1.9 » On The Road

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The 3 days waiting in the motel room for Jack to get back flew by fast, it was full of hangovers, pizza deliveries and junk food. As Finn and Millie were rolling their tired selves out to Jacks van, which had a mattress for a floor in the back and Jack rolled his eyes seeing hickeys all over Finn and Millie's neck. And they practically passed out the second they hit the bed.

Waking up to what he assumed was hours later, smiling looking at the girl that was wrapped in his arms who had her face buried in his chest. He wondered how he got so lucky. Starting to pet her hair she slowly woke up, looking up at him with tired eyes she asked:

"What time is it?"

Not knowing either, Finn turned over and sat up knocking on the plastic window that separated the front seat from the back end of the van, Jack slide the window open

"I see you two are finally up"

He remarked

"Yeah, what time is it?"

Finn asked

"We're about 9 hours in, it's 5pm. In about an hour I'm gonna find us a motel that we can stay in for the night"

Jack explained, and as Finn agreed the Jack slide the window closed again. Sitting up Millie gave Finn and quick kiss on the lips before moving herself over to the suitcase, Finn was bewildered by her action, she had never done something like that before, she'd usually turn it into something more, but no, it was just a quick, small, peck on the lips.

And before Finn could ponder her actions anymore he looked over at her to see that she was in the middle of changing, letting out a small 'ah fuck, sorry' he shut his eyes and covered them.

"I'm sorry does my body bother you or something?"

Millie said, now finished changing and running a comb through her hair.

"No no, your body is beautiful and I love it, it's just that, you've never changed in front of me"

He explained

"Finn we've been together for almost half a year, I think that I can change in front of you"

She said blatantly

"Woah really? Damn, time flies"

He said looking down now kinda ashamed of his lack of knowledge, trying to change the subject he said:

"Hey Millie?"

He asked making her look at him curiously

"If you could do anything, and I mean anything, what would it be?"

He added

"You mean, if we were like, completely normal?"

She inquired, and he nodded

"Well, I've always wanted go to something like a masquerade ball. Not like the ones they had way back then, but a more updated version at a club or a hotels ballroom. I'd love to wear a super expensive blue ball-gown with shimmery blue pumps, I'd dance the night away with a mysterious man, which would be you of course, and my mask would be simple, bright blue with black lace. Basically, just to live the highlife for one night."

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