Part 1

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Part 1:

Outside the room:

"Nanaji "called Pankhuri . He looked at her.

"Do you think she must be our Kushi whom we are searching ?"asked Pankhuri.

"I don't know beta. But I feel that she is my gudiya" said Purushottam Diwaan.

"Pankhu. There will be many Kushi's in this world. " said Adi.

"Also she said that she is an orphan. But the Kushi we are searching have Garima and her family" said Purushottam Diwaan.

"I think she is lying. I can see it in her face. Also she is married then why is she lying ? " said Pankhuri.

"How do you know ?? There is no mangalsutra in her neck" said Adi.

"Can't you see ?? There is sindoor in her maang" said Pankhuri.

"Seems like she is in a big problem. Her family must have abandoned her." said Purushottam Diwaan.

"haa Nanu. She is looking soo depressed" said Adi.

"Ok. Pankhuri beta. Take care of her. I will go and meet that private investigator. How many days he take to find a girl ?"said Purushotam Diwaan.

"Ok Nanaji" said Pankhuri.

"Nanu. I too will come with you. I will warn him about it" said Adi and they both left for PI's office.


It was evening. Arnav and Akash returned from office. They entered into the hall.

The first thing could see is Anjali happily talking with Aarav sitting on her lap. He smiled contently seeing his Di happy. This is all he wanted his Di's happiness nothing more than that.

"Bhai"Akash's voice brought him to this world. He looked at Akash.

"Di is looking very happy Bhai." Said Akash. Arnav nodded his head.

"I was really afraid today morning seeing Di's state Bhai" said Akash.

His thoughts went to today morning incident. He had seen his Di in a state which he never wished to. He can bear anything but not his Di's tears and family's sorrow.

"Chote and Akash" said Anjali seeing them both "Come both of you. Why are you standing there ??"

Both moved towards the family and rested on the sofa.

"Chote. Aarav is talking about his Basket ball match in the school." Said Anjali.

Aarav said" haan ASR. There is a basket ball match next week in our School. I am selected for it. Will you plz teach me techniques about it ??"

"Of course I will. " said Arnav. His eyes searching for one person but can't find her. He then remembered his accusations on her today morning. But what can he do ?? He lost his senses seeing his Di's state and din't even acknowledged what he is saying to her. Did she got angry ?? NO problem. He very well knew how to pacify her.. Keep a plate of jelebis before her and she will be melted. Also he know Kushi will understand him and forgive him as always.

"Chote. What are you thinking ??"Anjali shook him.

"Haan Di. Nothing" said Arnav.

" Aarav is asking you something" said Anjali. Arnav looked at Aarav.

"Will you all come to see my match in the school ??"asked Aarav.

"Why don't we come Aarav ?? We all will come " said Anjali.

"ASR. You !!" asked Aarav.

"He too will come. I said naa all will come then he too will come" said Anjali.

"But Di. I can't guarantee it " said Arnav.

Aarav said " You can plz try "

"Aarav. Don't force him. He must have some work " said Sheetal. Aarav's face fell down hearing it.

"No Aarav. Don't cry. Chote will definitely come" said Anjali then turning to Arnav" Chote. Plz come naa. For my sake"

Seeing his Di's face, Arnav said" OK. Fine Di. Any thing for you"

"Then it will really be fun " said Aarav excitedly.

Arnav said" I will go and freshup"

"Ok. Come soon" said Anjali and Arnav towards upstairs only to get the biggest shock of his life.

IN Arnav's room:

Arnav entered the room. He din't found Kushi. He checked at the poolside but still he din't. She is not here in the room nor downstairs then where is she ?? thought Arnav.

While returning into the room from poolside, he found a paper at the bed side table along with Mangalsutra and his mother's bangles . His sixth sense something happened. He reached near it stumbling and took the mangalsutra and his mom's bangles.

"It is Kushi's mangalsutra" thought Arnav. His throat went dry. He din't have courage to open it but still opened the letter to read.

ASR ji,

Sorry!! Sorry for everything that happened because of me until now in your and your Di's life.

Sorry for being hindrance in your Di and family's happiness. From now there will be no one to make your family sad. Your family will again be happy as earlier used to be.

No need for you to get embarrass because of me infront of your high class friends. No need for you to bear a girl who acts immature and doesn't suits your status.

NO need for you to bear an illiterate girl like me with middle class mentality.

I know my absence doesn't make difference to you but still I am informing you all this. I have returned your things to you.

You committed a mistake and now I am rectifying it. Your life's biggest mistake will be no more in your life. I am moving out of your life forever. I am leaving your house. So now everything in your and your family's life goes well.

If possible forgive me for hurting your Di and family. Convey my regards to your Naniji, Mamiji, Anjaliji, Payalji and her family.

No one's Kushi

Why is it always me ??( Completed) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum