Seeking Sabina (Completed)

By WowieWrites

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Timothy Troy Loreto Sebastian is a young man blessed with wealth and physical grace. He grew up with his affe... More

Chapter I: Wonderful Disaster
Chapter II: Broken Spirit
Chapter III: Anticipated Chaos
Chapter IV: Soft but Unyielding
Chapter V: Saved by a Stalker
Chapter VI: Working Late
Chapter VII: Drained Patience
Chapter VIII: Sabina's Cradle
Chapter IX: When Waves Crashed
Chapter X: Grim Sunshine
Chapter XI: Enticing Sigh
Chapter XII-Hidden in Plain Sight
Chapter XIII: Silent Collision
Chapter XIV: Warrior's Soul
Chapter XV: Mad Serious
Chapter XVI: Thicker than Water
Chapter XVII: Staggering Tower
Chapter XVIII: Emotional Tangles
Chapter XIX: Crystal Clear
Chapter XX: Innocence Surrendered
Chapter XXI: The Big Leap
Chapter XXII: A Step Closer
Chapter XXIII: Blissful No More
Chapter XXIV: The Matriarch's Dilemma
Chapter XXV: Open Secret
Chapter XXVI: Timothy's Woe
Chapter XXVII: With Regrets
Chapter XXVIII: Desperate Move
Chapter XXIX: Bond Mended
Chapter XXX: On Hold
Chapter XXXI: Torn
Chapter XXXII: Falling Out
Chapter XXXIII: Separate Lives
Chapter XXXIV: Secrets Revealed
Chapter XXXV: Three Moons
Chapter XXXVI: Up Side Down
Chapter XXXVII: I do
Chapter XXXVIII: Someone New
Chapter XXXIX: New Horizon
Chapter XL: Four's a Crowd
Chapter XLII: A Sign
Chapter XLIII: Mixed Signals
Chapter XLIV: Hopeless
Chapter XLV: Nicholas' Intended
Chapter XLVI: Betrothed
Chapter XLVII: Left Hanging
Chapter XLIII: Chasing Destiny
Chapter XLIX: Promise
Chapter L: Burnt Letter
Chapter LI: Conspiracy
Chapter LII: The struggle
Chapter LIII: Redemption
Chapter LIV: Sacrifices
Chapter LV: A piece of you
Chapter LVI: More than Enough
Chapter LVII: In Need
Chapter LVIII: Misfortunes
Chapter XLIX: Shadow
Chapter LX: Union
Epilogue: Isabella and Nicholas

Chapter XLI: Another Shot

1.1K 65 23
By WowieWrites

After the unexpected confrontation with Bianca and Darcy, the petite biologist distant herself from Dylan and Timothy. All her queries were directed to Engr. Terrence Leonardo and this instances weren't lost on the young CEO.

Often times, they were confided in a room having close-door meeting with no one else but the two of them. And during these times, Timothy was over and beyond jealous although he knew that he has no right to feel such emotion.

"Man, do you know that Sabina might already have a new boyfriend?" The young CEO asked Terrence. They were still both in bed since it's too early to get up.

The still sleepy engineer, perked up at this. "Really? What makes you think that? So far, she hadn't mentioned anything about that matter and we two are talking almost everyday." He sat up on his bed and rest his back against the headboard.

Timothy's mind flew to their last Baguio weekend, the mestizo guy in the coffee shop, hotel restroom and in the golf course. "Remember, when we went to Baguio? I saw her there." He disclosed as he inhaled unsteadily.

"And?" Terrence was all awake now, eagerly waiting for his best friend to pressed on with his story.

Drawing another unsteady deep breath, Timothy continued. "I saw her with the mestizo guy from the coffee shop. Do you recall that late morning?" He looked at him.

The kind engineer nodded his head. "You mean it was really her, the petite woman that we saw inside the Starbucks at John Hay?"

This time, it was Timothy's turn to nod his head. "I saw them again together the very next day at breakfast and in the hotel lobby, then when I took a long walk after our 3-hour game with papa and his friends, I found the two of them wandering around the field." He averted his gaze and tilted his head, maybe to blinked the stubborn tears away.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, have you watched them? What made you think that they are together?" The kind engineer pried.

"I sort of heard their conversation in the hotel lobby, the guy was really very protective and caring. She was never out of his sight, he even waited for her outside the ladies' restroom. Afterwards, I saw them walking around and the whole time the guy was holding an umbrella over her head to shield her from the sun." He shared as his breathing became erratic and shallow.

Timothy looked at his best friend again. "That very moment man, I realized how inadequate I am, how useless and worthless I am and how undeserving I am. I wasn't able to protect and care for her that way. I took her for granted, thinking that she will always be there waiting for me. I failed to see all her sacrifices and pain because I was too focused on how to gain the approval of my own mother. And then, the guilt and my own fear over Darcy's "planned accident" made me blind and that was the last straw. After that she gave up and everything was lost." Without warning, his tears began to fall.

"Chill, man. Did you sleep well?" Terrence asked to divert his best friend's attention. Timothy looked haunted and disturbed and this made the young engineer worry more.

But his effort and words were futile, Timothy ignored him and went on. "The way my mother treated her before were really degrading and humiliating and yet she endured them all. She always listen to the empty words I say and with eyes closed, she swallowed her pride and principles for me. No wonder, Maggie still refuse to talk to me until now. She knew everything and as a woman I know she fully understand Sab."

"She also told me that she lost herself in our relationship because she was trying so hard to make it work and to understand my situation but in the end it drained her and I know perfectly why. Because I was stupid and gutless, I let my mother and Darcy manipulate me. Because I was selfish, I let the guilt and fear consume me." He wiped his tears, not bothering to hide it from his best friend.

Feeling Timothy's pain, Terrence shifted and faced the crying man. "Don't give up, man. I honestly think that it's not a boyfriend. Because if he is, we should have seen him by now. I'm here for what? 6 weeks? You, you've been here 4 times, right?" He muttered, lending the young CEO strength.

"Why don't you stay here? Tell Miss Belle to redirect everything here, memos, proposals, revisions. Everything is here, hi-speed internet, phone, laptop, everything! You can work from here so that you'll have more time with Sabina. Be friends with her and later on maybe just maybe, you'll get to have another shot." Terrence stated in an encouraging tone.

"It's been half a year TJ, I guess it was too late but I will take your advice. I'll work from here and spend more time with her but not to ask for another chance but to make amends and to let her know how sorry and remorseful I am." Timothy uttered in a resigned tone.

Terrence shook his head. "Man, don't be like that. I'm still rooting for you guys! You're still my Harry and Kate. One great Love, man!" He hollered while pounding his own closed fist near his heart. He was doing his best to lighten up this early morning grim conversation.

This earned a soft chuckle from the sad young heir. "And I'm really thankful for that man but I truly think it's hopeless. And one thing, if you still have feelings for Sabina then I'm okay if you pursue her. I'll be happy for the both of you." He averted his eyes again and trained them outside the window

The kind engineer's eyes widened. "You are like a brother to me man and I could never do that to you. I know how much you love Sabina and she, to you so pursuing her is like stabbing you in the heart and to be honest I sort of like Nancy. Do you think I have a chance?" He revealed.

Genuinely, Timothy smiled widely. "Sure man, sure. Nan is a kind beautiful woman. Don't worry, I'll help you." He offered as he returned his vision to the kind engineer.

Terrence stood up and extended his hand. "Thanks man and one thing more, this is one of the many reasons why Sab and I always do a close door meeting, she was also helping me gain Nancy's fancy." He confessed.

Firmly, Timothy shook it. "That's very good! Three heads are way better that one. When do we start then?" He queried eagerly.

"Tomorrow!" Terrence hollered again and chuckled.    

The kind engineer and the young shared a hearty laugh and to prepare for the long day ahead.


"Love, I'm planning to visit my mum and dad, two weeks from now. Can you manage?" Nancy Rankin disclosed in her thick English accent.

Alarmed, the petite biologist instantly trained her eyes to her friend. "Sure Nan, is there something wrong. Do you need any assistance, anything?" She offered.

Even Timothy, Terrence, Dylan and the older architect known as Arch. Manuel
looked worried. "Is everything alright, Nan? I can go with you if you want." Terrence wasn't able to hold his tongue due to anxiety.

The small group were currently having a weekly meeting. They were currently occupying the other half of the open pavilion.

"No, calm down, you lot. It's their 30th wedding anniversary and I wanted to surprise them. Organize a little get together with their close friends and some dear relatives." The half Brit smiled as the people around her exhaled the breath they were all been holding.

"But you're welcome to join me TJ, if you're free." She added shyly.

Immediately, Sabina spoke. "Of course, he's free. Right Arch. Manuel? Arch. Sebastian?" She looked at them, silently praying that the two will agree with her.

"Yes, yes!" The two readily chorused. They most have seen the imploring look from the petite biologist's angelic face.

In response Sabina beamed at them and it was a piece of heaven for Timothy since nowadays the petite biologist's smile was rare and precious especially for him. "Great! Now, how long will you be away, Nan?" She pried.

"Two weeks, tops. Is that alright?" The tall woman asked hesitantly, thinking that it was a bit long. "But a week will do, if you need my help here, love."

Promptly, the lady CEO waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. "Nonsense, Nan. We can totally manage. No need to worry and just enjoy your time with your parents, friends and of course, with Terrence. Right gentlemen?" She asked the three other male occupants of the room and instantly, she got nods of agreement and support.

"All set, then and as a gift, both your airfare is on me." Sabina added.

"Sab! Love, you don't have to do that." The tall woman readily refused.

In a flash, Terrence seconded Nancy's protest. "Yes Sab, no worries. I'll take care of our tickets." He looked at the lady CEO, ready to argue.

The petite biologist shook her head. "But I want to and I won't take no for an answer. Let me do this for you guys. You two have been nothing but loyal and trusted friends, so please let me." She stated as she began to gather the scattered papers in the huge table.

Immediately, Timothy helped her and she was stunned, everybody was stunned. He carefully gathered everything and stocked them in a neat pile while the others started to rise, signaling the end of their weekly update meeting.

"Thank you, Arch.Sebastian." She whispered gratefully. Timothy gave her a timid smile and nodded his head once.

Seeing Sabina's determined demeanor, Terrence and Nancy just bobbed their heads and offered the petite biologist grateful grins.


In preparation for their two-week vacation, Terrence had been extremely busy updating the petite biologist on the structural development of the vast leisure park and with the help of Dylan Madrid and Arch. Manuel everything was running according to plan and time frame.

"Love, are you sure you can manage without me?" The half Brit woman asked one afternoon. The two were lounging at Sabina's private quarters. It was only a week before their planned departure but still Nancy was a bit hesitant to leave the petite biologist on her own.

Sabina shook her head and smiled. "Hey, stop worrying okay? Tatay Leo and the boys are here and besides, Jerome and Kenneth always pop from time to time so I wouldn't be alone. Just do me a favor and make your time with TJ unforgettable." She teased as she wiggled her perfectly arched brows at the tall woman.

This antics earned a rich giggle from Nancy. "You're totally out of your mind, Sab. I'm going home to London to visit my folks, may I remind you. And I'm not on some romantic trip." She said defensively.

"But you like him, don't you?" The petite biologist wasn't ready to give up. She wanted to know if her engineer friend has a chance with the tall and pretty half Brit.

"Oh God, you wouldn't be our Sabina if you didn't ask that very forward question but I won't give in just yet missy so what do you think?" Nancy Rankin also wiggled her brows, mimicking the petite woman's earlier antic.

Heartily, Sabina snorted. "Come on, Nan! You can tell me, you look great together, the gooey look, the secrets smiles and stolen glances." She commented while batting her eyes convulsively.

Another fit of loud laughter bubbled from the tall woman's throat. "Quit it, will you please. Can't you wait?" She quipped, hiding her giddiness and mirth.

Promptly, Sabina shook her head. "I can't. You like him, right? Right?" It was obvious that she was dying to know and like a teeny bopper she wouldn't stop until the tall woman answers her.

"Alright, alright! You win! I sort of fancy him but don't dare mention it to him, we're not bloody teenagers anymore." She stated while still sniggering.

A high pitch squeal came out from Sabina as she stood from her seat and embraced her tall pretty friend. "I'm so happy for you, Nan. He's kind, thoughtful, loyal and brave so I'm sure he can take care of you." She quipped enthusiastically.

Unlike his architect best friend! A tiny bitter voice echoed inside her head.

"What is it? What is it?" A pale and panting Tatay Leo asked, followed by an equally ashen Jaycee. The two men obviously heard Sabina's loud scream.

In response, the two women giggled. "Tay, chill. It's just a girl thing." The petite biologist reply as she rubbed the old man's tense shoulders.

Shaking his head, the still pale tatay Leo answered. "You girls will be the death of me. Even my wife and my two boys haven't managed to scare me like you do."

Jaycee, on the other hand stared at the women with goofy grin. "Easy tay." He snorted as he turned around and walked out of the petite biologist's private quarters.

After a short pause the old man panned his gaze at the tall woman. "Ready for your vacation Nancy?" He asked as his color returned.

"Pretty much, tay Leo." She answered briefly but eyes still twinkling.


The following weekend after Terrence and Nancy's departure, the young CEO found himself alone in the resort. Two of the boys, tatay Leo and the others including Dylan decided to go home to spend some time with their families since it's a payday weekend not to mention a long one since a holiday fall in a Monday. But Jaycee chose to stay to keep Timothy company.

The petite biologist was nowhere to be found so the young CEO assumed that maybe she was spending the weekend with her "boyfriend" or with her family.

It was a lovely Sunday early morning when Timothy found himself walking alone in the long sandy shoreline of The Reef. He was closely watching the break of dawn, totally engrossed with the riot of colors painting the morning sky.

As he inhaled the salty morning sea breeze, memories came flooding in. The olfactory sense could really triggered string of old memories. The smell of salty sea breeze made Timothy remembered the first time he was here.

Sabina inside the male changing room, eyes round as a saucer. Sabina in her super tight wet suit talking in the middle of a small crowd. Sabina crowned with flowers standing in the middle with a fire dancer and Sabina alone, playing with the sand under the light of the big moon.

An unsteady breath left the young CEO as a melancholy feeling enveloped him. Slowly, he trudged the length of the deserted shore line. Now, he was resigned with the thought that he could never be happy again but he was ready. In his mind this will be his way of making amends to the universe and to Sabina for all the pain he had caused her.

For once he wouldn't think of his own pain and fear, he was determined to live a solitary life to show how remorseful he was. If it means loving the petite biologist from a far, then be it. With this sad thought, he looked at the purple horizon and drew a deep resigned breath.

He was on his way back when he heard hasty footsteps behind him. He ignored it and continued with his quiet long walk. "Sir Tim, sir Tim." A male voice was shouting.

Quickly, he turned around, alarmed and bothere. "It's Miss Sab." Jaycee stated in a quivering voice, it was clear that the young man was agitated and afraid.

Automatically, Timothy's heart rate doubled in fear. "Why? What happened? Is she here?" He asked as cold dreadful feeling descended on him.

"I found her in the garden, passed out." Jaycee muttered while trying to catch his breath as he bolted away towards the young woman's private quarter.

The fear the consumed the young CEO was beyond him when he heard this, readily he followed the young guide. "Where is she? What happened?" He asked repeating his earlier queries.

"I really don't know sir, I was about to go to the kitchen from our quarters to prepare breakfast for us but as I was nearing the kitchen I spotted her on one of the pathways in the garden leading to the shoreline. Maybe she was on her way to run. I always see her in the morning, running alone in the shoreline this past weeks." The young guide explained lengthily.

"Hurry, sir. This way, I carried her to her private quarters and she won't wake up. It's scaring me sir, what should we do?" He added, voice and whole body frame still shaking.

As soon as they reached the spacious quarters, Timothy readily ran at the petite biologist's bedside. He noticed that she was indeed in her running gear, white dry fit shirt, gray drawstring running shorts and gray and neon pink Under Armour running shoes.

He felt a little relief seeing the rosy natural blush on the petite biologist cheeks, she maybe unconscious but her skin coloring was okay. This is a good sign, right? He asked himself inwardly.

As if responding to his quiet question, he instantly remembered that one time when they're still together, it was somewhat like this. She almost lost her consciousness due to her monthly cramps.

Timothy lifted his eyes towards the worried young man. "It's okay Jaycee, I'll take care of her and kindly make a hot soup for her. Can you do that?" He asked.

Hastily, the young guide nodded his head. "Sure sir." He replied politely as he stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him.

When they were alone, Timothy knelt beside Sabina and inspected the young woman's body. Carefully, he ran his hand through her scalp, trying to find small bumps or soft spots she might got from her fall. Gratefully, he exhaled loudly in relief because he found none.

Then, he closely inspected her elbows and knees, calves and thighs. The skin to skin contact instantly sent millions of tiny tingling sensation through his whole being but his worry outweighed them. There, he found tiny bleeding cuts and scratches, maybe from the bushes in the pathway.

Lastly, he inspected her face. Upon staring at the unconscious young woman, a powerful urge to kiss her overtook him but he restraint  himself. Unlike before, he wasn't allowed to do that anymore.  "Sab, wake up please." He said softly.

"Sabina, Sabina!"

When the petite biologist didn't budge, he started to worry. "Wake up, Sab!" He tried one more time but inside he was contemplating if he should bring her in the nearest hospital.

The young CEO was about to run and get his car keys when he heard the young woman groaned softly. "Sab, are you alright? What happened? Are you in pain? Dizzy? Nauseated?" He fired her with questions the moment she opened her big expressive eyes.

"Whoa, easy tiger. What happened to me?" She asked weakly, bewildered why she ended up in her bed.

"I'm fine. Just the monthly cramps." Obviously, Sabina was trying to save him from unnecessary anxiety.

Doubtful, Timothy stared at her. "Are you sure? You passed out, Jaycee found you in the garden. When did you start to be like this? You should consult a doctor, Sab. This is not normal anymore." He suggested in a overly concerned voice.

"I did. My gynecologist told me that it can happen sometimes so stop worrying." She replied, animosity and hostility completely forgotten.

"Are you certain? I could take your to the nearest hospital, just to make sure. Jaycee is here and he's familiar with the whole place." He argued, still unconvinced with the petite biologist's reason.

Dismissingly, Sabina waved her hand. "Stop, I still respond to over-the-counter pain reliever so a dose of ibuprofen will talked care of this." She simply said.

"And why are you going for a run in your red days?" He asked awkwardness forgotten.

Unthinkingly, the petite biologist answered his query forwardly. "I was advised to do some exercises and running was one of them, to help me with my condition."

"Condition? What condition? Are you sick, Sab?" Timothy asked. Suddenly, he was scared and anxious.

"That is least of your concern, Tim." She replied dryly as she closed her eyes tightly due to a nasty spasm that hit the lower region of her stomach.

In an agitated manner, the young CEO looked around in search of medicine kit or Sabina's purse where she always carry a pill box. He has his own small stash of Ibuprofen 400mg but their own quarters is a bit far and he couldn't afford to leave Sabina in this kind of state.

"Medicine cabinet inside the bathroom." She muttered weakly as she opened her eyes and exhaled through her mouth loudly.

After Sabina had taken the pain reliever, the cramps started to subside a little but Timothy didn't allow her out of bed so she was stuck there while the young CEO remain seated in a chair near her bedside, quietly watching her.

The silence was deafening but the former couple stayed quiet, both were preoccupied by their own thoughts and concerns.

Before awkwardness ensued, the duo was then startled by loud knocks, it was the young guide Jaycee, carrying a tray of assorted breads and two big bowls of white creamy soup with tall glasses of orange juice. "Is macaroni soup, alright? It's the only soup I know how to prepare." He asked Timothy while smiling at Sabina.

"I'm glad you're awake now, Miss Sab.'' The young man added.

A warm smile emerged from the petite biologist's face. "Thank you, Jaycee and thank you for making breakfast for us. Have you eaten? Join us please." She invited the kind young guide.

"Don't worry about me, Miss Sab. I just finished breakfast while preparing your soup. I"ll just be in the receiving area if you need me." He retreated and again closed the door behind him.

Timothy helped the young woman to sit up as he put the breakfast tray in front of her. "Eat, Sab!" He ordered in a kind tone just like old times. This reminded Timothy of their time together but readily he cleared his mind with the thought.

Smiling timidly, the woman began to eat. "You know, I missed this. For the last thee months, my abuela and my twin brothers took care of me during this time of the month while my papa made chicken macaroni soup for me." She revealed.

"Good to hear that everything is fine between you and your family." Timothy replied, genuinely glad for his ex fiancée.

Sabina's grinned widely. "Yes, I was over the moon when I found them knocking at door of the Cradle. Would you believe that it was Anton who hugged me first? He had forgiven me and he even apologized. I was completely thrilled then. Everything became more brighter and lighter much like when you proposed to me." It was out before she could zip her mouth.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Hastily, she withdrew her words. An awkward silence followed so the petite biologist opened her mouth again.

"They stayed for four days so I had the chance to take care of them and did you know that all the while, five floors from the Cradle, Jacob has his very own floor. Amazing, right?" She giggled richly and this made the young CEO smile too.

After taking a bite of the bread and a sip from her glass, the petite biologist pressed on. "Then, all throughout their stay, I cooked for them. Bicolano cuisine, Filipino cuisine or anything that caught the fancy of my twin brothers, sometimes they would request bacon for dinner or we would have a pasta night upon their request. They are like a pair of growing big boys."

Witnessing Sabina like this was a blessing for Timothy and seeing her this happy could last him a lifetime. Silently, he tried to imprint her face in his memory, her eyes were shining with mirth and her lips were curved in a gorgeous smile, making her beyond beautiful.     

Her smile was contagious so Timothy found himself grinning, too. "During those four short days, we did everything a family should do. We watched movies, we had dinner out and we even played family games like scrabble and word factory. Crazy, right?"

Timothy nodded. So this is what I missed while being manipulated by my own mother and Darcy. He thought wryly.

"Then I got the chance to meet everyone again, my cousins, nephews and nieces, my sisters-in-law and my aunts. It was chaotic and my niblings were all grown ups, some were half over my age." She exclaimed brightly as she continued.

In his mind, Timothy saw how humble Sabina was. Even once, she never mentioned her status, her family's wealth, their properties or even the places she had been. This sets her apart from all the other women he had met in the higher society. She was really simple and a true epitome of humility.

After breakfast, Sabina stayed in bed since that cramps didn't disappear completely. "You should take a nap, Sab. I'll check on you before lunch. Okay?" He stood up and readied himself to leave but before he reached the threshold, he heard Sabina's voice again.

"This doesn't change a thing, Tim. You know that, right?" The petite biologist blurted out.

With a sad smile, the young CEO turned his head to look at the woman lying on the bed. "Of course, Sab. Of course." Quietly, he padded out of the private quarters as he drew a shaky deep breath.

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