1.2 » Buttercup

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'I need you, more than anyone darlin'
You know that I have from the start'

Slowly opening her eyes Millie was just waking up, Finn was by his dresser taking a smoke unaware of her. Millie groaned as she usually would when she woke up and began to stretch as she shut her eyes tightly.

Sighing, Millie turned over on her bed and sat up. Almost startled to see Finn with one of her cigarettes in his mouth with his shirt not yet buttoned.

Her breathing came to a halt as she unintentionally stared at him, eyeing the slightly older boy up and down in shock. Finn couldn't help but take notice of Millie's stare as a large smirk became plastered across his face.

This was something new for Millie, and it felt like something she almost couldn't take in. Now, Finn was no model with a rock hard 6 pack by any means; but he definitely had something there and that intrigued her.

Exhaling some smoke Finn let out a small laugh before asking:

"Like what you see?"

Causing Millie to turn a bright shade of pink as she snapped herself out of her trance.

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

She said now avoiding his eyes

"Really because to me it looked like you were staring at my—"

Before he could finish Millie had taken one of her pillows and thrown it right at him, hitting him right in the face. And before he knew it she was changed and out the door to breakfast.

Millie would never admit that she was staring, or that she was blushing. She just got out of there as soon as possible to avoid the situation completely, something that she seems to do a lot...

"Today marks 1 month Finnie"

Millie said to Finn taking his hand in hers as they walked down to lunch together. Finn furrowed his eyebrows, a month of what? It hadn't even been 2 weeks of them being official.


He replied with a hint of nervousness, fearing he forgot some type of important date

"Us being in this hell hole"

Finn breathed a sigh of relief

"You've been keeping track?"

"No, it's just a random guess"

She said sarcastically

"Well if you're going to be like that–"

Finn spoke slyly taking his hand out of hers

"What?! You're so mean to me!"

"Am I?"

He asked with the same tone she gave him earlier

"Well, don't be so sarcastic next time, little girl"

Now, as most girls her age, Millie hated that name. She wasn't a little girl anymore and it made her top blow whenever someone called her that.

Juveniles » Fillieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें