0.9 » I like you

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After Millie and Finn passed out on theirs beds Grace pulled out all of the pictures she took and showed them to the others

"You took pictures of them?!"

Sophia exclaimed

"Just a few..."

Grace replied

"Well, what are you gonna do with them?"

Jaeden asked

"Mess with them"

"And how are you gonna do that?"

"I'll leave these photos in their room when we leave, and they'll find them when they wake up and be confused as fuck"

Grace said with a smile

"Grace, don't you think that this is going a little too far, just to get them together?"

Sophia said

"No, Finn asked for this didn't he? Now come on, let's go."

Grace said standing up and placing the photos all around the room, and after she was done they all left.


Finn was the first one to wake up, he drank more than Millie last night and had a hangover. His head hurt like hell and all he could think about was how pissed he was at Grace.

He couldn't remember a thing from last night, he got up and walked over to his dresser, finding a corner of a picture sticking out of one of his drawer. He took the photo out and flipped it over,

His eyes went wide and his stomach did a summersault, was he really looking a photo of him and Millie, kissing?

"F-Finn? What's this"

Unfortunately, Millie had woken up without Finn noticing and there was another photo of the two of them kissing right at her feet. She picked it up staring at it just as astonished as he was.

Finn turned around and turned white when he saw Millie holding a different picture of them kissing, he didn't know what to say. It looked like someone had taken photos of one of Finn's dream, but this was real life.

"I, i don't know"

He answered honestly

"How drunk were we?"

"Really drunk, apparently."

Finns said leading into an awkward silence between the two as Finn went back over to sit on his bed.

"Millie, I don't even remember what happened last night but I'm sorry. If I had just told you how I liked and everything this wouldn't have happened and this is all my fault and I wish I had never taken that vodka from Grace and,"

"I like you."

"I just don't want you to hate me now or something because of my stupid feelings, I'm okay as long as we can still be friends and I really don't want you to tell the others because that's super embarrassing and all that and,"

"I like you."

"Honestly I wish I could help my feelings but it's just that something was different that night we met. Now all I wanna do is be yours and protect you but now I'm willing to accept that I can't because—"

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