaking the trance.

" Beta.. Give me your details.. I will call your home. They must be worried for you" said Purushottam diwaan.

Kushi gulping her tears said" I have no one.. I am an Orphan"

The trio looked at her feeling sorry.. Pankhuri sat beside her..

"Don't feel like that. We are all there for you.."said pankhuri taking her hands into his.. Kushi even though surprised but nodded her head.

"Now you take rest. We will leave" said Adi.

"No NO. I have to leave.. I already caused a lot of trouble for you" said Kushi.

"Where will you go ??'asked pankhuri.

"I don't know" said Kushi slowly.

" Kushi.. you are not going anywhere until doctor says you are well. I won't allow you step out of the house. After you are well, we will find some way for you." said Pankhuri firmly. Kushi looked at her horrified.

"Pankhu.. You are frightening her.. (Then turning to Kushi) Kushi.. Don't leave this house until you get well and haa don't feel bad for her words... she is always like this.. always dominates everyone. " said Adi.

"What ?? I dominate everyone. "said pankhuri glaring angrily at him

"or else me" said Adi.

"Adi. Stop complaining about me or else see what I do "said Pankhuri and they both started to fight.

Kushi is looking at them confused as well as surprised. They both were fighting like Tom and Jerry.

"Stop you both" said Purishottam Diwaan. Both Adi and Pankhuri stopped..

"Beta.. you take rest now.. If you need anything call us" said Purushottam Diwaan turning to Adi and Pankhuri " Let her take rest.. you both come out with me"

The trio left from there to outside.

Kushi sat there resting her head on the head rest.. She thought about Arnav and family.. Seeing Adi and Pankhuri's fight reminded her of Arnav.. A lone tear escaped from her eye remembering him and his words.. Everything was fine between them until Sheetal and Aarav entered into their lives.

Why is it always me ??( Completed) Where stories live. Discover now