0.2 » Caught

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"Ms. Brown and Mr. Wolfhard, please take a Seat. And no more fooling around!"

Finn nodded reluctantly while Millie stared off into space trying to process the depth of her situation. She was actually going to be thrown into Juve! Finn on the other hand didn't realize he was also going to be thrown in but he really couldn't care less.

Finn noticed Millie's absent state of focus

"Hey, uh– you okay?"

Finn asked, he was awkward about this whole situation since after he hooked up with a girl he usually never had to face her again.

"No! Why would I be okay?! I'm going to Juve for fucks sake!"

Finn was a bit taken back by Millie's words and how intensely she spoke, but nonetheless tried to brush it off and help her thinking he still had some type of chance with her.

"Come on, it's just like jail for kids! It's not that bad I'm sure"

This only made millie angrier

"Oh yeah, well you might be fine with this but I'm not! Do you even understand what this means? This means no more fun! No more Robbing, smoking, drinking— anything!"

Finn put his head down, he was now ashamed and realized why Millie was so upset about going to Juve.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better I'm probably gonna be in there with you"

Finn said quietly

"And why would that make me feel any better about this shit situation?"

Finn was taken back and a little pissed

"Hmm, I don't know maybe because you like me and you just were making out with me in the back of a police car!"

Millie started to laugh hysterically, clutching her stomach in pain she was laughing so hard

"Who ever said I liked you! For one I was high, hell I still am. And two just because I made out with you does not mean that I like you. Did you really think we had something?"

Millie said laughing once again. This ticked Finn off, he absolutely hated it when someone didn't like him. Especially a girl that he liked, wait— did he just say he liked this girl? No, no way he doesn't like her, not one but she's a complete bitch.

"Awww, is the little boy all silent now? Just because he found out that someone doesn't like him back, aww boo hoo. This is so sad I think I might cry because you know, I'm just so emotional"

Millie said in a child like manner taunting Finn even more making him flush red from anger and embarrassment.

"Fuck off, Millie"

Finn said in a harsh tone

"Hey! That's not very nice Finnie. I think you should apologize to me for using such foul language!"

Finn just grunted at Millie's sarcastic ass comment and rolled his eyes. Millie laughed as she saw chief hopper walking back towards them.

"Okay kids look– your cells in Juve are being set up right now and they'll be ready for you tomorrow. To my displeasure they were low on rooms so you two will have to share a room despite your gender difference–"

Millie took this chance to make another rude comment

"Excuse me sir but did you just assume my gender?! I find that very offensive"

She said battering her eyelashes, hopper just rolled his eyes and continued

"As I was saying you two will have to share a room. But as for tonight you will be in a cell with a few other kids who are also going to Juve tomorrow"

Millie perked up

"Oh! I hope there's some cute boys there!"

Hopper raised an eyebrow at her confusingly

"But weren't you just making— you know what never mind"

He wasn't about to deal with it.


Finn and Millie were lead to a cell where there were 4 other kids. Grace, Romeo, Jaeden and Sophia. Once Millie walked in after Finn Romeo began to eye her up and down

"Like what you see?"

Millie asked shifting her weight to one of her hips and placing her hand on it

"Actually yes"

Millie was a bit taken back that Romeo also had a British accent like her, this intrigued and attracted her to him. She walked over to him and started talking with him, or more so intentionally flirting.

Finn on the other hand was talking with Jaeden, complaining his ass off about how 'annoying' and 'stupid' Millie was, at one point Jaeden just started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

Finn asked

"Oh just you. You're obviously obsessed with her, you're so into her already it's insane dude"

Finn gave Jaeden a disgusted look

"What?! No, Ew, Gross."

Jaeden just laughed even more as Grace and Sophia approached them.

"Hey babe"

Jaeden said

"Hey J"

Said Sophia, causing Finn to look at the two with utter confusion

"Wait are you two a thing?"

Finn asked

"Yup! We're partners in crime"

Sophia stated proudly

"So, Finn is it? I hear you talking about this girl over here– Millie. The one that all over Romeo? I could probably help you get with her."

Finn laughed awkwardly at Grace's offer

"And why would I want to do that?"

Everyone looked at Finn with a look of 'are you fucking kidding me?'

"Okay fine, do what you want"

Finn said as if he didn't care but in reality, he was really hoping that Grace was some type of Cupid sent down for him.

After this, most of them went to bed after yelling at Romeo and Millie and few times to shut the fuck up.

Juveniles » FillieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora