Juveniles » Fillie

By -MyStrangeMind

82.4K 2.7K 5.1K

[COMPLETED] "Keeping it Juvenile" 2k17//-MyStrangeMind © More

0.1 » The Party
0.2 » Caught
0.3 » Locked Up
0.4 » Mugshots
0.5 » believable
0.6 » Trustworthy
0.7 » Fixable
0.8 » Celebrations
0.9 » I like you
1.0 » Flirtationship
1.1 » Sooner or Later
1.2 » Buttercup
1.3 » Lonely Boy
1.4 » Strange Love
1.5 » The New Kid
1.6 » ignored
1.7 » Foolish
1.9 » On The Road
2.0 » Annoyed
2.1 » A Walk
2.2 » Just in Case
2.3 » Secrecy
2.4 » A Ball
2.5 » The Trial
Thank You! + Sequel Release Date!
Sequel is out!!

1.8 » Free

2K 68 87
By -MyStrangeMind


It was Friday, and Millie's friends felt like something was, off. They hadn't seen her or Finn all day, and usually it was hard for Millie to get out of Jacobs sight. Dinner was almost over and it was almost time for the last meeting before all of the guards were to leave for the evening. It wasn't till the bell was right about to ring that Millie ran over and sat down with her friends.

"And where have you been all day?"

Sophia questioned raising an eyebrow at her and resting her chin in the palm of her hand

"Just been busy"

Millie said with a shrug

"And Finn?"

Soph added

"Oh? He's been gone all day too? How strange."

She trailed off, and before anyone could question her again, the bell rang signaling that it was time for the meeting. As everyone entered the entertainment room, Finn caught up with Jaeden giving him a pat on the back as a way of saying hello.

"Where the hell have you been man?"

Jaeden asked, becoming very confused with the whole situation

"Just had to get some things done"

Finn replied nonchalantly

"And what about Millie?"

He inquired

"Has she been gone all day too? What a weird coincidence."

And oddly once again, before Jaeden could question him anymore, the guards shut them up and started the meeting.

"Okay, the rest of the guards are leaving now and I'll be following them soon. We'll be on the opposite side of the center and Natalia will be the only person watching over every single one of until all of us get back tomorrow after noon and all of the laundry. The workers from the laundry mat will be searching through the hampers so don't even think about trying to escape."

It was then that the guards walked talkie went off, he waved everyone a quick goodbye. Everyone just kinda stood around for five minutes before seeing Natalia come out of the office with an arms full of different bags of snacks. Cheers erupted and people rushed over to help her.

About 3 hours in things were calming down it was almost 9pm, and almost time for them to put their plan into place. Natty gave them the Ok that she had set everything up and that they were all good to go. So, Millie got up on stage and once a spotlight was shone on her she smiled widely and said:

"Ladies and Gentleman, now tell me, are we having a good time tonight?"

She shouted to receive cheers from most of the crowd

"That good, because I'm about to make your night a whole lot better. I have a special little surprise for my favorite person, Jacob Sartorius, please make your way up to the stage!"

There were Oo's and Ah's as he didn't hesitate to make his way up there, going right next to Millie he tried wrapping his arms around her waist but she started with:

"Hold your horses there, I need you to go have a seat right over there for me"

And the light moved to show a black chair with a pair of handcuffs attached to it, she sat him down and as she locked him in with the handcuffs she said

"Just so you don't move around too much"

And walked back to the center of the stage placing the microphone back on the stand before announcing:

"Now, I'm gonna sing a little song I found that I feel perfectly describes this wonderful boy right here, enjoy."

She said pointing at Jacob and then turning her head the other way giving Nat the go ahead she started to sing,

"There's this guy at my school
And he looks pretty good
Always asking me when
We can kick it"

By now the crowd was completely silent and all eyes were on Millie, she had a glorious voice.

"Well my friends think I'm wrong
But he's not what I want
Cause he's constantly
Begging for pictures"

Trying to hide her smile, she continued

"And when there's cute things he'd say
I bet he stole 'em from Drake
And did I mention he wears his
Mom's earrings

I know he's tall and he's fit
But I won't fall for it
Don't want his hands or his lips coming near me"

Taking a deep breath in Millie prepared to do what's she's wanted to do for the longest time

"Cause he's a fuqboi
And they're all the same
Like a stain on your heart's reputation
Yeah you're a... fuqboi
I've been through it before
I'd rather cut out my tongue
Than let you kiss me with yours
Cause you're a...
Cause he's a..."

Shocked gasps and supportive shouts emerged from the crowd, as Finn now came on stage with 2 rolls of duct tape and started to tape Jacob up, Millie kept singing

"There's this cute guy down my street
I always wanted to meet
So I went creeping around on his socials
In all the selfies he takes
His head is tilted the same way
And his favorite hashtag is beastmode"

Jacob started to yell and scream until Finn slapped a piece of duct tape over his mouth and continued to tape him up

"Cause he's a fuqboi,"

Millie sang, pointing right at a pissed off Jacob

"And they're all the same
Like a stain on your heart's reputation
Yeah you're a... fuqboi
I've been through it before
I'd rather cut out my tongue
Than let you kiss me with yours
Cause you're a...
Cause he's a..."

Taking the microphone off its stand again Millie began to dance around as if no one was watching, before making a little speech,

"Alright listen up people far and wide
There is a growing epidemic
And it does not just affect America, but the whole world
Keep your families inside, keep them safe!
We must eliminate these people
And if you elect me president
I will exterminate each and every one of them!"

Shouting those last few words she went back to singing the chorus, dancing around the stage and pointing and laughing at Jacob.

"Don't want no fuqboi
Cause they're all the same
Like a stain on your heart's reputation
Yeah you're a... fuqboi
I've been through it before
I'd rather cut out my tongue
Than let you kiss me with yours
Cause you're a...
Cause he's a..."

Finishing, she was out of breath as surprisingly the whole crown cheered on for her

"Jacob Sartorius, you are a certified Fuck Boy. Therefore, I hope you enjoy your night in this pit I've made under the stage that's filled with disgusting slugs, I'll even throw the key to the handcuffs in just to be nice"

Millie finished off by nodded at Finn telling him to open the hole in the stage, and he did, suddenly Jacob became very scared.

"See you, never, saggytits."

She said then proceeding to kick him in the chest causing him to fall backwards and into the hole in the stage filled with slugs. Laughing as Millie watched Finn close the hole back up, everyone cheered on for them. They started to walk off the stage before Finn grabbed her hand pulling her back into his arms he grasped her face gently and placed his lips on hers.

Full of passion, love and happiness Millie kissed him back sweetly. But knowing that they had to go he pulled back and they both waved everyone goodbye.

Little did everyone know that that would be the very last time they would ever see them.

The Afternoon of the Escape

"Pack it up quick you guys! Or they might suspect something!"

Natalia whisper-shouted at the two, who were almost finished packing up. Once they had finished they threw their stuff in the larger hamper, it was big enough for both of them plus all of their things, since that certain hamper was meant for 6 loads, but it was still a squeeze. Natty threw the rest of their dirty clothes on top to make it look normal.

Walking out of the division at the exit a guard asked her if someone had checked through that hamper and of course she told him yes, just to be sure he started to pat down the clothes, causing some things to fall down inside but nothing too fishy. He let them pass and Natty went to the van that she knew Jack was in, he got out of the van and helped her lift the hamper into his van. Natalia walked away as Jack closed the doors and started the car.

Nat explained to the guards that that specific van was full and was heading back to the mat, the guards shrugged it off believing her as she was in charge. She smiled and went inside, a little saddened by the fact that she may never see Millie or Finn again.

Even though jack got to the mat pretty quickly, it felt like forever to Millie and Finn considering they've been under all those clothes. Opening the doors the back of the van and unburying the two jack told them that he would be taking a few sets of their clothes in and while he does that to get all of their stuff and hop in the other Blue van.

Millie and Finn obliged and did so very quickly, thankfully no one else was there yet, closing the back of the van Millie pointed out a suitcase with a note on it, a note that read 'for all of your stuff :)' smiling, they loaded all of their things into the case and then heard Jack opening the door.

"You ready to escape?"

He asked buckling himself in, earning eager nods from the both of them. Neither of them speaking until told to do so, just to be safe.

The Night of the escape

Sometime had passed before Jack pulled up to a motel and told them to stay put, coming back a few minutes later with a key. Finn and Millie smiled as Finn caught the key

"Now, I'm gonna drive back to LA, I'll be back in 3 days, by then they should've stopped the search for you, in fact they won't even look this far, anyways, I'll come back with a dark green van, and yes, before you ask, I have a lot of vans. And no matter what, you cannot leave the room until I tell you to do so, by slipping a note under your door. Order room service and from anyplace that delivers. You can talk once you both get up and into the room, okay?"

Jack explained, earning a nod from them.

"Okay, you're in room 29 and it's all the way at the back"

Millie grabbed their bag and Finn opened the door, it was pouring outside so they started to run.

"See you in 3 days!"

Jack shouted driving off, Finn and Millie kept running, rushing up the stairs Finn jammed the key into the door unlocking it quickly. They both threw themselves inside catching his breath as Millie closed the door behind them. For a few minutes it was just their heavy breaths,

"Wow, this place isn't as ba—"

Millie cut Finn off, smashing her lips onto his. She had this euphoric rush and was just so happy to finally be out of there, especially with the one she loves. Finn was taken back and didn't understand her actions at first but soon enough melted into her sweet touch.

At first the kiss was heartfelt and full of love, but then it turned to something much more rough and heated as their lips glided against one another's quickly, every small part giving them chance for air. Millie ran her hands through Finns tangles locks tugging of them slightly as he ran his hands up and around every creek and crevice of her small and delicate frame.

Things became even more intense as Millie let her mouth gape open in desperate need for air, but Finn took this as a sign and smoothly let his tongue glide past her soft lips. Surprised she let out a small yelp which only intrigued Finn more as he let his grip in her waist tighten. But Millie didn't feel like she was being used to taken advantage of, or like she's ever felt with anyone, she felt like she was truly cared for and that she mattered to Finn.

As involved as she was in the deep kiss Millie didn't even realize she had started to cry, she felt jubilant and alive. Finn quickly pulled away with a scared and worried look on his face.

"Mills, are okay? Was it me? Did I go too far? Oh my god I'm so sorry Millie I don't know what I was thinking and—"

Swiftly she gave him one kiss, as she knew it'd be the only way to get him to shut up.
He looked at her in awe and confusion, still unaware of why she was crying. She led him over to the bed and sat down with him and rested her head on his shoulder.


She said simply


He repeated in questioning tone, causing her to now face him and take his hands in hers.

"Yes Finn, I'm happy. For so many reasons, that we're finally out of that horrid place, that we got out of there together, and most of all,"

Millie couldn't help it, she started to tear up again

"Because I love you, with you I don't feel like just another way for a guy to get off, like I'm being used or like I'm being taken advantage of. With you I feel something I've never felt before, not just love, I feel cared for and I feel like I truly matter to you.
I love you Finn"

Looking back up at him, she was taken back

"Why are you crying?"

She asked, only making him cry harder, she felt bed, like it was something that she said.

"I wasn't always like this"

He says in a low tone

"A couple of years ago, when I was only 12 years old, something happened, something bad."

"We don't have to talk about this right in now if you don't want too"

Millie said putting her hand on his shoulder, to which he quickly pushed off.

"No, you deserve to know. One night, my foster mom came home late from work and my foster dad was drunk. Needless to say he got really upset, and they started to yell and scream at each other, I didn't know what to do, I was frozen in place. And then he, he, he hit her, punched her on her right cheek causing her to fall to the ground. He turned around and told me that that's how, how women should be treated. He just kept hitting and kicking her no matter how many times I screamed at him to stop, and then I heard police sirens. I left them behind and lived on the streets from then on, I told myself that I couldn't ever feel for anyone again, because last time, that's where it got me"

Finn then broke down again crying into Millie's shoulder, she had never seen this side of him, such a sensitive and broken side.

"And from then on, I just used girls, some of them I'd even pay. I treated them horribly, that's probably why they all left me, then I resorted to drinking, drugs, vandalism and crime. Hell, I didn't even know that I had a record, I was just thrown in a squad car one night, and that was the best night of my life, because I met you."

Millie's lip started to quiver and Finn managed to stop crying

"I know that this sounds stupid cheesy but I don't care, I just knew that there was something different about you. I was bound determined to make you mine because when I first looked at you, it felt like my heart started to beat again. You make me wanna throw away my life of crime just to be with you, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me Millie Brown, and I love you so fucking much."

Finn finished off pulling her in for another kiss as they were now both crying again, pulling away they started to laugh just looking at each other. Because it was crazy, crazy how much they loved each other.


Finn said opening up the suitcase, and pulling out a 6 pack of beers, taking 2 out and handing one to Millie

"Where did you get these?"

She asked

"That doesn't matter, now let's make a toast, to being free"


They said simultaneously, drinking up. Setting her bottle down Millie watched as some of Finns drink dripped down his neck, also putting his drink down Millie sweetly dragged her finger up along his neck cleaning up the liquor by placing her index finger between her lips. Then standing up and turning the lights off she slowly pushed Finn down onto the bed, she grabbed his collar pulling him closer. He could feel her hot, alcohol scented, breath hitting the side of his face.

She started at his neck giving him subtle and long kisses moving closer to his face at a painful rate, reaching his jaw the kisses got slower and longer, and upon reaching his lips she gently pushed hers against his. Both of them gradually moving towards the center of the bed, this time things stayed emotional and fervent.

Eventually, they became tired. As Finn laid back on the bed Millie cuddled into his chest taking in his smell that she adored so much. Letting his hand run through her short hair as their breaths synced, and for the first time, they both fell asleep together, as a free couple.


Oy vey!

I hope nothing was too much, in my opinion this was a very good chapter. :)

I'm posting this the day before I leave for camp, even though this is being written June 14th. So hopefully you read the 'I'm leaving!!' chapter because it's very important!

As a small gift since I'm leaving, here's the update schedule that my friend will be following for updates

June 27th — On the Road

July 4th — Annoyed

July 11th — A Walk

July 18th — Just in Case

Even though I get back on the 17th I'm still having my friend post that update as I will be extremely tired. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will miss you all so much!!

Much Love


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