2.4 » A Ball

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Today was the 3 month anniversary of Finn and Millie escaping, but when Millie woke up, Finn wasn't even home. She didn't know what she expected, but it still made her very upset. She sat down on the couch letting a few tears fall down her face


Jack said, seeing her on the couch as he walked in with a few bags of groceries in hand

"Oh, hey Jack"

Millie said wiping away her tears

"Are, are you okay?"

He asked hesitantly, to which she only nodded, but Jack could tell that Millie needed some comfort. Sitting down next to her on the couch he asked her what was wrong

"It's just that today, today marks 3 months that Finn and I have been free, and he's not even here."

Sighing, Jack comforted her before going back to the kitchen to put the groceries away, and when Millie went back upstairs, Jack called Finn, on the phone that Millie didn't even know he had.

"Hey Jack"

Finn said picking up the phone

"Don't 'hey Jack' me, what the hell man? It's your guys' 3 month anniversary of escaping and you're not even home? She was crying on the couch just a few minutes ago!"

"Chill out man, I'm out getting the last of what I need now. When I come home tonight I'll tell her everything, alright?"

"Okay, fine. But if you don't I'm kicking your ass"

"Yeah, sure."

Finn said with a laugh hanging up the phone before Jack could protest

Placing the note on the floor in front of her door, then as he knocked a few times he went running down the stairs and to the living room, which didn't help his already racing heart.

Millie opened up the door only to see nobody around, but when she looked down, she saw a small folded note at her feet. It read:

Millie, I have something for you, please, come downstairs.


As mad as Millie was at Finn, something told her that she should go downstairs. And as she was walking into the living room, she saw Finn in a stylish black tux and a perfect blue tie holding a bouquet of roses that were just as vibrant as his tie. His hair was combed neatly, face cleaned and he was standing up straight, Millie walked towards him, not knowing how to feel or what to say.

"Millie, I know that for quite some time now I've been very distant and haven't told you much. I'm sorry for how much this has effected you, but I hope that this can make up for all of it"

He said handing her two tickets 'Royal Masquerade Ball!' and as Millie read that, she fell to her knees and started crying. Finn set the flowers aside and kneeled down to where he could look her in the eyes.

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