5 days and Five rule's

By KaynarShalala

3.8K 174 6

Just a normal day of guard duty, for my character Kayna. As everything explodes around her, she finds herself... More

Day One
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
The Report
😆 ❤ Thank You ❤ 😆

Day Two

568 23 1
By KaynarShalala

               As Kayna's mind began to wake it was filled with some of the strangest feeling's, warmth, safety, comfort. There was something utterly soothing wrapped around her like a blanket, gently caressing her. She allowed herself to indulge in the moment only until she remembered what happened right before she passed out. It felt like hours before a rational thought came to her mind. She had just let a wraith feed on her and that warm fuzzy feeling was probably him. She took a deep breath but didn't open her eye's, part of her didn't wanna know the truth, the other part found herself enjoying his touch. He was caressing her neck gently, between her ear and her shoulder, no one had ever touched her like that before, it was mesmerizing. She focused on the steady sound of his heartbeat, but the unevenness of his breathing gave him away. Several times he had held his breath as if to say something and then stopped allowing nothing but low toned rumble to escape him. They laid like that for what felt like the better part of the day. Until eventually her grip on him tightened and finally, the silence was broken.

         "You will heal?" she whispered. The Wraith took a long sigh before answering.

         "Y-y-y-y-e-e-e-s-s-s-s-s" he drew the letters of his answer out and allowed the tones of his voice to play with her ear's. She took several deep breaths, and thought about how he was toying with her, she was not about to let that happen. With another deep breath, she tried to sit up, only to find herself very dizzy and she fell right back into the wraiths chest. She gripped onto him to stop the room from spinning and he held her in return, after a few moments he finally told her.

          "You should rest as much as possible, Little Human. Normally you would require food of your own to recover from..." his words trailed off as she tried to regain some kind of stability even while she leaned against him.

            He braced her arms as she slowly lifted her head this time, she blinked a lot as her eyes finally came into focus, it was dark, he must have turned off the flashlights. She groaned then rubbed her eyes and head, she couldn't see anything in the darkness.

            "I don't know what to complain about first." she grumbled and the Wraith answered with a growl. After a long sigh, she finally continued. "So I'm little now? Not just Human but little too?" before she could continue the wraith let out a laugh, the first one she had heard since this whole thing began, progress she thought; at least if he likes me he won't kill me. She smiled into the darkness.

            "And the other?" the tones of his voice were almost playful, he must be feeling better.

           "I'm guessing you can see in the dark but I can't. Tell me we still have light."

            "There is no sign of anyone coming, I thought it best to conserve what light we did have." the tones of his voice lead into a small click and a sudden yell from Kayna.

            "Warn me first next time, will you!" even with her eyes closed she was able to connect with a small slap on his shoulder followed by a sudden growl from the Wraith. "Well that hurt." she spit out just before finally getting her eyes open. He was staring directly at her almost could have killed her with that look and she stared back at him.

        "What?" she eventually asked.

        "Do not strike me again, Little Human." the wraiths voice was stern.

         "Don't piss me off again." she replayed with equal fearlessness. They stared at each other for several minutes before she finally let it go, even tho it didn't seem he would let it go so easily. "Look it seems I'm on top anyway, and there's nothing you can do about it." she grinned happily as she looked at him and she could tell it took him a minute to understand the humor in it. She could see his expressions change, unfortunately, none of them seemed amused.

          "You m-u-s-t give m-e the opportunity to... r-e-p-a-y such... hu-mil-ity one d-a-y." the wraiths voice dripped with irritation. She paused for a moment, before trying to order herself as best she could. After a few moments, she tried to move around him, eventually situating herself next to him. The whole time he just watched and tried to allow her as much space as possible. Eventually, she looked back at him.

          "I never meant to dishonor you." there was no humor in her voice this time.

          "I do not expect you to understand." the wraith growled.

         "I can't understand what I don't know. I'm sorry I'm not ... That Good." her voice was almost sinister. And he responded with a growl, they both stared the other down for several moments before the Wraith finally took a deep breath.

           "Perhaps we should assess our situation, instead." the wraith looked around the small space, all while he could hear her stumble over several breaths. As if she stopped herself from speaking several times before he finally heard a loud sigh.

             "I did what I could when I first climbed in. I can't free your legs, your wedge in and it doesn't wanna budge." she reached for the large panels trapping his legs.T here was just enough room around him that she could just barely move around, but it was impossible to get enough leverage to move the larger wall panels that held him down. After a few minutes of trying he let out a painful growl and laid back.

           "Which wound was that?" she asked quietly. He turned away from her and growled. "I should... bind your side, it will at least help with the pain." the wraith continued to ignore her and after a minute she finally had enough.

         "If I've done something to offend you, you could at least tell me." she stated with a huff. He turned and looked at her with a confused expression on his face. After a few head tilts she couldn't help but let out a laugh, she did think he was cute, especially when he titled his head like that.

           "I fail to find the same humor, you seem to continue to be able to find! In a situation that will quickly be debilitating to me." he said with a growl as he tried to adjust his position again. She didn't answer right away, but she did spit out the first thing that came to her mind.

           "Look your stuck, so I'm stuck with you. We can hate each other and maybe die here, or we can find a way to get along and maybe survive this. I'm all for both of us surviving this. I thought that was clear." she looked right into his eyes, she wanted him to know, she wasn't joking. They stayed quiet for almost an hour adjusting uncomfortably and often until finally, the Wraith broke the silence.

            "Rule three, no one dies alone." when Kayna looked at him he was already staring at her. She wanted to say so many things but nothing came out, she was in shock, he had been listening.

            "We enforcing the rules now?" she said with a smile.

           "There could be worse ways to die." the playful tones of his voice rumbled. He gripped the wound on hissed as he sifted again.

             "Will you let me tend that now?" he growled and turned away again. She let out a frustrated sigh. "Rule two. I don't know whats wrong if you don't tell me, it's just as good as lying." she leaned a little bit on his shoulder as she adjusted her position again it was terribly uncomfortable. He looked at her and growled again. "Do I really offend you that much?" she said quietly as she pulled back careful not to touch him again. They sat there quiet for almost another hour, both wrestling harshly with uncomfortably.

               "You misunderstand me, Little Human. Your effect on me is... f-f-a-a-r-r-r-r-r... f-r-o-m...o-f-f-e-n-s-i-v-e." he purred. It was not the response she expected, and it took her a minute to feel anything but flattered by his words. She thought about avoiding the topic it all together, but a big part of her was actually enjoying the wraiths companionship.

              "Good to know I'm not the only one." the Wraith hissed at her response, then she continued. "Guess we are gonna have this talk. Never thought I would have this talk, but ok here it goes." the wraith was looking at her inquisitively as she shifted again, several times, to put off having this talk as long as possible.

                "I don't understand your mumbling, Little Human." the Wraith hissed

                "If I violated you somehow I didn't mean too, just as I'm sure you didn't mean to cross that line with me. Let's call it even. Besides, I'm pretty sure we have moved onto the 2nd date by now." she let a smile roll off her lips as she finished speaking.

                  "Date?" the wraith questioned with a tilted of his head. She shifted several times again before she finally grumbled out some words.

                  "Can I make a confession first?" she said frustrated, not wanting to explain the whole complicated scenario of a date, yet.

                 "By all means." he invited her response

                "You are a hell of a lot more comfortable than trying to fit over here." she hoped for a laugh but she didn't get one, the wraith only shied away a bit.

                "There is something you must understand about W-r-a-i-t-h... about m-e, Little Human." he looked reserved and distant, even thou he was but a few inches from her. "It has been a long time since I have been this close to such a ... appealing female." he almost purred, his voice soothed her ears, but she fought the seduction.

               "And no one ever touched me like you did earlier, we have been over this. Now what?" she stated bluntly. The wraith stared at her confused for a moment.

              "You have never lain with a..." he questioned.

             "Don't go there, just don't." she cut him off before he could finish and turned away.

              "Rule two." the wraith said quietly.

              "You're the bold one. All right fine, I've lain with more than I care to remember, not a single one of them by choice. Are you happy now?" she stared at him as he tried to understand her rage. He pushed her no further, he didn't need to. When he reached out to touch her cheek she glared at him. "Unless you're willing to let me help you, let's both keep our hands to ourselves. Besides, I really hate pity."

              "Pity is not what I feel for you, Little Human." the wraith let out, with a chuckle "But you are correct, my wound should be tended." he gripped his side again and hissed. She reached out and placed her hand over his. They just looked at each other, she was waiting for his approval, eventually, he gave it with a nod.

               "I need to sit over there again. It'll be easier on both of us?" once he nodded again she straddled his legs, she was a bit more careful to limit her contact this time. She opened his leather jacket. all the rags were soaked with his blood, so she pulled them out and set them aside. After pulling a few things from her pockets she looked at the Wraith who was watching her closely. After she wiped his skin as clean as she could she grabbed another cloth, the smell of it was offensive and he hissed.

            "This one is gonna hurt." she looked almost regretful as if she didn't wanna cause him pain. It made it easier for him to allow her to work, he braced one hand against her shoulder and the other grabbed a piece of rubble nearby.

          "Do it." he growled. She braced against him with her right hand and placed the alcohol wipe over his wound with the other. His whole body winced but he didn't yell, she held it there for about a minute and pulled it away. Both of them took a deep breath when she released her grip. After wards, she rubbed her shoulder where he grabbed her. "Did I hurt you?" he asked. Kayna thought it was fair she caused him pain, he bruised her. But she got his wound clean and that was what mattered.

            "Bruised, maybe. Broken, no. I'll be fine. I should wrap that with a clean bandage." she looked around, she had used any packets of gaze already so she started making another cloth from her own jacket. It was a lot harder this time, she was sitting lower on the wraiths legs and she was trying not to put pressure on him. It irritated her so much she soon just took off her jacket and ripped it apart. Underneath she revealed a small strapped tank, and the Wraith lifted an eye to watch closely. "Oh this just keeps getting better and better." she glanced at the wraith just in time to see him shrug in agreement. She laughed and continued dressing his wound. When she reached around him to tie the makeshift bandages, he hissed, she couldn't tell if it was pain or pleasure. After a few minutes, she finally declared herself done and started to shift off him again. When he reached out to stop her, she gasped and froze.

             "You are afraid of me?" he questioned her. In the tightness of the space, her grip slipped and she fell very close to him, she reached out one arm past him to brace herself but the other landed directly on him. She suddenly found herself inches from his face, looking directly into his eyes. It was everything she could do to keep her heartbeat under control, she no more understood, her lack of control then wanted to admit it, but she did anyway.

             "That's not fear." her eyes closed and her breathing deepened. The Wraith took a chance and allowed his hands to glide along her exposed arms. At first, she allowed it, almost lost in the moment but she suddenly regained her composure."They will shoot you, no matter what I say. I not gonna be responsible for getting you shot." she whispered and followed with a deep breath, then she pulled away.

              "Perhaps you should rest." he said as he watched her rub her head. She looked back and nodded in agreement. This time when she started to move away he spoke. "you can remain.If you would prefer." she looked at him for a minute. Before she finally nestled her head in his shoulder and allowed her body to fall next to him. He wrapped his right arm around her as she tucked herself in close to him. His left hand embraced hers as it laid a crossed his chest and her leg draped gently over his.

                "Thank you." she whispered. Her answer came in the low rumble of his chest beneath her. She failed to fall asleep, the despair of the situation taunting her mind. After some time she broke the quiet.

          "Talk to me."

           "What do you wish to hear?" he purred

              "Tell me about some random world you have seen. Anything that's not here will do." she looked up at him, he was watching her closely. He let out a grumbling sigh.

              "I've seen things you couldn't possibly comprehend and sights far beyond any descriptions." he purred.

              "Humor me," she said as he looked confused. "Indulge me?" he seemed to understand that one.

              "There are worlds within worlds, Falling nebulas, and Crystal mountains." he paused as she got comfortable again.

            "Tell me about them." she whispered as she laid in his arms.

             "The surface was cold and unforgiving. It has never been able to support life and had it not been for a crash landing, it may still be hidden today. The size of the planet is far beyond most planets you would normally explore, and its distance from any star makes it unlikely to ever be visited. When my dart crashed on this world, I thought, it was to be my end. When I awoke several hours later, my dart had some how tunneled deep into the ice of this world, and it opened up into an inner cavern. The inner temperature was fairly warm, and all the melting ice created a fairly humid environment. To my surprise it was very hospitable, breathable air and comfortable temperatures made my awakening almost welcome. Until I remembered I was alone, a Wraith does not do well alone. From the moment of our birth, we are never alone. The minds of our brothers are always buzzing around us, take that away from us and we have a hard time dealing with our emotions. Solitude has been know to drive wraith to madness."

            "Rule three." she whispered as she adjusted her position just slightly. He watched her and once she settled he continued.

             "Y-e-s, rule three... I thought I was lost, despite the beauty of everything around me. It was like nothing I had ever seen and it remains unmatched to this day. The cavern walls buckled in places allowing the sun to shine through, my own dart probably came through one of these holes. The light illuminated a pristine lake in the distance surrounded by a forest of colors. The plants here grew in several colors from purples to yellows and they littered any exposed land visible to the eye. The moisture in the air caused a prism effect, I could see colored light dancing far into the distance..." he allowed his words to trail off once he was certain she was asleep. Her breathing had steadied and she didn't complain when he stopped, she must be asleep.

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